Hilarion’s Weekly Message 2011

Beloved Ones,
You are moving into a higher than ever energy week and staying grounded during this time is very important. Touching base with the tree family and being out in Nature will be very beneficial to you. Also, soaking in a tub of warm water with Epsom salt or sea salt will help keep your auric field in good repair. And of course, the most important element during this time is to keep your thoughts and intentions on your highest vision of yourself and your World, for what you focus upon will create the New Earth First Light manifesting on Earth. Be present and accounted for as one who co-created this into manifestation.
You are moving into higher dimensions of Love and this will affect each person in different ways but will most definitely be a profoundly felt experience. The worries and concerns that have been carried within the hearts of All will cease to make such big impact upon your daily lives as each person turns within, gratefully releasing the last vestiges of third dimensional consciousness and surrenders to a new higher level of union with their Angelic Self. From this place of awareness and consciousness will come empowerment to cooperate and co-create a new Earth, one in which Universal consciousness can become our reality.
Many who have been doing the work will have their epiphany moments and will expand their knowingness to a greater level of awareness of the current opportunity to create more beauty in the World with our Love. As you become more conscious of the habitual patterns of expression that need to be changed in your quest to develop a more Universal consciousness, greater amounts of Light can enter your very cells and as this occurs, a greater expansion of your multi-dimensional operating system will begin to unfold. Learning to observe yourselves from a higher vantage point will help you take a quantum leap into higher consciousness as you begin to understand how to step out of the old paradigm and create your new reality.
It is all about you, Dear Ones, you have vast potential within you. The seeds you are planting by the new Path that you blaze will take root and grow in wondrous and magnificent ways that will bring Unity within yourselves and will then radiate out into the World around you. You are the catalysts that foster creative and peaceful change as you step forward in your true and authentic Self and thus empower those in your sphere of influence to view their own unlimited possibilities. As One is empowered there is an energetic interplay that occurs between others of your Tribe and soon all are living and striving to be their highest and best Selves.
Truly we say the best is yet to come and your intention to participate during these most opportune moments adds greatly to the whole of Creation in ways that are yet unimagined. We continue to walk with you as your expansion unfolds.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
HILARION 2011 – The Rainbow Scribe.
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