Many people have written to me some form of
this question: "Tolec, what about the David Wilcock and Benjamin
Fulford statements that have been made regarding "imminent mass arrests of
the Cabal/Illuminati". What do you and what does the Andromeda
Council know about this?"
ANSWER: Yes, 'globally', I am
aware of the David Wilcock & Benjamin Fulford statements that have been
made regarding the "imminent mass arrests of the
Cabal/Illuminati". But this is as much as I know. For the
record, I have specifically stayed away from - and NOT listened to or read
- the details of this matter for a few reasons, but primarily
I do not want what I am learning from my Andromeda Council contacts to be in any way, shape or manner, possibly or potentially contaminated by outside sources.
This is all about my credibility & integrity as a independent, uninfluenced, reliable source of Andromeda Council information. I have also stayed away from the details of this specific story because of what I am currently releasing about the "clearing out" of the final Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea base complex.
I do not want what I am learning from my Andromeda Council contacts to be in any way, shape or manner, possibly or potentially contaminated by outside sources.
This is all about my credibility & integrity as a independent, uninfluenced, reliable source of Andromeda Council information. I have also stayed away from the details of this specific story because of what I am currently releasing about the "clearing out" of the final Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea base complex.
Further, unlike David Wilcock &
Benjamin Fulford, I have no way of knowing, I
have no insider contacts from which to learn about what
Earth/land based authorities are doing with regard to Earth/land based arrests
of human Cabal/Illuminati suspects &/or criminals.
All of my information is from, and based on, my
own personal on-going contact regarding my knowledge, and/or activities of, the
Andromeda Council, including the people of Procyon.
The information from my sources is about the Reptilian military hierarchy, and the Reptilian/human hybrid Reptilian 'Cabal/Illuminati - highest level officials as found in this last undersea base. Not Earth human ones.
The information from my sources is about the Reptilian military hierarchy, and the Reptilian/human hybrid Reptilian 'Cabal/Illuminati - highest level officials as found in this last undersea base. Not Earth human ones.
Taking into consideration all of the above,
do I think or feel these above activities are related? Yes, I
When are the people from the four (4)
affiliated Andromeda Council planets expected to visit with the people of
ANSWER: They are
still scheduled to do this sometime this Spring 2012, at least as referenced by
the standards of seasons in the northern hemisphere of planet Earth. They
should begin visiting sometime this spring since the final Draco & Hydra
Reptilian undersea base has been taken, cleared out & cleaned out.
This last Reptilian undersea base has yet to be destroyed, but it will
Though I fully realize the process of waiting
is still difficult for you... as you all want to meet your space 'brothers',
'sisters', and 'cousins' as soon as possible. So do I. But, I do
know they are committed to making extended contact
& visiting with the people of Earth all over the globe. They are
committed to doing this. They will do it. When
they do visit, in order for them to easily communicate with all Earth humans,
to borrow from various science fiction television series, they will use
'universal translators'.
And yes, there will be a formal announcement
on the first page of this web site, and on this page, of their planned first
arrival & visitation a few days before it begins.
Note: prior to their visit to Earth, the extended contact &
visitation by the people from four (4) Andromeda Council planets of Ventra, Nikotae,
Toleka and Ritol, there will be an very small advanced task force - a liaison
& goodwill team - of three (3) people from the
Andromeda Council:
Ambassador Tanka Wheneh, spiritual sage & advisor to the Andromeda Council and Ambassador to all Native American people living west of the Mississippi River located in the United States of America (U.S),
Andromeda Council Vice-Chairwoman Tania Piekae,
and Maka Nahiweh, Diplomat of the Andromeda Council to all Native American people living on 'Turtle Island' & all private citizens, all sovereign people living in the United States of America.
All three (3) Andromeda Council team members will be traveling throughout the U.S together, speaking in a various regions & cities, first starting in the southwestern part of the U.S, then onto California, throughout all of the west, north to the Pacific northwest, across the mid-west, to the northeast, and finally to the southern U.S. They will then repeat this process in Canada, and then again in all the other countries around planet Earth as listed on page 3, "Contact", of this web site.
Ambassador Tanka Wheneh, spiritual sage & advisor to the Andromeda Council and Ambassador to all Native American people living west of the Mississippi River located in the United States of America (U.S),
Andromeda Council Vice-Chairwoman Tania Piekae,
and Maka Nahiweh, Diplomat of the Andromeda Council to all Native American people living on 'Turtle Island' & all private citizens, all sovereign people living in the United States of America.
All three (3) Andromeda Council team members will be traveling throughout the U.S together, speaking in a various regions & cities, first starting in the southwestern part of the U.S, then onto California, throughout all of the west, north to the Pacific northwest, across the mid-west, to the northeast, and finally to the southern U.S. They will then repeat this process in Canada, and then again in all the other countries around planet Earth as listed on page 3, "Contact", of this web site.
