Greetings, Souls of the Earth, my beloved Lightworkers, and all of Creation!
There is much said about Love. Love is the highest vibration. It makes up everything, it is in everything, it is of everything.
You know this, but have you stopped to observe it in action in your
World around you? It is in the beautiful song of the birds in your
garden, and in the forest or woods where you walk and enjoy the
beautiful offerings of Mother Earth. It is in the delicate petals of the
fragrant flowers you so love to enjoy. It is in the beautiful sunsets
all around your World.
Most of all, it is in you and it is of you and it is You.
Love is You. It has never left, dear beloveds. It is being uncovered and
discovered everywhere inside and around you. You know this, but do you
take the time to feel it in your hearts constantly? Do you breathe it
and stoke it like embers in a fire, and do you see how much the warmth
can color your whole reality? Take the time now to breathe it and stoke
it and spread it throughout your heart like a furnace ignited with all
the good that is in you.
My dear friends, you have made so many changes in your World already.
You feel it in your hearts, and in your bones and it is in the air
around you, that magnificent yet sometimes subtle fragrance of change
that some do not yet embrace with as much Grace as we see many of you
doing. What a wonderful spectacle it is to see from our perspective!
It is like the particles of Light have become finer and more magical
around you, yes? Oh, my beloveds, you are getting a taste of the 5th
Dimension more and more. Welcome to our World, my precious friends.
Soak it up and get used to it. You are arriving into a paradise you have
only imagined up until now. Soak it up, be present in it, be alive in
This is what your Soul has been waiting for, dear ones. And it is
only the beginning of more Wonders to appear. You are creating it, you
are sustaining it. Keep on going with it.
The energies of the past Annular Solar Eclipse have settled into your
reality now. They have lifted you and so now you are riding a higher
wave. It changes your perspective on things, doesn’t it? Things that
were once important are no longer as urgent. It is like you have entered
a sunlit path in a beautiful forest, leading you to more and more
illuminating discoveries and pockets of truth-filled beauty.
Allow that beautiful Light you have welcomed into and around you now
to search in your heart for places that elude it. What still needs to be
illuminated in your heart, to allow the Light to fill it with yet more
promise and hope? What is still hiding in the deep corners of your
heart, just waiting to submit to the Light of your ever-searching Soul?
It wants to get past survival and wants to bask in the Sun of your New
Earth, where everything is alive and Light-filled and enormously
We beseech you now to ponder the meaning of your life, which is
becoming illuminated by your Awakening. It is no longer just about
survival, and justification, and conflict, is it? Yes, you are beginning
to embrace the bigger picture. All those experiences of survival and
conflict and suffering had a bigger purpose, to illuminate your true
Selves, to allow you to emerge with a greater understanding of what it
is to be Whole and made of Love.
Being of Love is becoming enough for you now, it is becoming who you
are; it is what you breathe, what you think, what you see, and what you
feel. It is You. You are Love, my dear beloveds. You have come
home to it. We salute you and we embrace you with Our Love. You have
come such a long way, and for that you can be so grateful. The
transformation is enormous, and in a way it has only just begun to show
you the capabilities and accomplishments that are possible with a full
acceptance of your true nature: Love.
We of the Company of Heaven love you deeply and fold you within our
wide arms of Acceptance and Love. Be of Joy, dear ones. Be of Hope, and
Be of Love, your true Essence.
Your loving brother, Yeshua with the Company of Heaven.
Thank you to Yeshua and the Company of Heaven.
Copyright © 2012 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is
given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is
copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this
copyright notice and links are included.
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