The victims of Newtown, Aurora, Oak Creek, Tucson, Virginia Tech, and every other devastating act of gun violence in the United States deserve a vote in Congress. It's up to us to fight for them, and there's an easy way you can do that right now. Will you share this graphic on Facebook to help keep the conversation going online? We're going to get this done. We just have to keep at it. Thanks for doing your part, Jon Jon Carson Executive Director Organizing for Action |
"Energy Follows Thought" - Archangel Michael "Енергията следва Мисълта" - Архангел Михаил
With this rainbow we declare to all of YOU, who are working relentless and dedicated for the welfare of our people and Mother Earth, our deepest gratitude, our love and the certainty, that we are supporting you with combined strength. This rainbow should be the symbol of protection and invincibility of all the Beings that want to live together in Love and Peace. Please share this message and send your Love.
18th May 2012
С тази дъга ние заявяваме на всички Вас, които работите упорито и всеотдайно за доброто на нашите хора и Майката Земя, нашата най-дълбока благодарност, нашата любов и увереност, че ви подкрепяме с комбинирана сила. Тази дъга ще е символ на защита и непобедимост на всички Същества, които искат да живеят заедно в Любов и Мир. Моля, споделете това съобщение и изпратете вашата Любов.
18 май 2012 година
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