They will speak in various cities, in a variety
of venues, free of charge, to let the people in each area know what to expect
to learn from the visiting people of the four (4) races of the Andromeda
Council. Advanced notice will be provided before they speak.
Further, people are asking if they may bring
their cell phones, video cameras, etc. when these three (3) people of the
liaison & good will team speak. As I am authorized by the Andromeda
Council to answer, the answer to this question is: Yes.
Though the mass media outlets, corporate controlled networks, will not be
However, the answer is different when we are
talking about the possibility of photographing/videoing the people from the
four (4) planets of the Andromeda Council traveling & visiting with Earth
people. It will be up to the discretion of the people, the crew members
from Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka & Ritol, on a case-by-case basis, as to
whether they will feel comfortable to allow photographs, or not. It is
their choice.
Please tell me how I can be assured of being
contacted by people from the four (4) affiliated Andromeda Council planets
during their visits to Earth. I would very much like to talk to them, to
see how I could be helpful in this effort.
ANSWER: They will arrive
quietly, no big 'fanfare', cloaked, using smaller scout craft. They will
visit openly but quietly with people in suburban cities, towns, parks, private
universities & school campuses, malls, and the like. Simply have it
in your consciousness, in your thoughts, that you want to meet & speak
with them. This is all it will take. They will be open to your questions, and
answer as many as possible. (See page 3. of this Andromeda Council web site,
"Contact" for more detailed information including which country they
will visit, in order of priority, and how visitation will occur.)
How can I help? What I mean is, what
can I do to help the people of the Andromeda Council? I am looking
forward to, and I am very interested in, evolving into the next
dimension. And I want to travel the stars. What can I do to
ANSWER: A good & valid
question. As the people of Earth continue to progressively change, evolve in
consciousness & awaken to their true spiritual core essence... and finally
become higher dimensional human beings in January 2014... know that some of you will
be much more attuned, much more comfortable & 'familiar ' with the many
aspects of life as a higher form 4th dimensional human being.
Also know that there are at least 20+ other planets that
are also about to go through their own evolution into becoming higher
dimensional worlds & beings.
At least two (2) of these worlds are very much
like Earth, in that they are 3D, Earth like in composition, third
dimensional, worlds... though they will go through this higher dimensional
evolution much easier than the people of Earth because they are far less
complex worlds, with only 1 or 2 races at most on each world.
The many people of these worlds have also
been 'attacked', misused, emotionally & psychologically tortured... with negative
energy bombardment; and like Earth, the energy of these people of their
planets have also been fed upon as a natural resource to the Draco Reptilians
& their assistants the 'Greys'.
Therefore, there will be a great need for human beings who have already been through the transformation & evolution the people of Earth are about to experience - to help the people of these many other worlds. This is how you can be - of service. Of course, depending on the work discipline you are most natural at & best at, you will be eligible for and can receive advanced training in that discipline... and a variety of disciplines to prepare you for work in outer space. It can be a highly rewarding life.
Therefore, there will be a great need for human beings who have already been through the transformation & evolution the people of Earth are about to experience - to help the people of these many other worlds. This is how you can be - of service. Of course, depending on the work discipline you are most natural at & best at, you will be eligible for and can receive advanced training in that discipline... and a variety of disciplines to prepare you for work in outer space. It can be a highly rewarding life.
What is Nibiru's current status? [update: as
of March 18, 2012]
this date, March 18, 2012 - Nibiru has already passed high over planet
Earth, Venus, Mercury & the Sun... is passed the Sun, and is
traveling well on its way.
As of very early January 2012 - Nibiru was
located about half way between your solar system's planets of Saturn and
Jupiter heading toward the direction your own sun.
Keep in mind, as I reviewed months ago, in using a multi-story building as an accurate analogy, with the Earth being located on the 3rd floor - there was an agreement arranged with a race of 5th dimensional beings having a strong working relationship with the Andromeda Council, and pretty amazing technology, using their technology they have elevated the flight path of the planet Nibiru [instead of entering anywhere near Earth space] to continue traveling as it is right over the top of your planet's, Earth's space, at around the 9th or 10th floor of the 'building' called our solar system.
Therefore, as I've indicated before, there will be no 'cause & effect', no harm to come from the Annuaki on planet Nibiru... to the people of planet Earth. No harm from Nibiru.
Keep in mind, as I reviewed months ago, in using a multi-story building as an accurate analogy, with the Earth being located on the 3rd floor - there was an agreement arranged with a race of 5th dimensional beings having a strong working relationship with the Andromeda Council, and pretty amazing technology, using their technology they have elevated the flight path of the planet Nibiru [instead of entering anywhere near Earth space] to continue traveling as it is right over the top of your planet's, Earth's space, at around the 9th or 10th floor of the 'building' called our solar system.
