Thanks to Indy Info

Beloved Ones,
Well done! Your focus on the 11-11-11 portal helped to set the pattern for the New World that is in the process of recalibration, the raising of vibration and frequency. Celebrate and rejoice in this accomplishment for this was an important and crucial step in the progression towards the new beginnings that are now set to come into manifestation upon your Planet. There is much that waits to unfold and it but requires the integration of the energetic downloads you have and will continue to receive. Your Light is growing ever brighter and wider as you begin to remember your true identity.
All unfolds as set forth in the Divine Plan for your personal and collective destiny. As a unified voice Humanity has sent a clear message to the Creator that Humanity is ready to assume responsibility for their Planet and that you are willing to take positive and peaceful actions that are necessary to start the process of healing and of change in every facet of life as you know it now. Many more of Humanity is starting to awaken and this metamorphosis will continue in the months and years to come.
Each of you is fulfilling the tasks your Souls set as contribution and service before you incarnated upon this Planet. Your Soul was eager to contribute the energies that were necessary to set the awakening Path ablaze with the Light of your Love and uniqueness. There now follows a period of adjustment, integration and recalibration within each of your energy fields which will have a long term and lasting effect upon your physical bodies which are in the process of becoming more Light filled.
As this continues, there will be the now familiar energy fluctuations taking place within your system that makes each of you sometimes erupt in high levels of irritation, frustration and emotional volatility. This is part of the process that happens during the activation of your RNA/DNA strands which occur as your frequency levels increase and is something that one just must adapt to and take in stride. We suggest listening to beautiful harmonious music to soothe your Beings during such times. Some experimentation with different types of music will lead you to choose the ones that bring you back to harmony and peace.
On the higher levels, there is much activity as the new grids of Earth are brought online and recalibrated and we work in unison with our galactic brothers and sisters in our efforts to ensure the smoothest possible transition to the new Earth frequency. There is already a great increase in the electromagnetic frequencies which has been brought about by the activation of the Great Crystals and unified human thought and as this activity increases, it will connect the higher consciousness of all Humanity all over the World and will facilitate the development of the new Human who is destined to walk the face of the Earth in the new Golden Age.
This electromagnetic grid is destined to become a highly beneficial influence in a myriad of ways, helping the development of higher spiritual connection between all of Humanity and to link Humanity with the Earth while strengthening her magnetic field in the Light. This grid will be used for communications with the higher dimensions, healing, and support. The increase in frequency will further open Humanity to the concept of Oneness and this will lead to many benevolent and far reaching changes for all.
We celebrate with you this momentous occasion, take the time to do ceremony and honor yourselves for being part of this Great Work and as the energies are charged up, know that we are with you always, guiding, supporting, healing and assisting you in your forward progress.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
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