
"Earth may become on an instant all faery . . . and earth and air resound with the music of its invisible people... You may see the palace chambers of nature where the wise ones dwell in secret . . . and know an eternal love is within and around you, pressing upon you and sustaining with infinite tenderness your body, soul and spirit." – A.E.


With this rainbow we declare to all of YOU, who are working relentless and dedicated for the welfare of our people and Mother Earth, our deepest gratitude, our love and the certainty, that we are supporting you with combined strength. This rainbow should be the symbol of protection and invincibility of all the Beings that want to live together in Love and Peace. Please share this message and send your Love.

18th May 2012

С тази дъга ние заявяваме на всички Вас, които работите упорито и всеотдайно за доброто на нашите хора и Майката Земя, нашата най-дълбока благодарност, нашата любов и увереност, че ви подкрепяме с комбинирана сила. Тази дъга ще е символ на защита и непобедимост на всички Същества, които искат да живеят заедно в Любов и Мир. Моля, споделете това съобщение и изпратете вашата Любов.

18 май 2012 година


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7.05.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/6/12

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Pleiadians are a group of entities that are here at this time assisting your planet and your people in your time of ascension, and have been here assisting your world for many years leading up to this point in your history. There are many different groups of entities here at this time, and all of the groups that are here now are here for the better welfare of your planet and your people. There are no longer any other groups of entities that are here for any other purposes.

It is true that at certain points throughout the period of your history there were other groups that were here and not for your better interest but for their own interests, and the better welfare of your planet and your people did not enter into their politics or their agendas. This is no longer the case, and it is very important for the people of your world who have begun to read articles and messages from certain sources of information about these other beings and of their agendas to understand that what they are reading is either untruths, disinformation, outright lies or fabrications, or pieces of the history of your planet that are no longer contributing factors to your daily proceedings and of your future.

There are many different reasons why some of these individuals are choosing to write articles and relay information concerning negative entities and negative forces at this time. Some of these individuals are simply sharing reflections of their own fears and insecurities, and some of them are channeling information that is very old and very outdated and no longer has any place in what is transpiring at this time.

There are many ways to channel information, and some of these methods concern piping into information that is available because it has been recorded in the annals of time. It would be as if someone of your world today drilled into the side of a great library and began to extract information randomly from beginnings of books, ends of books, and many different books all at once and in no particular order. This is what is happening today in your world as there are certain members of your society that are tapping into these various sources of information and releasing this information as if it is newly manifested messages being sent to them from a conscious and higher dimensional being who is working in service to the light. Again, this is not the case, as these individuals of your world are only tapping into records stored within libraries of recorded information that exist throughout this universe and throughout the many dimensions.

To attempt in any way to extract information from these libraries in this way would be akin to you walking in to a main library branch in a major city and randomly selecting any section of the library, any aisle of the library, any book, then any line from that book, recording that information and then closing that book to begin once again a random search for a another book in this library. You would then repeat this process, extracting a few words or a few sentences from each book and then sharing the information that has been collected in this manner with others as if it is not only current information, but accurate information. This is what is going on here today in your world, as there are channels that are not highly skilled in this procedure of tapping into higher dimensional energies and knowledge and accurately extracting it to share with others.

In the days ahead when we can work with you more personally, we will demonstrate for you how to accurately connect to and extract information from the great halls of knowledge that exist within this universe. We will fully educate you and train you on the proper methods of tapping into these energies and how to properly and accurately extract and correlate the information gained in this manner.

At this time in your history, there are many of you who are learning perhaps for the first time how to channel energies from within your current dimension and even from higher dimensions, and we are very pleased to see so many of you giving your sincerest efforts to learn this art and work on perfecting your abilities. We say to you though at this time that most of you who are attempting to channel information in this way are still at a beginner level and have very much to learn and much experience yet to gain before you begin to share this information with others as if it is factual, accurate, and being shared with you from a conscious, higher dimensional being who has your best interest in mind.

At this time, there are those of you who are receiving information that indeed derives from a fully conscious, higher dimensional being who does have the better welfare of the channel, your planet and your people as the reason for, and motivation for, the work that they are doing. There are not as many of you who are receiving this kind of information in this manner than may appear, and we wish we could supply you with a list of those whose work is worthy of reading and those whose work is not, but at this time we wish for you to better utilize your powers of intuition and self discernment to come to your own conclusions and choose for yourselves which messages you will follow and allow to guide you through the days ahead.

There are many ways we feel you can accomplish this task and gain clearer and more accurate insights into who's messages are deriving from a fully conscious, higher dimensional being of light, and who's messages are random pieces of scattered information from various sources throughout this universe. We feel this is a talent worth learning and worth pursuing, and we encourage all of you to feel the vibration of the words singularly and in their entirety that you are reading. Allow these words, sentences, phrases and the overall feeling of the message to caress the heartstrings within you, and listen and feel for the notes and melodies being played. Are you feeling a beautiful melody, rich in its uplifting textures of love and light, or are sour notes being plucked out of rhythm and filling the concert hall of your being with disharmony and discord?

We say to you to listen to this concert being played within you while you are reading the words before you and make a conscious choice to believe these words as truth or see them for what they are. If you feel moved emotionally and spiritually as only a beautifully conceived and performed concerto or opera can move you, then we say to you an orchestra of higher dimensional beings of love and light are performing for you. We say to you to enjoy these performances for they are gifts of love for you, and let the music being played for you lift you and carry you away in gorgeous harmony. 

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.  

As channeled through Greg Giles

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