Therefore, as I've indicated before, there will be no 'cause & effect', no harm to come from the Annuaki on planet Nibiru... to the people of planet Earth. No harm from Nibiru.
What are all the sounds people are hearing
coming out of the ground here on Earth?
ANSWER: These sounds are
simply the sounds of Mother Earth going through her continued evolution in
becoming a new higher dimensional world. They are nothing to be concerned
about at all. They are simply the sounds of her continued expressions of
her changes, much like a woman experiences the sounds of the expansion &
adjustment of her own body during her pregnancy. It is the natural order
of things at this time for this world.
What can you tell us about the "spirals"
that have shown up in our skies over the past year all around the globe, and
continue to manifest themselves, especially recently here in Australia?
"spirals" as you call them happen in the upper realm of your planet's
ionosphere. They are a natural occurrence, if you consider what is
happening to your planet at this time. The spiral appearances over
Australia, and other locations around your world, are not harmful
to any life forms on your planet. They are a manifestation of new energy
as a result of your planet, as it is passing through the galactic equatorial
plane zone region, coming into contact with the faster vibratory rate of 4th
dimensional energy in space.
The spirals have an impact to an area only to
the degree that those who live there recognize them as not part of normal
Earth patterns. This higher vibratory dimensional energy is coming into the
evolutionary process of Earth in a gentle way. The swirling affects of
the spirals are simply like the swirling effects of your ocean and air
currents. Consider them to be like a gentle breeze which comes over the
air wave currents above the land or water itself. These are not of our
Andromeda Council’s affiliated members design, other non-affiliated
extraterrestrials, nor are they part of Earth‘s elite/cabal group design.
This is a natural phenomena occurrence.
Fear not these unusual new patterns appearing
in the sky. They are part of the “signs of the time” which many of
your Earth historical references speak. A time of change. A
positive manifestation of your planet’s evolutionary change into becoming
a fourth dimensional world. In closing, this is the Commander of
the primary Andromeda Council biosphere. We send our love and reassurance
to all of our brothers and sisters of Earth. Be at peace. Know
that all is well with the gradual change of Earth and all life forms within
her. Humanity is on the brink of creation of a new human species with 4D
bodies that will never die.
Would you please tell me the reason for all of
the various ships going into and coming out of our sun?
ANSWER: Your sun is a portal, a
other suns of the same classification as
your sun... they are also 'natural' stargates.
In order for a ship to enter into your sun via an interdimensional portal, each ship must do a few things:
they must change their vibration to match the vibratory rate of the sun, they must be attuned, at minimum, to a 4th dimensional frequency & rate, they must also input into their ship's navigation system the sun's unique signature code, each major celestial body has one.
This unique signature identification code for your sun is much like what you on Earth call a - GPS location code.
In order for a ship to enter into your sun via an interdimensional portal, each ship must do a few things:
they must change their vibration to match the vibratory rate of the sun, they must be attuned, at minimum, to a 4th dimensional frequency & rate, they must also input into their ship's navigation system the sun's unique signature code, each major celestial body has one.
This unique signature identification code for your sun is much like what you on Earth call a - GPS location code.
Andromeda Council affiliated
planets, their biospheres/ships are monitoring and policing the entry
of all ships into your sun very closely, as close
as humanly possible.
Over time, some malevolent beings have escaped Earth using the sun as a portal, as an inter-dimensional conduit, as a stargate, to get closer to their home world, though this is a very, very small percentage.
Over time, some malevolent beings have escaped Earth using the sun as a portal, as an inter-dimensional conduit, as a stargate, to get closer to their home world, though this is a very, very small percentage.
Comparatively, most of the ships entering
your sun are either Andromeda Council affiliated members or
they belong to aligned benevolent people
who have a good relationship with the member planets of
the Andromeda Council. In this image to the
right, you are seeing a mid-level 4th dimensional scout craft from the Andromeda
Council member planet Dakote. This scout craft has entered a portal, aka a stargate, from a
point out just outside Earth space. The craft entered into the portal
which goes into & through the sun, and exits out the lower left
hand side of the sun through the portal exit point. If
you look closely, you can see the interdimensional
distortion inside the 'eye socket' shaped rose
colored image surrounding the white 'dot' of the scout craft as it
exits the portal. This photograph was taken & aimed
directly at the sun, in the Southwestern part of the United States, during the
afternoon, today, April 11, 2012. This image is in its completely original
unaltered form.
Also know, your sun is being watched &
monitored very closely for those ships attempting to return from the
other side of the stargate, to Earth space, attempting to use your
sun as a re-entry portal. Know that Andromeda Council flagged
biospheres/ships, and their scout craft, will ensure any malevolent
beings are not allowed back into Earth space.
The clean-up of Earth must and will continue with forward progress.
