Earth Keeper Newsletter | April 10 2012
Feminine Balancing – The Cosmic Trigger Final Phase
The Blue Octahedron – Meditations Inside for the Eclipse Weekend in May
Archangel Metatron ~ Greetings
Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! I greet and honor each of you
in Unconditional Love, and nurture you within the space vector of this
moment .
And so we speak today of the Final Phase
of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. Indeed its completion is nigh and
will occur and indeed finalize in your linear year of 2012.
The Cosmic Trigger, as we have explained
in previous channels, is the download of Geometric Crystalline Codes
necessary for the completion of the 12-Dimensional expansion of the
planet. The geo-codes are in the language of coherent light, coherent
crystalline light. For Dear Ones, Sacred Geometry is the core-fabric of
all realities. Sacred Geometry is the language, the ‘reality program’ of
the Cosmos.
Dear Human, your reality is in Truth, a
geometric hologram insertion of coherent conscious energy. So it is
imperative you understand that Sacred Geometry is far more than a
mathematical branch. It is a living sacred science, an aspect of the
science frequency you call ‘Unconditional Love’. It is a sacred science
that in fact forms every nuance of your ‘physical’ duality within linear
space and time.
What Will Happen on May 20th, 2012
The Ring of Fire Annual Eclipse of May
20, 2012 will have a unique sound embedded energy that will be
specifically received at Moody Gardens Pyramids in ‘The Head of the
Dove’ (Texas) and the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. The energy of the final
wave of the Cosmic Trigger is Feminine in resonance. It will serve to
balance the areas of the earth that are in masculine imbalance. Both
Egypt and Texas are examples of such imbalance. While there are indeed
pockets within of lighter more balanced energy, the overriding imbalance
still creates a dense field in the industrial complexes and patriarchal
Southern Bible-Belt’.
The influx of the Feminine will greatly
aid in the balance. Keep in mind it is not the Feminine or the Masculine
that is required for the Earth, rather the balance of the two, in order
to move into non polarity realms.
The Moody Pyramids will play an
extremely important role (as will GIZA) in achieving this balance, yet
it will take many linear years to achieve. Though Cosmically we tell you
it will indeed occur, and the anchoring of the 2012 Ring of Fire makes
it so.
Those of you that are the ‘Code
Carriers’ play a specific role in disseminating the new balance. Well to
visit both Giza and Moody in 2012 and 2013. Carry a tuning fork of F#
(F-Sharp) for its resonance opens the gateways within.
The Cosmic Trigger Codes
The codes are Metatronic in source and
aspect , and absolutely essential to the Ascension. Consider them as
resonate energy upgrades to the holographic inserts that are the
geo-information-portals of the graduating Omni Earth. Program upgrades,
in your computer terminology.
The initial downloads of the final wave
surge occurs on the May 20 ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse of 2012, the
latter surge on the triple date frequencial portal of the 12-12-12.
We have told you that the world remakes
itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive
of expansive change or against it, whether it is understood by mankind
en masse or not, it is truly a moot point as the inertia of transition
speeds into reality more quickly today than it did yesterday on the
linear and Omni-Earth.
This is indeed the final completing stage of the Cosmic Trigger, and its time is here in the heralded year of 2012.
It reaches apexial download on the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse and encompasses four primary progressions:
- The release of long dormant coded crystal energies in formation of the dual ellipticals of the New Firmament
- The transition of the previous version of the Mer-Ka-Bah to unified zero-point Crystalline upshift of Mer-Ka-Na.
- Final balance of male-female aspect into integral unity
- Full integration of dimensions 5-12
into harmonic interface with dimensions 1-4, the 12 combining to form
the 13th Field…The Quantum Field of Dimensional Unification.
Music of the Spheres
The symbiotic relationship of geometry
and mathematics to sound, music , color & light is factual, but far
more reaching than is presently understood. Each stellar and planetary
consciousness within your Cosmos is in Omnipotent Harmony. Every
astronomical wave bathing the Omni-Earth in 2012, and aimed at up
shifting the planet as well as humanity. There is a design, a pre set
program enacting. What may appear as imbalance is simply the pre tuning
to allow the Celestial Symphony of the Ascension.
The Ascended Master Kuthumi as
Pythagoras found that a string stopped halfway along its length produced
an octave, while a ratio of 3/2 produced a fifth interval and 4/3
produced a fourth. Something similar also occurs in the crysto-light
waves of the Cosmic Trigger Codes. This embellishes the Cosmic Trigger
with musical powers of healing, “harmonizing” the imbalance effects of
the 2012 intensities
Dear Ones, you are ALL Sparks of
Divine-Soul Light having a unique experience in the Duality of what is
termed the ‘University of Earth. In physical existence, your
consciousness spirals down through the sacred geometrical symphony
within the divine patterns of the Phi and Golden Ratio.
