
"Earth may become on an instant all faery . . . and earth and air resound with the music of its invisible people... You may see the palace chambers of nature where the wise ones dwell in secret . . . and know an eternal love is within and around you, pressing upon you and sustaining with infinite tenderness your body, soul and spirit." – A.E.


With this rainbow we declare to all of YOU, who are working relentless and dedicated for the welfare of our people and Mother Earth, our deepest gratitude, our love and the certainty, that we are supporting you with combined strength. This rainbow should be the symbol of protection and invincibility of all the Beings that want to live together in Love and Peace. Please share this message and send your Love.

18th May 2012

С тази дъга ние заявяваме на всички Вас, които работите упорито и всеотдайно за доброто на нашите хора и Майката Земя, нашата най-дълбока благодарност, нашата любов и увереност, че ви подкрепяме с комбинирана сила. Тази дъга ще е символ на защита и непобедимост на всички Същества, които искат да живеят заедно в Любов и Мир. Моля, споделете това съобщение и изпратете вашата Любов.

18 май 2012 година


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3.09.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/2/12 ‘Your Magic Words’

Glancing over your shoulder you may see recollections of you that were experiences and lessons designed to strengthen you, to build upon prior lessons and experiences that have slowly, but ever so surely allowed you to become the strong, wise, experienced and knowledgeable being that you are today. We, your friends, your family and your guides of the Galactic Federation of Light have been with you since your birth into the physical in this lifetime and far beyond your present incarnation as well, back hundreds, even thousands of years in your past, as you have been repeatedly and consecutively without breaks or stoppages reincarnating for ages.

We tell you this as it is now the time for you, our dear loved ones, to begin to awaken from your journey, to begin to unwind from the trance that you have been under throughout all of these incarnations. This time for many of you is quickly closing in and it is time for us to begin to reveal to you hidden secrets, hidden knowledge, things that could not be shared with you at any earlier period in your history, as this kind of knowledge would have in many ways disrupted your learning process. We certainly did not wish to do this, so we kept to our end of the bargain. We saw that you many times searched for answers to your many queries, but we could not furnish you with many of these answers that you searched for. Instead, we chose to offer you alternative theories and ways in which you could measure truth and measure what was not your truth, and in this way you could find your way down your path of truth, a path where you would find many of the answers you searched for, but these answers were not simply handed to you.

Do you see how this has all unfolded for you? Do you see how we have perhaps lead you in ways that were not your truth, to allow you to look into a mirror and see that it was not your reflection and know that you did not find your truth yet, so you persisted to carry on with your journey knowing in your heart deep down inside you would one day come upon your true reflection in a stilled pond at the end of the trail. Today is that day for many of you who have come upon that pond at the end of your long journey and you are thirsted from your walk and you need rest. We wish to furnish you with all of the rest and refreshment that you will require. This day is approaching fast, but for today there is much work to be done as your journey is not over for you. You have not reached that point where you can look in the mirror and see the reflection of who it is you truly are and have always been, no, not just yet.

This day will come, it will come soon, you will see this and you will know this, though today you must get busy, you must continue your hike down this dusty trail. You must continue, you must persevere. Do not slow now, do not even think of stopping, for your momentum is so valuable to you at this time and you want to increase it and not decrease it, not for one moment, not for one step. We assure you that we are with you, we are watching over you, we are guiding you and we are leading you down the path that you have made clear through your intentions you wish to travel.

There are none of you where we are not certain of where it is you wish to be and what you wish to experience. Do not think for one moment that any of you have gone lost in the shuffle or have gotten buried deep within the sands of time, as this has not happened and we would never allow this to happen, not on our watch. We take great pride and responsibility in how we protect you, watch over and guide you. We would never let anything happen to you, and we never for one moment or one step of your great journey have neglected to watch over you, for you are in some ways our children, in other ways our brothers and sisters and in some ways our parents, and if you could understand today how much effort, manpower and technology went into watching over you and protecting you each and every moment of each and every day we feel this kind of information would put many of your minds at complete ease, for nothing has been spared for you, our dear ones. Would you have spared anything to watch over your children in this lifetime? No, you would not have, and we would also never choose to do this.

Today marks a turning point, a crossroads for some of you. Today is a day where you will be asked to make a choice of where it is you wish to go from here. You are now exiting, stepping out of your current reality, the reality you have known for, in some cases, so many eons of time and the only reality you have any recollection of whatsoever. We understand this, and we are here to remind you in some ways of another reality, a reality that was at another time the only reality that you understood and experienced. You now have two very different realities to choose from, and it is this choice that many of you are asked to make at this time, at this juncture.

So what will it be? Do you choose to hang on to what it is that has become in your recent history familiar? Do you wish to cling to these, which you may see as outdated and no longer fruitful, or rewarding, or pleasurable, or fun, or enjoyable, or exciting, or new, or surprising, or challenging, or uplifting experiences? Or do you wish now for a new life, a new world, a new universe, a completely new reality with twists and turns, steep climbs and dives, mysteries, challenges, excitement, adventure and fun? If this is what you now choose for yourselves say “I now choose for myself a completely new reality”, and this is just what you will receive.

It is the time for this. These are your magic words. This is your command that will open the dimensional door. This door will not today open, please do not become too over excited or over anticipate when the door will open. This command will be the key to open this door and it will begin to crank open, but it will open slowly and measurably. This is what this command will do for you. This is a large decision for each and every one of you and we wish you to understand this, and we wish you to think long and carefully about this. Do not rush to any decisions, as there is no going back, there is no putting Jack back in his box once he springs up and out of the current dimensions of his reality. Once you spring out of your confines and into the higher dimensions of this universe you are here and you will be here forever, there is no going back to your lower dimensional world.

This is how it must be. This is why it is such an important decision for you to make at this point of your travels. We honor and respect each and every choice each of you will make and we wish to give you all the time that is possible in your world for you to make this very important decision. Take your time, there is still plenty of it available for you all to think long and carefully about this, the most important choice you will make throughout your entire journey, for this choice for many of you will end this journey and no one choice that you have ever made throughout each and every one of your previous incarnations possessed this power, and this is why you are advised to take all the time in the world and think long and hard about it. Once you have come to your decision we will be listening. You can shout it, you can whisper it and you can leave it as a comment under one of our messages. We will look for your answer, for we need to know for sure if this is your choice or not to leave your current reality and step through this door and come home.

We are your family, waiting for you in your home. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

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