This is all part of Earth's evolution, its destiny to become a 4th
dimensional world.
Who are the people flying these ships, where
do they come from?
ANSWER: The people flying
many of the various ships come from, at minimum, the following planets:
Namo, Hieina, Topaki, Nunk, Iarga, Ummo, Acart. There are many, many
others however. There are at minimum over 100
extraterrestrial races over time that have observed or visited your world, and
continue to do so. At present, people from planets who wish to visit your
world who have a formal relationship with the Andromeda Council, they must follow
all benevolent, necessary, appropriate protocols.
Why are we seeing so many of these ships at
this time?
ANSWER: It is because of
the transition your solar system & planet is making after eons of time, you
are evolving, transforming, becoming a fourth dimensional life force, 4th
dimensional beings. Some people have said it is about Earth stepping up
to the vibration of the 'heavens'. As someone else on Earth recently
said, "... it's the story of the millennium".
Again, why: it's the first time a whole planet of people will
evolve into becoming fourth dimensional beings... without needing to have their
bodies 'die' first. This is not necessary. This is exactly the
reason why so many people on the various Andromeda Council biospheres, and all other
higher dimensional worlds, are so happy for the people of Earth, and are so
excited about this particular evolution of human kind. It's an
unprecedented evolutionary step, millions of people evolving at once.
And at its completion we all get to see our relatives on Earth once again after
such a long time. It's a great story, and a very positive story. A
reason for celebration.
What about our sun, what about the intensity
& frequency of all of these solar flares?
ANSWER: Solar flares,
also known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), they are occurring with high
frequency right now because our whole solar system is 'heating up', in
a manner of speaking, due to the increasing amount of 4th dimensional energy we
are being exposed to... as we continue to enter the galactic equatorial plane
zone with its 'black hole' which has a tremendous amount of very highly
magnetic, energetic, agitated & erratic particles whipping around the
outside edge of this black hole affecting your sun. This super heated
plasma from the sun highly accelerates the speed of protons, neutrons &
electrons. And, if large CMEs reach Earth they can cause electro magnetic
pulse (EMP) waves which can easily
knock out satellites in Earth space, and localized power grids over a wide area...
depending on which part of the planet they hit. I broadly address this
topic on the first page of the web site. This is the reason for the
increased number of CME's, this galactic equatorial plane zone affecting the
sun's magnetic resonance.
What about the current status of Tekoma the
brown dwarf that will become our second sun?
ANSWER: As of mid-March
2012, Tekoma the brown dwarf & its accompanying planet, Nihohia, and its
own moon, they are all still 'tucked' safely on the back side of
Jupiter with its mass assortment of 64 moons. This was an easy place to
locate them for the time being. They have been temporarily 'docked' there
until the appropriate moment when the combined biospheres of the Andromeda
Council will safely use their, to use a term most people will
understand, 'tractor beams' to move Tekoma, Nihohia & its moon... into
their new orbit close to Venus. please see: .
What about Tekoma the brown dwarf &
Nihohia its accompanying planet? They haven't arrived yet.
ANSWER: Due to the buffeting
effect on Earth's solar system as it continues to move into the galactic
equatorial plane zone region, and the magnetic energies in the center of a
black hole at the center of this area already affecting your planet - the
arrival of both Tekoma the brown dwarf, and Nihohia its accompanying planet,
are being considerably slowed by our biospheres to reduce as much as possible
the potential disruptive tectonic & volcanic reactions on your planet. As
with the removal of the reptilian underground & undersea bases, it is our
first priority that you on planet Earth are safe, as safe as possible. And this
means we need to slow things down as much as possible, including these
celestial bodies, to reduce the risk of damage to your planet... as much as we
possibly can.
We are not exactly sure when they will arrive
to your solar system. However, know that Tekoma & Nihohia are on their way
to your solar system. They will arrive when the moment is right. And, Tekoma
will take its place as an added, new, much smaller & not nearly as bright
second sun, and its accompanying planet Nihohia will join it as a new planet in
your solar system. You will have some warm, peaceful & friendly new
When Tekoma as a brown dwarf, about the size
of the Uranus is - first seen - in the skies over Earth it will appear to be
about the size of a U.S coin, a "quarter", and Nihohia, its planet,
about the actual size of planet Pluto, it will appear to be smaller, about the
size of another U.S. coin, approximately the size of a
"dime". When Tekoma finally settles into orbit close to
Venus it will appear to be about the size of a new pencil eraser head. Nihohia
will appear to be about the size of a small dot right next to it.
And yes, there will be an announcement on this web site
approximately 3-4 days prior to their arrival when we will begin to see these
new celestial bodies in your skies.