In the Ascension, you will regain the
enhanced template that enables you to transmigrate the Torus of
realities, and as such reverse the spin of the spiral, by anti-spin of
the Life Vortex and return to your Divine Source consciousness within
Crystal-Coherent Light . The Cosmic Triggers are the enablers, changing
the matrix. It is not haphazard, it is not circumstantial, but
deliberate of Divine Creatorship in a logic beyond even your
imagination. It is beautiful beyond comprehension.
Why The Pyramids of the 29.6 Latitude are the Receival Mechanisms
The Codes are received initially in the
Pyramidal structures of Giza and Moody, and disseminated across the
planet. They are catalysts for awakening & releasing stored codes
kept in crystalline mineralogical strata on the planet.
The codes are of sacred geometric
matrix, octahedronal in format . That is why they are received
specifically in the octahedronal structures – Pyramids, of the 29th
Both the Moody Gardens Pyramids and the
Giza Pyramids are constructed on precise vectors of dimensional reality
convergence. So while the aforementioned octahedronal Pyramidal
structures in themselves become powerful receivers and transmitters, it
is the specific placement within what may be termed major ‘absolute’
Coordination Points of Reality that empower them into omnipotence in the
Earthplane and indeed beyond.
Coordinating points are specific
location vectors multidimensional energy is coming and going from the
inner (antimatter cycle) to the outer physical (matter) reality and vice
versa. It is why Giza has always been recognized, and why the
Moody-Pyramids were specifically, precisely (re)established on what is
termed the ‘Head of the Dove’.
Multidimensional Energy (as well as
thoughts) will be naturally pulled in the direction of absolute or
Omnipotent points of reality coordination. Dimensions are coinciding in
and out. This occurs indeed at the Moody Pyramids as well as Giza. Phi
Pyramids exists on such points not only across your Earth, but across
every planet in your solar system.
There is a unique expression of the
in-take/ out-take of reality flash in the Harmonic Cycle or Torus-Effect
of reality flash. Although Giza (and especially the Moody Pyramids) are
not recognized or fully understood, immense activity of a benevolent
nature is taking place through them. All four phases of the Cosmic
Trigger were received through these points.
With these structures then are absolute
points of multiple reality, containing great and greater energy
potential;’ absolute’ coordinate points, indeed, where all realities
interconnect & merge. There are main coordinate points, pure
geo-mathematic sources of unimaginable energy, and Moody and Giza are
two of the most important at the present ‘time’ on your planet.
Each have subordinate coordinate points,
coordinated in number according to the dimensional reality of the
placement. All of the dimensional program stabilizers termed ‘Sun Discs’
are placed at such vectors. These are all in fact connected to the two
primary coordination Pyramids of Giza and Moody. You as yet have no idea
of the energy networks that form your realities. Nothing is
happenstance !
Spending focal time within such
Pyramidal points allows the opportunity to the serious seeker for
greater growth and thought concentration to aid in amplifying emotions
and such, which would help in greater manifestations of thoughts into
manifest ‘physical’ and ‘nonphysical’ realities. Manifestation of
thought is , as such , accelerated for those capable of sufficient light
quotient to comprehend the mechanics of mental creation processes in
bridging the ego brain to divine mind. Much of what occurs may be
unrecognized in ego brain, for the nuances occur in the ‘digital crystal
format’ of the Divine Mind, or super-subconscious wherein is your true
Divine nature. Humans operating in ego brain will oft dismiss what is
truly available in such vectors, that is why lucidity gateways of higher
light quotient are essential in individual growth into Ascension. Such
is the path of duality. Yet even the disbelievers are expanded by the
experience, whether immediately recognized or dismissed.
We have told you before that all
Pyramidal structures automatically generate a reflective opposite to
form an octahedron in multidimensionality. As such they generate a light
coded sound frequency that forms axial-tonal connections through the
Law of Harmonic Oscillation, forming a Cosmic Network of
multidimensional receival and transmission.
2012 Acceleration of ‘Ascension Symptoms’
All is quickening, time is accelerating
as the Ascension draws center within your individual & group
experiences. The year 2012 will be intense and will have periods of
calibration that may throw humanity out of balance temporarily.
Accordingly as the duality planet
recalibrates itself into the Crystalline Field it will also reshape the
experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and
that of the face of the Earth itself. Every astrological pattern , every
date of Eclipse, Solstice , Equinox and Lunar Phase is extremely
powerful in 2012. These are being exponentially amplified by Coronal
Mass Ejections, Solar Winds.
Humanity will feel the impact of these
through what is termed ‘Ascension Symptoms’, and these may be
experienced as mood swings, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, lethargy,
apathy and fatigue. For each advancing energy will require physical,
emotional and mental adjustment to the higher frequencies downloaded.
