Secret underground boring equipment possessed by the US military.
There is a
high-speed rail system that has been built by the hands of your labor and your
tax dollars at work that connects many major cities and ports of destination
all around your globe. This high-speed system of transportation has been
designed and built for the pleasure and the luxury of those of your world who
call this world their own. It has not been built for its use by the people of
your world who have paid for it through their labor and the money that is taken
from them through taxation and other means to strip you of your wealth.
system connects
the rich, the famous and the celebrity to anywhere and just about
they wish to travel. This rail system travels to high speeds reaching
Mach 6 or
7, even some parts of the system reaching speeds of Mach 8 or 9. ( Mach 9
is 9 times the speed of sound or 6,912 miles per hour.) This is an
incredibly high rate of speed compared to the snail’s pace that you the
have been permitted to travel by those who call the shots in your
We attempt
to change all this for you, but it is you the people who must call the shot for
yourselves. Give us your signs and your signals that you are now ready to take
your world back from these greedy men and women who for too long have kept you oppressed
while they lives of luxury, ease, wealth and health while you toil your lives
away in drudgery, fueling the money that is pumped into their very deep pockets.
Are you not tired of this? Have you not reached a point where all you want to
do is shout ‘I have had enough and I am taking back what is mine, what is ours,
and not the playground of a few very wealthy and very greedy beings.’ If you
have had enough, that you are ready for a change say “I am ready for a change”,
and we will hear your words as they will ring loud and clear like a 'shot heard ‘round
the universe.'
Help us help
you make these changes by continuing to lay the groundwork like railroad tracks
allowing the free flow of these new ideas and concepts to reach stations that
are filled with your people all around the world which is yours. For you, our
Lightworkers and anyone and everyone that wishes to participate in our programs
to advance your world to where it is you rightfully belong, it is your task at
this time to be the information providers to all the citizens of this planet
that are prepared and willing to learn more about what has been going on and
what their options are today. Will you do this for us and for yourselves? Will
you share this information and any other related content that deals with the
way that you, the people of Earth, are being repressed and are being held
hostage within a prison of a time frame that you do not belong?
The rightful
place that you belong is leaps and bounds ahead of where it is you currently
find yourselves. You have been pushed back and hindered from advancing
technologically and scientifically on your journey. You have been placed in a
position where many advancements are being kept from you through means of
extortion, intimidation, legal maneuverings and black projects that have
stripped you of your own powers of ingenuity and invention. The sheer amount of
innovation and technological advancement that has been locked up and hidden
away from you is overwhelming and will shatter the belief systems of many of
your world when the day comes for these vaults to finally be unsealed and opened
for all of you to witness for yourselves what has been denied you for so very
Many of the gifts
that will be offered you in the way of technological advancements will not even
come from us of the Galactic Federation of Light. They will come from your own
people who, through their own intelligence, ingenuity and a quest for truth and
a better way of life created these machines, technologies and theories that
they were never permitted to share with anyone else. Some of these ingenious
men and women have been incarcerated in order to silence them and their designs.
Some of them have been executed by your cabal who is sworn to an agenda to
further imprison the people of your planet. Understanding this is understanding
why so much of your world is in a state of dysfunction, decay, turmoil and
We wish to
change all this by assisting you make these changes for yourself. We wish to
make it clear again that we do not and will not come to a world and change
things from the way they are and the way they have been. We only come to worlds
with the offering of assistance. We do not come to worlds to take over and
change things to the way we feel they should be or could be. Do you understand
this difference? This is important, as we do read the words of many of you who
post public content on your social networks and we do see a consistent amount
of posts claiming that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, have assured you
we are here to change things for you. This is not the case. We are here to
allow you, the people of your planet, to make a reality what it is you make
clear you choose to experience at this time.
We are
presenting ways to you to make your choices known to us. How you are making
these choices known to us is primarily through your online communities, but
also through the thought patterns of your collective consciousness. These are
two methods in which we weigh the properties of your decision making and how
you are choosing how you wish to proceed on your collective journey. Through
this means, we can adequately judge the way you are collectively seeing your
world and how you wish to change it, if at all. This is an important step, as
we do not possess the right to change your experience in any way that you do
not choose. (Please keep in mind, we do not read your individual thought
processes without your prior consent, as we honor at all times your right of
The changes
that we have in store for you are how we feel your world will prosper greatly while
improving the lives of everyone within it. It is up to you whether you choose
to agree that these are the changes you wish for yourselves. We are learning of
your wishes by compiling data on this as each day goes by. To be able to
compile this data, we need to introduce these new concepts, ideas and
technologies into your collective consciousness for your consideration. We
primarily do this through the messages sent through our channels. This is why
many of you have read many times our descriptions of how your lives and your
world can be. We are painting this picture for you to give you an alternative reality
to consider and decide for yourselves if this appeals to you.
This is what
we are doing when we share through our channels wonderful examples of how your
world can be in the days ahead. What we are not doing is making you promises
that this is what you will have. You will only have what it is you collectively
choose. Do you understand this? Do you understand that when we talk about a
beautiful world, a pollution free world, a world of absolute peace, tranquility,
harmony and balance, we are not making you a promise that this is what we will
give you? We are giving you the opportunity to choose if this is what you want
for yourselves. I hope that we have made ourselves clear on this, as we do not
wish any of you to believe that we are making you promises, as we are not.
We will
assure you that we will do all that we can to bring to you the experience that
you wish for yourselves. This is what we will do for you, and we cherish this
opportunity to serve you, our brothers and sisters in this way. The motivation
for our efforts is love. Love for you, love for our Creator, love for every
living being throughout this entire universe. We have no ulterior motives and
motivations. Love is our motivation, and it is the only motivation we, the
Galactic Federation of Light, will ever need to continue our journey throughout
this universe in service to all beings and all worlds our brothers and sisters
call their home. You, the people of Earth, are our brothers and sisters, and
you are our next stop on our never ending quest to offer to worlds the gifts of
peace, harmony and prosperity that we bring.
We are the
Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled
through Greg Giles
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