What about the cause & effect of Tekoma
and Nihohia coming into our solar system. Considering Tekoma is a dense brown
dwarf star its gravitational field should be much stronger than any of the
inner planets. The tidal forces involved would in theory be enormous. Being much closer to the Sun I would think that it would induce a
noticeable wobble in the Sun's axis of rotation which in turn would affect all
the other planets. Not to mention Tekoma's effect on Venus and
Earth. What does the Andromeda Council say about any of these potential
cause &effects?
ANSWER: Your observations are
noted. When they first arrive and pass by Earth expect to feel somewhat of a
rumbling on your planet surface. This will be all. However, the magnetic
output, as well as the gravitational forces put out by your solar system's sun
are so enormous and strong - the sun will in effect provide any orbital &
settling corrections to Tekoma, Nihohia... and any of the current inner planets
of your solar system. Yes, SOL, your sun will take care of this matter quite
handily. Again, keep in mind, a number of Andromeda Council flagged biospheres,
star ships, will be actively projecting 'force fields' to envelop & buffer
Planet Earth to minimize & mitigate as much as possible geological disruptions
to your planet. They will be doing the same for the other planets potentially
Will there be any forthcoming and/or formal
communication from the Andromeda Council to Earth when it [the arrival of
Tekoma & Nihohia] happens? In my opinion it would be behoove them to make
some sort of formal appearance to unambiguously state what is indeed taking
place and why.
ANSWER: As to your first
question, forthcoming communication will be 'broadcast' to the minds of people
who are open, interested, curious, and want to know. This will most likely be
in the form of dreams and/or brief visual images during their dream state. For
the few Earth people who are telepathic, a telepathic message will be sent out.
As to your statement about, "... it would behoove them to make some sort
of formal appearance to unambiguously state what is indeed taking place and
why". I will address this statement in two parts: a.) I expect them to
make a formal appearance, at the right moment in time. b.) they have already
stated what is taking place and why. You can read all about the
"what" & "why" on page one, the "Home" page
of this web site. However, I will focus on this particular issue, and restate
it simply and directly for you:
The "what" is that your solar
system is going through an evolution, a celectial upgrade if you will... which
includes many cosmic events. One of these cosmic events is that the brown dwarf
Tekoma and its accompanying planet Nihohia are about to arrive in your solar
system. The "why", specifically about Tekoma & Nihohia's arrival,
is a two-fold answer: 1.) it is the destiny of your solar system to become a
binary star solar system, which will happen with the arrival of Tekoma. 2.) it
is the destiny of both these celestial bodies, Tekoma & Nihohia, and the
people of Nihohia, to come to your solar system, after traveling the cosmos for
upwards of 100,000 years, and establish a permanent home here. As a highly
evolved, very peaceful loving people, they too will make the transition from
being (just like Earth people) a 3rd dimensional race, to becoming a 4th
dimensional race. Virtually everything in this whole solar system will vibrate
as 4D, fourth dimensional life. It is likely there will also be new areas,
small 'pockets' of 5D, fifth dimensional life as well. Eventually Earth will
vibrate at a 5D, fifth dimensional rate.
How we can prepare for any possible upcoming
[Earth] changes, so we can make it through any possible difficulties.
Include where to go, what to buy, etc.
ANSWER: If you want to plan for
any rough days ahead, it seems to make good sense to prepare and purchase some
basic things like the following items: if you/your family have a couple of
cars, turn-in/trade-in the oldest car in for a used 4-wheel drive, 4 door
off-road vehicle, or simply a used truck...older is better, they have far less
electronics, one w/out an internal computer is best; turn-in/trade-in an amount
of cash currency you’re comfortable with - and secure a bunch of silver coins -
keep them ready, they are far more affordable than gold. Precious metal, gold
& silver, coins have been used over thousands of years. Because precious
metals always have intrinsic value, they are always considered as real “money”.
Purchase/secure/have ready: a tent & sleeping bags, a portable camping
stove with a minimum of two (2) full propane tanks, supply of matches, a
flashlight with extra batteries, 3-5 weeks supply of canned & freeze
dried food. Purchase at least four (4) ten gallon water jugs to hold
clean drinking water & canteens, and a portable water filter system
that screens out germs, bacteria, protozoa including giardia and others which
are deadly to the human body. You can research & purchase some of these
items over the web. Some of these items you can simply go to stores to
buy. The last few you can purchase in an outdoor camping store.
When this planet makes its change to
becoming a 4D, fourth dimension/density world, what will happen to all of the
things that are made of synthetic products?
ANSWER: Even though
certain end products today are made from oil, iron ore, and as another example
the "rubber tree", the Hevea brasiliensis - the end products are
synthetically made, their chemical structure & composition is
changed. This is what the 'industrial age' and the 'modern
era' has done to the manufacturing process. All of these end products we
use every single day also have other synthetic, artificial, non-natural
products in them. All of these kind of things, these products, will
simply disintegrate & dissipate when this planet becomes 4D world. Keep in mind, the
molecular & cellular structure of everything on this planet will change to
being - crystalline, fine matter essence, spirit matter in nature.