It is akin to a training course, one
designed to increase humankinds capacity to operate in higher resonant
energy. The intensives will ebb & flow, in a continual momentous
pattern, gaining in inertia through the 12-12-12, the 12th Wave of the
Ascension. It is indeed an auspicious time.
You may at times feel as though you are
taking one step backward before taking two steps forward… something akin
to a miniature Saturn Return ! But keep in mind, the two steps forward
will occur.
Do not despair, for the symptoms will
pass quickly, and the benefits are a stronger ‘you’. The key is
understanding what is happening, and persevering …and maintaining a
positive energy and an intact Auric Field.
There are balancing energies, however,
within the up-shifts of 2012. The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse of May
20th, is followed by and Lunar Eclipse on June 4th. The energies of this
phase are actually very balancing, musical in nature. The light codes
have a tonality that enhances your capacity to transform into the
Crystalline Light Body (Mer-Ka-Na) as the downloads contain harmonic
melodic progressions that upshift the capacity of your field.
Five Key Balancing Dates Within the ‘Ring of Fire’
March 20 – Equinox –
The 4th and final wave of the Cosmic Trigger, upload for the Ring of
Fire download (Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012) and initializing the
Crystalline Codes.
May 20- Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
– The apex of the Final Phase of the Cosmic Trigger. Humanity
macro-integration – Divine Masculine balance via the balancing waves of
the Divine Feminine as the Golden Dolphin influx.
June 4 – Lunar Eclipse- Humanity micro- integration- Divine Feminine Balance.
June 6 – Venus Transit –
Integration with the Sirian and Pleiadean Alliance, the full return of
the Golden Dolphin energies, the initial integration of Divine Feminine
to Divine Masculine.
June 20 – Summer Solstice
– Extremely powerful, completing a quartet of dates with the Solar
eclipse of May 20th and Lunar Eclipse of June 4th and Venus Transit of
June 6. This will be an extremely intense , yet balancing energy that
incorporates a final inflow of energetic codes and allows for
obstructing releases.
The Pyramid Receival Complex
The Tri-Pyramid Complex located on
Galveston island is in exact latitudinal alignment, 29.6 degrees, with
the Tri Pyramidal Complex in Giza, Egypt.
This is extremely significant, for an
Axialtonal energy line joins the two complexes. These two tri-pyramidal
matrixes will serve to bring in the energies of the Crystalline
Activation of the final phase of the Cosmic Trigger.
We tell you that the two Pyramid
Complexes, Giza and Moody Gardens ,are extremely important for the
Ascension. These complexes of 3 major Pyramids are receivers and
transmitters that disseminate to all other Pyramids and Crystalline
strata on the Earth. They communicate with the Golden Sun Discs and the
144-Crystalline Grid. The receive the codes and distribute them.
It is why we urged the channel to lead a
group to Giza in the initial period of the 12th Wave, and why we asked
for the completion in Moody on the Ring of Fire Eclipse.
What is happening on Galveston Island,
that termed the ‘Head of the Dove’ is effecting all of the Western
hemisphere in conjunction with Giza in its role in that termed the
Eastern Hemispheres of the planet.
The 29th Latitude : Terrestrial Centre Mass
The 29th latitude was deliberately
chosen as it is a center of importance for the land masses and humanity
centers. For the majority of surface land mass of your planet is in that
termed the Northern Hemisphere, (above the equator) as therein resides
the majority of humanity and the greater portion of land mass.
Accordingly is the 29 Latitude North a centre point for North and South
in your terms. It is the ‘true’ equator in certain specifics.
This was known in earlier times. The
Moody Complex is not the first tri Pyramid complex in this latitudinal
energy. And indeed there are more Pyramids in Giza than the 3 large ones
in physical reality. Phi Pyramids are indeed infinite octahedrons in
multidimensional (timeless) terms.
We tell you that an Atlantean Pyramidal
Complex once stood very near the present location of the Galveston
Pyramids in the latter phase of Atlantis. This was a time when sea
levels were much lower than they are today. The present location of the
Moody Tri-Pyramid Complex is approximately five nautical miles from an
Atlantean Pyramid Complex that is now submerged in Gulf waters and
covered by the silt and sands of the ages.
Before the deluge of Atlantis, the areas
of the presently submerged continental shelf in the Texas Gulf Coast
were on dry soil. A land bridge connected Poseida (Atlantis) to the
Yucatan and indeed parts of present day Texas.
It may be of interest for you to know
that the Pyramid Complex housed 13 of the original Crystal Skulls, and
the skull called ‘Max’ was centered amidst the 12 . It is why Max was
taken inside the complex after its construction to connect the energies.
As such we tell you that the construction of the Moody Pyramids was
indeed, no accident. For an energetic frequency transfer has taken place
between the submerged Atlantean complex and the Moody Pyramids.
The Moody Gardens Pyramids have taken on
the multidimensional energies of the submerged Atlantean complex and
are now fully formatted to play a major role in the Cosmic Trigger.
