
"Earth may become on an instant all faery . . . and earth and air resound with the music of its invisible people... You may see the palace chambers of nature where the wise ones dwell in secret . . . and know an eternal love is within and around you, pressing upon you and sustaining with infinite tenderness your body, soul and spirit." – A.E.


With this rainbow we declare to all of YOU, who are working relentless and dedicated for the welfare of our people and Mother Earth, our deepest gratitude, our love and the certainty, that we are supporting you with combined strength. This rainbow should be the symbol of protection and invincibility of all the Beings that want to live together in Love and Peace. Please share this message and send your Love.

18th May 2012

С тази дъга ние заявяваме на всички Вас, които работите упорито и всеотдайно за доброто на нашите хора и Майката Земя, нашата най-дълбока благодарност, нашата любов и увереност, че ви подкрепяме с комбинирана сила. Тази дъга ще е символ на защита и непобедимост на всички Същества, които искат да живеят заедно в Любов и Мир. Моля, споделете това съобщение и изпратете вашата Любов.

18 май 2012 година


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29.01.12 г.

Take confidence in the glorious outcome that awaits you « Johnsmallman’s Blog

From the spiritual realms we are pouring down an abundance of love and assistance as the moment for humanity’s awakening draws ever closer.  Put yourselves into a relaxed or meditative state, open up your hearts in acceptance of it, experience the increasing sense of peace it brings you, and take confidence in the glorious outcome that awaits you.  It is, without doubt, the most wonderful event ever to occur in your long and arduous progression through the illusion, because it is bringing you out of it!
It seems to you that this moment has been an extremely long time in coming, but in truth you have only been asleep momentarily, as you will fully understand when you awaken into the glory of Reality, where all are one with our gracious and beneficent Creator.  Intense and everlasting joy is to embrace you and raise you into the natural and magnificent state that is your right, your heritage, and your destiny – perfectly harmonious and eternally creative Union with God.  There is nowhere else but this; it is where you belong; it is Home.
Knowing the wonder of this divine Truth – as you do deep within yourselves, at the very center where all are One – allow it to percolate upwards into your conscious awareness where its divine energy will uplift and inspire you, giving you the strength to resist and disregard any attempts to undermine your confidence in God’s Will for your awakening.
There are still too many who are, for the present at least, firmly convinced that a harsh and judgmental deity is soon to bring cataclysmic destruction to planet Earth to punish the wicked and raise just a few “holy ones” to safety in heaven. And there are a few others urgently trying to convince them that this scenario is divinely willed and that all should be working to appease this being.
Focusing on possible disasters is an endemic problem for mankind, and only adds to the unnecessary and confusing misinformation being released and promulgated by a few whose sole aim is to disturb and upset you as you enter the last moments before your awakening.  They are indeed very misguided, so send them love because you know that that is what they are truly calling for.
Remember, all are God’s beloved children, however unloving their behavior and however unlikely that prospect seems to you.  All will return Home.  When you send love to the seemingly unlovable you are also sending it to yourselves and thereby strengthening your own intent to awaken.  Love is the only answer, and it is so in every situation.  It dissolves all problems and issues, perfectly.
During the time remaining before you awaken, make it your conscious intent to spread love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness worldwide.  You are all divine conduits through which your Father will direct His Love for the benefit of all on the planet if you will invite Him to do so.  And reconfirm that intent every time you think of it – you cannot overdo it.  Doing so moves you more firmly into that space within, where you can hear the Voice for God calling to you and reminding you of His eternal Love for you.  There is nothing that you can do to change that; His Love for you is never withheld, and you should never believe anyone who would try to persuade you otherwise.  All that you have to do is to open your hearts to receive and accept It.
You are all beings created in Love, from Love, who have temporarily become lost in a frightening, illusory environment where it seems that your very survival is almost constantly threatened.  As you have been told many, many times, it isillusory, you are to awaken, and there is nothing to fear.  So for the time that remains before you awaken, be happy, be upbeat, be inspiring, and encourage all forwards on the path Home.
With so very much love, Saul.
Take confidence in the glorious outcome that awaits you « Johnsmallman’s Blog.

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