How will Earth people change as we become new
4D humans... once 2014 begins?
ANSWER: The most important thing
to realize is that the transformation, the transition from 3D to 4D, from being
a 3D person to being a 4D person… will be a smooth, ‘seamless’, painless,
process. This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure,
from the slower, more dense, heavier, existing 3D vibratory rate body you have
today – to a higher, faster, lighter, 4D vibratory rate. You will have a body
that is taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight & density...
about one tenth (1/10) of what you weigh now.
Keep in mind, your body’s molecular cellular
structure will actually change. Think crystal based molecules. Your existing 3D
cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Your 4D body, the
cellular structure of your 4D body, will be based on crystalline molecules. No
longer carbon based, but crystal based. Within the core, the center of each
cell, it will be infused with light. Your 4D bodies will really be... very
translucent. This is a natural 4th dimensional, 4th density state
Everyone will be relatively tall & slim
in stature. This is simply the nature of having a body composed of crystalline
cellular structure. You will also be 'lighter' in terms of... being infused
with light. Not opaque like you are today, not completely translucent, but very
Your children will transform as well. But in
terms of age appearance, they will continue to develop as young children, into
young adults, only now along the adjusted, normal, 'time line' of thousands of
years for 4th dimensional people.
For most adults who choose to remain on Earth
during this time of change, you will look approximately in the 32 to 35 year
old age range. In terms of height, for a comparison, an average 3D male
today at 5’10”… the equivalent 4th dimensional male will be about 7ft tall,
this is the average height for a 4D man. A 5’ 5” to 5’
6” 3D Earth woman will likely be about 6’ 2” living a 4D life. An
average 4D Earth man will weigh in Earth terms about: 10 to 15 pounds. An
average 4D Earth woman will weigh about: 5 to 7 pounds. Everyone will be
relatively trim, tall, slim in stature. Again, this is simply due to the
nature of having a body composed of crystalline cellular structure.
In terms of overall health, 4D Earth humans
will be healthy, very healthy, full of light. With your solar system and
Earth's migration into the 4th dimensional zone of space, 3D diseases will all
be literally eradicated.
If we are this healthy, and with the
eradication of 3D Earth diseases, how long will we live as 4D Earth humans?
ANSWER: You will like this
answer. Typically, as you currently measure time on Earth, human beings living
a 4D life spend a minimum of 6,000 years - to - a maximum of around 10,000
years... living a 4th dimensional life. Also understand, there are 12 octaves
of awareness & learning in each dimension, from the 4D, fourth dimension on
up. There is a lot to experience. Please keep in mind, the use of these numbers
in years is to give you at least an approximation based on how Earth people
measure time today. However, also keep in mind, the way you currently measure
time on Earth – this will change once Earth becomes a completely 4D planet.
Watching, measuring, experiencing time... this will virtually go away. Plan for
this to completely come into effect by January 2014. In any case, you will live
very, very long lives... before you move on to the 5D, fifth dimension.
We understand the complete curing of physical
health. But again, what about people with autism, retardation, syndromes,
people who are mentally ill?
ANSWER: I certainly understand
the seriousness of this issue. The 'medical/healthcare' team on the primary
biosphere who will help, assist & counsel people who are having a difficult
time adjusting to the differences of 4th dimensional life; well, in addition,
what we would consider either severe psychiatric, deep emotional issues, shock
or trauma; or people with autism, retardation, syndromes, varying degrees of
mental illness, people with these afflictions who you are rightfully concerned
about, they have the ability to chose (or a responsible party can choose for
them), to heal their fine matter consciousness, this thing we call 'the mind'
where these issues are lodged. Please understand this is literally: a spiritual
vibratory issue. And the 'medical/healthcare' team on the primary biosphere, or
any of the other 11 Andromeda Council flagged biospheres stationed in Earth's
solar system, these teams can use various resonating sonic frequencies &
techniques to attenuate, adjust & correct the 'dysfunctions' and repair the
broken pathways of the fine matter 'wiring' of these peoples minds. There are a
variety of modalities that can be used in combination... to help cure these
people. They are curable. It will take some counseling, a little extra care
& gentle attention after the 'medical' work, the atunements are done &
completed. But these people, like everyone else, they too... will be fine.
If our current bodies are transforming into
new 4D bodies, and you have said that 3D Earth diseases will be eradicated,
what about those of us with bad or missing teeth, various syndromes, muscular
dystrophy, ALS, cerebral palsy, or those people with mental illness; those of
us who are back from the various Gulf Wars and Afghanistan with missing hands,
fingers, arms, legs? What about all of us?