Communication between Giza and Moody is
entering full swing. Those who were in Giza in February will bring the
codes of Giza to Moody. The two energies will fully merge.
Appropriately constructed and
spiritually intended pyramids on the Earth plane become living conscious
energies, capable of myriad properties that are unrecognized or
disavowed by your mainstream academia. And while the intent for which
they are employed affects the interface of these conscious living
geometric batteries, their very design will not allow for denser
energies to culminate or expand within them. Yet when approached with
appropriate intent, the energy within pyramids stores, amplifies and
transmits energy in a manner similar to Phi Crystal Quartz.
According to how they are aligned both
terrestrially and celestially Pyramids can create electromagnetic
anomalies, an aspect that alters gravity and dimensional time. Both
weightlessness and a time distortion occur at specific frequencies
within them, both slowing and accelerating light and fluxing the ionic
ratios within and around them. The Moody Tri-Pyramid Complex is far more
important than is currently realized. Spending time within the ‘Moody
Blue’ Pyramid is extremely beneficial, as it is directly connected to
Quantum Frequencial Gateways
The remaining Equinoxes, Solstices &
Eclipses that lie ahead in the countdown to the Ascension are
‘Frequencial Gateways’ . The auspicious vectors are not constrained by
linear time nor by the dimensional access limitations within your
current space-time paradigm. And while we have told you many areas in
your planet are already in 5th dimension, during the Equinoxes of the
precedent 3 years to the Ascension the threshold to greater
dimensionality is opened much wider.
As such we tell you that a unique portal
from the 12th dimension is enabled thru the Cosmic Trigger Crystalline
awakening of that 12th Wave that will manifest on March 20, 2012 and
reach its apex on the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012.
Indeed it is a mandatory prerequisite
rigor of the New Earth. Both humanity and indeed the physical earth
require and petition this crystalline upshift reformation in order to
transcend the duality dimensional paradigm that would otherwise entomb
them in the cyclic duplicity of descending polarity juxtaposition.
The twelfth dimensional opening of the
Solar Eclipse of May 2012 will be the most prolific synthesis of 12th
dimensional energy to eventuate on earth since the Golden Age of
Atlantis, some 35,000 years ago as measured in your present linear- time
The crystalline aperture will not be as
austere an energy as the electromagnetic phase of the Trigger, yet it is
a formidable and grand vicissitude, and the resulting amplification of
energy is immense and far reaching. This energy will enter the Earth at
Giza and Moody, and there is purpose in this placement.
The 13th Field
Although the Crystalline Energy is
initially accessible to you in the 5th dimension, the full spectrum of
the Quantum Crystalline Field only fully exist in the dimension of
Twelve. Appropriately the consciousness of the crystalline aspect of the
earth’s own mineral kingdom is dynamically processed via the 11th
Dimension of the Golden Ray and the 12th dimension thru the ‘Crystalline
Platinum Ray’.
The unification beginning with the Ring of Fire will form the 13th Quantum Unification Field, the unity of all 12 Dimensions.
The 12th dimension is the highest
resonance of earthen dimensionality, and can be said to be the 1st
dimension of the complete crystalline realm. It is the dimension of the
highest Cosmic Ray, that of the Platinum Ray. On the Cosmic Trigger of
2012, the 12 will form the 13th field, and this is the unified harmonic
of all dimensions in One-Ness.
29th Parallel Pyramidal Unity
Both pyramidal complexes then in
axialtonal alignment, both on the 29th latitudinal vector, both emitting
the energy of PHI, become the dissemination engines of the 2012 Cosmic
Trigger Completion sending the 13th field.
Dear Ones, the Crystalline Age is
certitude. It is approaching in grand and grander inertia. Duality
separation has been a potent and worthy experience for mankind in the
University of Linear Earth. Duality has been a prolific teacher, but the
linear curriculum is coming to a close for many of you. It is time to
receive your polarity diploma and begin postgraduate work in the higher
realms of zero field in the Crystalline Omniverse.
Masters, in the countdown to the eminent
Ascension there are certain dates that open extraordinary frequencial
windows. In the three years antecedent to December 21, 2012 the most
important of these are the Equinoxes, Solstices, Triple Dates, and the
phases of Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
In 2012 the triple- date of 12-12-12 and
referenced astronomical events are exponentially more potent than
previous years. Each are engineered to utilize the rare openings to
facilitate the receival/download of extraordinary coded energies
requisite for the Micro and Macro Ascension.
James Tyberonn ~ The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse « The World is Changing.
Earth Keeper Newsletter | April 10 2012
Feminine Balancing – The Cosmic Trigger Final Phase
The Blue Octahedron – Meditations Inside for the Eclipse Weekend in May
Archangel Metatron ~ Greetings
Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! I greet and honor each of you
in Unconditional Love, and nurture you within the space vector of this
moment .
