
"Earth may become on an instant all faery . . . and earth and air resound with the music of its invisible people... You may see the palace chambers of nature where the wise ones dwell in secret . . . and know an eternal love is within and around you, pressing upon you and sustaining with infinite tenderness your body, soul and spirit." – A.E.


With this rainbow we declare to all of YOU, who are working relentless and dedicated for the welfare of our people and Mother Earth, our deepest gratitude, our love and the certainty, that we are supporting you with combined strength. This rainbow should be the symbol of protection and invincibility of all the Beings that want to live together in Love and Peace. Please share this message and send your Love.

18th May 2012

С тази дъга ние заявяваме на всички Вас, които работите упорито и всеотдайно за доброто на нашите хора и Майката Земя, нашата най-дълбока благодарност, нашата любов и увереност, че ви подкрепяме с комбинирана сила. Тази дъга ще е символ на защита и непобедимост на всички Същества, които искат да живеят заедно в Любов и Мир. Моля, споделете това съобщение и изпратете вашата Любов.

18 май 2012 година


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19.06.13 г.

Ashtar Speaks: "Outlook on the time that lies immediately ahead of you" – 19. Juni 2013 Now, at this time, where a lot of uncertainty prevails among the lightworkers, it is important, that you remember, who you really are. You are coming from dimensions, where fear, anxiety and all the other low swinging feelings are unknown. Your true essence is of totally pureness. To be honest, you never fear anything. For your true essence it is impossible to judge for yourself or for other people, as well as not to feel the All That Is. Your pureness is complete and you true being. Why is it so important now, to be aware of this fact, the only true reality every moment? At this time many information are in circulation, that shall make you doubt and be afraid. And this will increase a lot in the coming days ahead. The disclosures, which are coming step by step to the surface, are creating backlash in those, who are affected in their power. Even if it might be difficult for you, show understanding for your brothers and sisters. They do not know how to deal with the incoming Love-energies. They see, how their power structures are breaking away and their plans are not working out. They resist against the unavoidable and by doing that their situation is becoming more uncomfortable. As a result, that they want to project their negative feelings on to those, they think that are responsible for their situation. And that are mainly you, the lightworkers. Do not worry. You are all sufficiently strong and awaken, to face these actions in a relaxed way. And the end of this game is imminent knocking on the door. It does not need much more, that a rank and file mass of people receive information about the game on your world, that causes doubt in their core values. These people will have problems to accept the truth that are presented to them. Even with all the proves, that are delivered to back up the statements relating to reality, for them the acceptance of the truth is connected with pain. If they find out who really controls your world, how they were enslaved for a long time, and deprived in their rights, it is not surprising that they quickly switch after initial doubts to the next emotional reactions: Into fear, anger and unfortunately, sometimes even hatred of those who have apparently done this to them. We remind you that it will be your task in this moment, to stand by your fellow men and to remind them of this game on your planet. Remind them that this game cannot work, if the light and darkness would not face each other. Also remind them that they are all immortal souls, who have known exactly before their incarnation on this planet, what the rules will be and who are their teammates. It won´t be easy for you. Many of the negative reactions relating to the truth of your existence will fall on you. Please understand, how difficult it will be for your fellow men, to receive the truth about the game and practically in the same breath learn about who they truly are, namely immortal, complete souls. We see that this might create a few turbulences in the inside and outside, but we also see, that this is only a short phase, that you will successfully overcome. You are masters and you have already achieved so much, that you will also compass this support for you fellow men in this time. Verily, you are that powerful, that you can step up to this time careless, take on your task and perform. Expect many and groundbreaking revelations in the time ahead of you. We remind you, that disclosure not only includes the information about us, your star brothers and sisters. This is just a part of disclosure and in particular the publications on the purpose, content and outcome of the game, which takes place on your planet, are important ingredients. From our perspective, we see how you evolve and the fruits of disclosure. We see how you will overcome it all with flying colors and this triggers us great rapture and gratitude. You succeed, believe in yourself, as we all believe in you. And do not forget: Never, not for one moment you're alone. You do not need to go this path alone and we are here very closely at your side. Call upon us, if you need help and we are here for you. I am Ashtar, your brother, who loves you so much, admires you so much and yes, is proud of you, that words cannot express. In deepest, heartfelt love Ashtar. Through Philipp Translated by Petra ST

Now, at this time, where a lot of uncertainty prevails among the lightworkers, it is important, that you remember, who you really are. You are coming from dimensions, where fear, anxiety and all the other low swinging feelings are unknown. Your true essence is of totally pureness. To be honest, you never fear anything. For your true essence it is impossible to judge for yourself or for other people, as well as not to feel the All That Is. Your pureness is complete and you true being.

Why is it so important now, to be aware of this fact, the only true reality every moment?
At this time many information are in circulation, that shall make you doubt and be afraid. And this will increase a lot in the coming days ahead. The disclosures, which are coming step by step to the surface, are creating backlash in those, who are affected in their power. Even if it might be difficult for you, show understanding for your brothers and sisters. They do not know how to deal with the incoming Love-energies. They see, how their power structures are breaking away and their plans are not working out. They resist against the unavoidable and by doing that their situation is becoming more uncomfortable. As a result, that they want to project their negative feelings on to those, they think that are responsible for their situation. And that are mainly you, the lightworkers.

Do not worry. You are all sufficiently strong and awaken, to face these actions in a relaxed way. And the end of this game is imminent knocking on the door.

It does not need much more, that a rank and file mass of people receive information about the game on your world, that causes doubt in their core values. These people will have problems to accept the truth that are presented to them. Even with all the proves, that are delivered to back up the statements relating to reality, for them the acceptance of the truth is connected with pain. If they find out who really controls your world, how they were enslaved for a long time, and deprived in their rights, it is not surprising that they quickly switch after initial doubts to the next emotional reactions: Into fear, anger and unfortunately, sometimes even hatred of those who have apparently done this to them.

We remind you that it will be your task in this moment, to stand by your fellow men and to remind them of this game on your planet. Remind them that this game cannot work, if the light and darkness would not face each other. Also remind them that they are all immortal souls, who have known exactly before their incarnation on this planet, what the rules will be and who are their teammates.

It won´t be easy for you. Many of the negative reactions relating to the truth of your existence will fall on you. Please understand, how difficult it will be for your fellow men, to receive the truth about the game and practically in the same breath learn about who they truly are, namely immortal, complete souls. We see that this might create a few turbulences in the inside and outside, but we also see, that this is only a short phase, that you will successfully overcome. You are masters and you have already achieved so much, that you will also compass this support for you fellow men in this time. Verily, you are that powerful, that you can step up to this time careless, take on your task and perform. 
Expect many and groundbreaking revelations in the time ahead of you. We remind you, that disclosure not only includes the information about us, your star brothers and sisters. This is just a part of disclosure and in particular the publications on the purpose, content and outcome of the game, which takes place on your planet, are important ingredients.

From our perspective, we see how you evolve and the fruits of disclosure. We see how you will overcome it all with flying colors and this triggers us great rapture and gratitude. You succeed, believe in yourself, as we all believe in you.
And do not forget: Never, not for one moment you're alone. You do not need to go this path alone and we are here very closely at your side. Call upon us, if you need help and we are here for you.

I am Ashtar, your brother, who loves you so much, admires you so much and yes, is proud of you, that words cannot express.
In deepest, heartfelt love

Through Philipp

Translated by  Petra ST

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