ANSWER: From the Chief Medical
Officer of the Andromeda Council biosphere, she says, "Many people have
asked this kind of question. Yes. The transformation of your 3D body into a 4D
body will eradicate the existing illnesses and all dis-eases; and your bodies
including birth defects, various syndromes, your loss of limbs, bad or missing
teeth, malfunctioning hearing or defective eyes, and old age - all of these
will all be remedied. Again, remember, you are being transformed. You will have
a full, complete, healthy body."
What about pregnant 3D Earth
human women, about to deliver, right at the moment of the 4th,
4D, dimensional shift of Earth?
ANSWER: Women who
are pregnant will be fine. Azar, the Chief Medical Officer of all six
(6) Andromeda Council hospital biospheres, has said they have teams
of people ready to assist all pregnant women on planet Earth who are about
to deliver... at the moment the 'switch is thrown' and Earth becomes a
4D world. These teams of OB/GYN specialists will do everything to
ensure these pregnant women have completely healthy 4D human babies. The
mothers and their babies will be fine.
OK. So, back to the 5D. What do
you mean we move on to 5D, onto the fifth dimension... when do we die?
ANSWER: No no, you
misunderstand. That's the point. You don't die. Remember, time doesn't exist
from the 4D, fourth dimension, on upward. You don't experience time. And
people, Earth people living a 4D life do not die. A person can choose by really
extraordinary circumstances to be “extinguished”, but this is very, very rare.
When a 4D person gets to the point when he/she is 6,000 -10,000 'years old',
when he/she feels they've learned enough & contributed enough to society,
when the moment is right for them, they simply choose to move on, and
transition to 5D, the fifth dimension, a slightly higher frequency of vibratory
awareness. For a new set of challenges, a new set of learning experiences. It
is a transition, a change in vibration. This transition from 4D, the fourth, to
5D, the fifth, is simply about into a higher vibration and capabilities… when
the moment is right for him/her. Further, the actual capabilities one has once
he/she become a 5D, a fifth dimensional human, are only a couple of degrees
enhanced above the upper capabilities of 4D, the fourth dimension.
In any case, moving on from one dimension to the next is only about having many
experiences, learning many many things, and then making a simple choice to move
on, to change. You do not die.
Tolec, have you seen Alex Collier's recently
released video with Carlos of "Shiny Demise", this month [March
2012], and heard what Alex had to say? Would you please comment on this.
ANSWER: So many people have
written to me about this matter. I've now watched all four (4) parts of
Alex's recent telephone interview with Carlos. And therefore, I will
respond to the relevant part of this video, the part that people are asking
about: 'demi-god' aliens attempting to present themselves as our
First of all, it is my strong belief that no
one, no one entity, or group of entities, no beings from anywhere... should
ever be worshiped as our "saviors". Not. Don't
do it. Good people of Earth, you are your saviors, no
one else. You have the incredible power, knowledge, intellect,
wisdom, willpower & grace to choose, to evolve... and to continue
evolving... to determine your own destiny... to become the great race of people
you were meant to be.
Now, while Alex and I are each in telepathic
contact with different commanders from different Andromeda Council flagged
my five (5) contacts, including Tania, the
Vice Chairwoman of the Andromeda Council itself, they are on the primary
Andromeda Council biosphere where many of the formal Andromeda Council,
advisory board & sub-committee meetings are held. Please see the page
2. of this web site regarding the composition of the Andromeda Council: And;
Moranae, Alex Collier's now primary contact,
because as Alex has said Vassaeus has transcended to the next dimension of
life, Moranae is the commander of a different Andromeda Council flagged
biosphere where Alex has visited. Therefore, our information, the
information he receives, the information I receive, it is segmented. And,
because it's segmented -
Alex & I each learn different aspects of
different strategic information about what is going on regarding the 'war' on
Earth... for the freedom of Earth people's hearts, minds, and souls.
That is what this is about. That is what is what is going on right
now, at this moment in time, this transition moment in our planet's history...
as we are about to become higher dimensional human beings.
Therefore; I have no problem with anything
Alex said in his recent interview. However, if you listen closely, he did
not say that [paraphrased] "...another extraterrestrial
group is going to land on Earth."
Alex did say, a group of extraterrestrials
connected to the "Cabal, Illuminati, Powers That Be, etc.", [claiming
to be gods or demi-gods... Annunaki that have been hanging around on this
planet for a while] is going to be presented, &/or is going to
try to present themselves to the people of Earth by our own local [to this
planet] 'bad guys', the power structure on the planet, aka - the
'Cabal", 'The Powers That Be', the 'Illuminati' - you get the idea.
If Alex is right, and if this happens, then NO!
It's plain and simple. No one on planet Earth should worship
these beings.
More important, know that this is just
another negative power play distraction... by the 'Powers That Be' to
attempt to have the people of Earth continue to give up more of their
sovereignty & freedoms. That's all it is. A negative power play
distraction. Based on fear & intimidation. Nothing more.