And so we speak today of the Final Phase
of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. Indeed its completion is nigh and
will occur and indeed finalize in your linear year of 2012.
The Cosmic Trigger, as we have explained
in previous channels, is the download of Geometric Crystalline Codes
necessary for the completion of the 12-Dimensional expansion of the
planet. The geo-codes are in the language of coherent light, coherent
crystalline light. For Dear Ones, Sacred Geometry is the core-fabric of
all realities. Sacred Geometry is the language, the ‘reality program’ of
the Cosmos.
Dear Human, your reality is in Truth, a
geometric hologram insertion of coherent conscious energy. So it is
imperative you understand that Sacred Geometry is far more than a
mathematical branch. It is a living sacred science, an aspect of the
science frequency you call ‘Unconditional Love’. It is a sacred science
that in fact forms every nuance of your ‘physical’ duality within linear
space and time.
What Will Happen on May 20th, 2012
The Ring of Fire Annual Eclipse of May
20, 2012 will have a unique sound embedded energy that will be
specifically received at Moody Gardens Pyramids in ‘The Head of the
Dove’ (Texas) and the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. The energy of the final
wave of the Cosmic Trigger is Feminine in resonance. It will serve to
balance the areas of the earth that are in masculine imbalance. Both
Egypt and Texas are examples of such imbalance. While there are indeed
pockets within of lighter more balanced energy, the overriding imbalance
still creates a dense field in the industrial complexes and patriarchal
Southern Bible-Belt’.
The influx of the Feminine will greatly
aid in the balance. Keep in mind it is not the Feminine or the Masculine
that is required for the Earth, rather the balance of the two, in order
to move into non polarity realms.
The Moody Pyramids will play an
extremely important role (as will GIZA) in achieving this balance, yet
it will take many linear years to achieve. Though Cosmically we tell you
it will indeed occur, and the anchoring of the 2012 Ring of Fire makes
it so.
Those of you that are the ‘Code
Carriers’ play a specific role in disseminating the new balance. Well to
visit both Giza and Moody in 2012 and 2013. Carry a tuning fork of F#
(F-Sharp) for its resonance opens the gateways within.
The Cosmic Trigger Codes
The codes are Metatronic in source and
aspect , and absolutely essential to the Ascension. Consider them as
resonate energy upgrades to the holographic inserts that are the
geo-information-portals of the graduating Omni Earth. Program upgrades,
in your computer terminology.
The initial downloads of the final wave
surge occurs on the May 20 ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse of 2012, the
latter surge on the triple date frequencial portal of the 12-12-12.
We have told you that the world remakes
itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive
of expansive change or against it, whether it is understood by mankind
en masse or not, it is truly a moot point as the inertia of transition
speeds into reality more quickly today than it did yesterday on the
linear and Omni-Earth.
This is indeed the final completing stage of the Cosmic Trigger, and its time is here in the heralded year of 2012.
It reaches apexial download on the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse and encompasses four primary progressions:
- The release of long dormant coded crystal energies in formation of the dual ellipticals of the New Firmament
- The transition of the previous version of the Mer-Ka-Bah to unified zero-point Crystalline upshift of Mer-Ka-Na.
- Final balance of male-female aspect into integral unity
- Full integration of dimensions 5-12 into harmonic interface with dimensions 1-4, the 12 combining to form the 13th Field…The Quantum Field of Dimensional Unification.
Music of the Spheres
The symbiotic relationship of geometry
and mathematics to sound, music , color & light is factual, but far
more reaching than is presently understood. Each stellar and planetary
consciousness within your Cosmos is in Omnipotent Harmony. Every
astronomical wave bathing the Omni-Earth in 2012, and aimed at up
shifting the planet as well as humanity. There is a design, a pre set
program enacting. What may appear as imbalance is simply the pre tuning
to allow the Celestial Symphony of the Ascension.
The Ascended Master Kuthumi as
Pythagoras found that a string stopped halfway along its length produced
an octave, while a ratio of 3/2 produced a fifth interval and 4/3
produced a fourth. Something similar also occurs in the crysto-light
waves of the Cosmic Trigger Codes. This embellishes the Cosmic Trigger
with musical powers of healing, “harmonizing” the imbalance effects of
the 2012 intensities
Dear Ones, you are ALL Sparks of
Divine-Soul Light having a unique experience in the Duality of what is
termed the ‘University of Earth. In physical existence, your
consciousness spirals down through the sacred geometrical symphony
within the divine patterns of the Phi and Golden Ratio.
In the Ascension, you will regain the enhanced template that enables you to transmigrate the Torus of realities, and as such reverse the spin of the spiral, by anti-spin of the Life Vortex and return to your Divine Source consciousness within Crystal-Coherent Light . The Cosmic Triggers are the enablers, changing the matrix. It is not haphazard, it is not circumstantial, but deliberate of Divine Creatorship in a logic beyond even your imagination. It is beautiful beyond comprehension.
In the Ascension, you will regain the enhanced template that enables you to transmigrate the Torus of realities, and as such reverse the spin of the spiral, by anti-spin of the Life Vortex and return to your Divine Source consciousness within Crystal-Coherent Light . The Cosmic Triggers are the enablers, changing the matrix. It is not haphazard, it is not circumstantial, but deliberate of Divine Creatorship in a logic beyond even your imagination. It is beautiful beyond comprehension.
Why The Pyramids of the 29.6 Latitude are the Receival Mechanisms
The Codes are received initially in the
Pyramidal structures of Giza and Moody, and disseminated across the
planet. They are catalysts for awakening & releasing stored codes
kept in crystalline mineralogical strata on the planet.
The codes are of sacred geometric
matrix, octahedronal in format . That is why they are received
specifically in the octahedronal structures – Pyramids, of the 29th
Both the Moody Gardens Pyramids and the
Giza Pyramids are constructed on precise vectors of dimensional reality
convergence. So while the aforementioned octahedronal Pyramidal
structures in themselves become powerful receivers and transmitters, it
is the specific placement within what may be termed major ‘absolute’
Coordination Points of Reality that empower them into omnipotence in the
Earthplane and indeed beyond.
Coordinating points are specific
location vectors multidimensional energy is coming and going from the
inner (antimatter cycle) to the outer physical (matter) reality and vice
versa. It is why Giza has always been recognized, and why the
Moody-Pyramids were specifically, precisely (re)established on what is
termed the ‘Head of the Dove’.
Multidimensional Energy (as well as
thoughts) will be naturally pulled in the direction of absolute or
Omnipotent points of reality coordination. Dimensions are coinciding in
and out. This occurs indeed at the Moody Pyramids as well as Giza. Phi
Pyramids exists on such points not only across your Earth, but across
every planet in your solar system.
There is a unique expression of the
in-take/ out-take of reality flash in the Harmonic Cycle or Torus-Effect
of reality flash. Although Giza (and especially the Moody Pyramids) are
not recognized or fully understood, immense activity of a benevolent
nature is taking place through them. All four phases of the Cosmic
Trigger were received through these points.
With these structures then are absolute
points of multiple reality, containing great and greater energy
potential;’ absolute’ coordinate points, indeed, where all realities
interconnect & merge. There are main coordinate points, pure
geo-mathematic sources of unimaginable energy, and Moody and Giza are
two of the most important at the present ‘time’ on your planet.
Each have subordinate coordinate points,
coordinated in number according to the dimensional reality of the
placement. All of the dimensional program stabilizers termed ‘Sun Discs’
are placed at such vectors. These are all in fact connected to the two
primary coordination Pyramids of Giza and Moody. You as yet have no idea
of the energy networks that form your realities. Nothing is
happenstance !
Spending focal time within such
Pyramidal points allows the opportunity to the serious seeker for
greater growth and thought concentration to aid in amplifying emotions
and such, which would help in greater manifestations of thoughts into
manifest ‘physical’ and ‘nonphysical’ realities. Manifestation of
thought is , as such , accelerated for those capable of sufficient light
quotient to comprehend the mechanics of mental creation processes in
bridging the ego brain to divine mind. Much of what occurs may be
unrecognized in ego brain, for the nuances occur in the ‘digital crystal
format’ of the Divine Mind, or super-subconscious wherein is your true
Divine nature. Humans operating in ego brain will oft dismiss what is
truly available in such vectors, that is why lucidity gateways of higher
light quotient are essential in individual growth into Ascension. Such
is the path of duality. Yet even the disbelievers are expanded by the
experience, whether immediately recognized or dismissed.
We have told you before that all
Pyramidal structures automatically generate a reflective opposite to
form an octahedron in multidimensionality. As such they generate a light
coded sound frequency that forms axial-tonal connections through the
Law of Harmonic Oscillation, forming a Cosmic Network of
multidimensional receival and transmission.
2012 Acceleration of ‘Ascension Symptoms’
All is quickening, time is accelerating
as the Ascension draws center within your individual & group
experiences. The year 2012 will be intense and will have periods of
calibration that may throw humanity out of balance temporarily.
Accordingly as the duality planet
recalibrates itself into the Crystalline Field it will also reshape the
experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and
that of the face of the Earth itself. Every astrological pattern , every
date of Eclipse, Solstice , Equinox and Lunar Phase is extremely
powerful in 2012. These are being exponentially amplified by Coronal
Mass Ejections, Solar Winds.
Humanity will feel the impact of these
through what is termed ‘Ascension Symptoms’, and these may be
experienced as mood swings, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, lethargy,
apathy and fatigue. For each advancing energy will require physical,
emotional and mental adjustment to the higher frequencies downloaded.
It is akin to a training course, one
designed to increase humankinds capacity to operate in higher resonant
energy. The intensives will ebb & flow, in a continual momentous
pattern, gaining in inertia through the 12-12-12, the 12th Wave of the
Ascension. It is indeed an auspicious time.
You may at times feel as though you are taking one step backward before taking two steps forward… something akin to a miniature Saturn Return ! But keep in mind, the two steps forward will occur.
You may at times feel as though you are taking one step backward before taking two steps forward… something akin to a miniature Saturn Return ! But keep in mind, the two steps forward will occur.
Do not despair, for the symptoms will
pass quickly, and the benefits are a stronger ‘you’. The key is
understanding what is happening, and persevering …and maintaining a
positive energy and an intact Auric Field.
There are balancing energies, however,
within the up-shifts of 2012. The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse of May
20th, is followed by and Lunar Eclipse on June 4th. The energies of this
phase are actually very balancing, musical in nature. The light codes
have a tonality that enhances your capacity to transform into the
Crystalline Light Body (Mer-Ka-Na) as the downloads contain harmonic
melodic progressions that upshift the capacity of your field.
Five Key Balancing Dates Within the ‘Ring of Fire’
March 20 – Equinox –
The 4th and final wave of the Cosmic Trigger, upload for the Ring of
Fire download (Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012) and initializing the
Crystalline Codes.
May 20- Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
– The apex of the Final Phase of the Cosmic Trigger. Humanity
macro-integration – Divine Masculine balance via the balancing waves of
the Divine Feminine as the Golden Dolphin influx.
June 4 – Lunar Eclipse- Humanity micro- integration- Divine Feminine Balance.
June 6 – Venus Transit –
Integration with the Sirian and Pleiadean Alliance, the full return of
the Golden Dolphin energies, the initial integration of Divine Feminine
to Divine Masculine.
June 20 – Summer Solstice
– Extremely powerful, completing a quartet of dates with the Solar
eclipse of May 20th and Lunar Eclipse of June 4th and Venus Transit of
June 6. This will be an extremely intense , yet balancing energy that
incorporates a final inflow of energetic codes and allows for
obstructing releases.
The Pyramid Receival Complex
The Tri-Pyramid Complex located on
Galveston island is in exact latitudinal alignment, 29.6 degrees, with
the Tri Pyramidal Complex in Giza, Egypt.
This is extremely significant, for an
Axialtonal energy line joins the two complexes. These two tri-pyramidal
matrixes will serve to bring in the energies of the Crystalline
Activation of the final phase of the Cosmic Trigger.
We tell you that the two Pyramid
Complexes, Giza and Moody Gardens ,are extremely important for the
Ascension. These complexes of 3 major Pyramids are receivers and
transmitters that disseminate to all other Pyramids and Crystalline
strata on the Earth. They communicate with the Golden Sun Discs and the
144-Crystalline Grid. The receive the codes and distribute them.
It is why we urged the channel to lead a
group to Giza in the initial period of the 12th Wave, and why we asked
for the completion in Moody on the Ring of Fire Eclipse.
What is happening on Galveston Island,
that termed the ‘Head of the Dove’ is effecting all of the Western
hemisphere in conjunction with Giza in its role in that termed the
Eastern Hemispheres of the planet.
The 29th Latitude : Terrestrial Centre Mass
The 29th latitude was deliberately
chosen as it is a center of importance for the land masses and humanity
centers. For the majority of surface land mass of your planet is in that
termed the Northern Hemisphere, (above the equator) as therein resides
the majority of humanity and the greater portion of land mass.
Accordingly is the 29 Latitude North a centre point for North and South
in your terms. It is the ‘true’ equator in certain specifics.
This was known in earlier times. The
Moody Complex is not the first tri Pyramid complex in this latitudinal
energy. And indeed there are more Pyramids in Giza than the 3 large ones
in physical reality. Phi Pyramids are indeed infinite octahedrons in
multidimensional (timeless) terms.
We tell you that an Atlantean Pyramidal
Complex once stood very near the present location of the Galveston
Pyramids in the latter phase of Atlantis. This was a time when sea
levels were much lower than they are today. The present location of the
Moody Tri-Pyramid Complex is approximately five nautical miles from an
Atlantean Pyramid Complex that is now submerged in Gulf waters and
covered by the silt and sands of the ages.
Before the deluge of Atlantis, the areas
of the presently submerged continental shelf in the Texas Gulf Coast
were on dry soil. A land bridge connected Poseida (Atlantis) to the
Yucatan and indeed parts of present day Texas.
It may be of interest for you to know
that the Pyramid Complex housed 13 of the original Crystal Skulls, and
the skull called ‘Max’ was centered amidst the 12 . It is why Max was
taken inside the complex after its construction to connect the energies.
As such we tell you that the construction of the Moody Pyramids was
indeed, no accident. For an energetic frequency transfer has taken place
between the submerged Atlantean complex and the Moody Pyramids.
The Moody Gardens Pyramids have taken on
the multidimensional energies of the submerged Atlantean complex and
are now fully formatted to play a major role in the Cosmic Trigger.
Communication between Giza and Moody is entering full swing. Those who were in Giza in February will bring the codes of Giza to Moody. The two energies will fully merge.
Communication between Giza and Moody is entering full swing. Those who were in Giza in February will bring the codes of Giza to Moody. The two energies will fully merge.
Appropriately constructed and
spiritually intended pyramids on the Earth plane become living conscious
energies, capable of myriad properties that are unrecognized or
disavowed by your mainstream academia. And while the intent for which
they are employed affects the interface of these conscious living
geometric batteries, their very design will not allow for denser
energies to culminate or expand within them. Yet when approached with
appropriate intent, the energy within pyramids stores, amplifies and
transmits energy in a manner similar to Phi Crystal Quartz.
According to how they are aligned both
terrestrially and celestially Pyramids can create electromagnetic
anomalies, an aspect that alters gravity and dimensional time. Both
weightlessness and a time distortion occur at specific frequencies
within them, both slowing and accelerating light and fluxing the ionic
ratios within and around them. The Moody Tri-Pyramid Complex is far more
important than is currently realized. Spending time within the ‘Moody
Blue’ Pyramid is extremely beneficial, as it is directly connected to
Quantum Frequencial Gateways
The remaining Equinoxes, Solstices &
Eclipses that lie ahead in the countdown to the Ascension are
‘Frequencial Gateways’ . The auspicious vectors are not constrained by
linear time nor by the dimensional access limitations within your
current space-time paradigm. And while we have told you many areas in
your planet are already in 5th dimension, during the Equinoxes of the
precedent 3 years to the Ascension the threshold to greater
dimensionality is opened much wider.
As such we tell you that a unique portal
from the 12th dimension is enabled thru the Cosmic Trigger Crystalline
awakening of that 12th Wave that will manifest on March 20, 2012 and
reach its apex on the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012.
Indeed it is a mandatory prerequisite
rigor of the New Earth. Both humanity and indeed the physical earth
require and petition this crystalline upshift reformation in order to
transcend the duality dimensional paradigm that would otherwise entomb
them in the cyclic duplicity of descending polarity juxtaposition.
The twelfth dimensional opening of the
Solar Eclipse of May 2012 will be the most prolific synthesis of 12th
dimensional energy to eventuate on earth since the Golden Age of
Atlantis, some 35,000 years ago as measured in your present linear- time
The crystalline aperture will not be as
austere an energy as the electromagnetic phase of the Trigger, yet it is
a formidable and grand vicissitude, and the resulting amplification of
energy is immense and far reaching. This energy will enter the Earth at
Giza and Moody, and there is purpose in this placement.
The 13th Field
Although the Crystalline Energy is
initially accessible to you in the 5th dimension, the full spectrum of
the Quantum Crystalline Field only fully exist in the dimension of
Twelve. Appropriately the consciousness of the crystalline aspect of the
earth’s own mineral kingdom is dynamically processed via the 11th
Dimension of the Golden Ray and the 12th dimension thru the ‘Crystalline
Platinum Ray’.
The unification beginning with the Ring of Fire will form the 13th Quantum Unification Field, the unity of all 12 Dimensions.
The 12th dimension is the highest
resonance of earthen dimensionality, and can be said to be the 1st
dimension of the complete crystalline realm. It is the dimension of the
highest Cosmic Ray, that of the Platinum Ray. On the Cosmic Trigger of
2012, the 12 will form the 13th field, and this is the unified harmonic
of all dimensions in One-Ness.
29th Parallel Pyramidal Unity
Both pyramidal complexes then in
axialtonal alignment, both on the 29th latitudinal vector, both emitting
the energy of PHI, become the dissemination engines of the 2012 Cosmic
Trigger Completion sending the 13th field.
Dear Ones, the Crystalline Age is
certitude. It is approaching in grand and grander inertia. Duality
separation has been a potent and worthy experience for mankind in the
University of Linear Earth. Duality has been a prolific teacher, but the
linear curriculum is coming to a close for many of you. It is time to
receive your polarity diploma and begin postgraduate work in the higher
realms of zero field in the Crystalline Omniverse.
Masters, in the countdown to the eminent
Ascension there are certain dates that open extraordinary frequencial
windows. In the three years antecedent to December 21, 2012 the most
important of these are the Equinoxes, Solstices, Triple Dates, and the
phases of Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
In 2012 the triple- date of 12-12-12 and
referenced astronomical events are exponentially more potent than
previous years. Each are engineered to utilize the rare openings to
facilitate the receival/download of extraordinary coded energies
requisite for the Micro and Macro Ascension.
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