Don't believe it, don't 'buy into it'.
In closing, regarding this specific
topic, a.) the people of Procyon, of the Andromeda Council,
continue to have consistent success in taking out Draco & Hydra Reptilian
underground & undersea bases all around Earth... and are sending these
beings to the far outer edge of this Universe. Further, the people of
Procyon have already said if these alleged 'demi-gods' try anything serious...
the people of Procyon can & will easily take out this bunch as well...
given the fact that Reptilians are far larger, meaner, malicious & more vicious
than these alleged 'demi-gods'. b.) this is a
time of transition on this planet, and eventually, the local 'bad guys' -
the 'Cabal,' the 'Illuminati', the 'Powers That Be'... they will
lose. That's the deal. Their time here is ending.
This is the reality of this end game. It's really a matter of
timeime and difficulty, or lack of
difficulty, for the people of Earth... depending on what choices they make.
Are the people of Earth going to give away
their power again for a short time {bad move!} like they did during the time of
the reign of the Annunaki & the various Egyptian dynasties? Or, are
the people of Earth going to smarten up and say, NO. Not this time.
Earth, this is our planet. This particular group of ETs, so called
'demi-gods', or any other self serving ones like them, go find something else
to do with your time... somewhere else. Leave Earth humans
alone. Earth people have the freedom, sovereign right... and
the power to say this.
In the end, this planet and the people on it
are evolving. It is the destiny of this planet, and its people, to
evolve. Nothing can stop it. It's that simple. They will evolve
into becoming far more beautiful, far more incredible, far more naturally
gifted, higher dimensional human beings. It is going to be a glorious
new existence for the human race on Earth.
It is just a matter of how easy or difficult
it will be along the way... depending on personal choices. Choose
Tolec, tell me about the people from Procyon
who have lead this effort to take out the Reptilians. What do they look
like, who are they?
ANSWER: The people from the
Procyon star system are the fourth senior member of the Andromeda Council from
the planet Kaena. Kaena is a very temperate, very mild planet, think of
the Mediterranean region on Earth. They have no winters. They are
both upper 4th, 4D, dimensional people, as well as lower 5th, 5D, dimensional
people. They like to informally go by the name of the: 'Pree Ta'
They are on average, both men & women,
between 12 to 15 feet tall. They weigh on average between 5-10 lbs for
upper 4D people, and 2-5 lbs for lower 5D people. The higher the
dimensional vibration, the less density, less volume of weight. Hair
color: can be white, yellow, black straw like hair that varies from individual
to individual. It fans outward from their faces. Sometimes they
pull it back in a braided type of style all in one piece flowing down their
backs. Their eye color ranges from deep brown like dogs eyes, to gold
'tiger eye' color of stones like we have here on Earth. Their skin color
is pale white like an "albino". The clothing that they would
wear indigenous to their home world is much like that of a Greek or Roman white
toga worn just above the knees. They once, many years ago, had people
settle on this planet, Earth, and intermingle with Earth people of that
time. You occasionally might see signs of this in albino
As a people, they enjoy being out in nature
given the temperate climate of their planet. They are inherently
very gentle people who look to seek harmony with all of life. They
consider everything as based in energy & vibration. They use their
natural telepathic abilities to tap into higher dimensions for
information. They like to play, relax and learn from their own advanced
teachers about all of nature... the water, the land, the wind, the sky, and
they communicate via telepathy with their animals, plants... and other star
people who visit them.
They are a very calm, tranquil, gentle,
peaceful people, not war like at all. They were forced
to fight for their lives against the Reptilian occupation of their own home
world. They successfully freed themselves about twelve (12) years ago, as
we would measure Earth time. To take on this difficult task, for them, they
telepathically reached out to the higher dimensional people from the Arcturus
star system, planet Pitolla, the most senior member of the Andromeda
Council. In this process they learned advanced knowledge from the
Arcturus people to materialize sonic 4D weaponry in order to create multiple
ways to effectively fight against the Draco & Hydra Reptilians. In
their role as an Andromeda Council member they happily agreed to help with the
removal of these reptilians, and others, from a variety of captured worlds
under the reptilians control, including Earth.
What about the remaining reptilians still
running around loose on the planet surface, how many are there? Can they
cause any problem for us?
ANSWER: It's a very
good question. I will say that intuitively, and know that my intuitive
ratio of 'right vs wrong' runs to the "right", or
correct, side of this equation, at about 90-92% correct - the remaining number
of reptilian &/or reptilian created reptilian/human hydrids on this planet
numbers at about 200+-. Some small collective pockets of them all
working in collaboration with their Earth human lackeys/"puppets" on
the human side of the 'Cabal' / 'Illuminati' malevolent power structure, but it
is still only a very small number compared to the 10s of 1000s of
reptilians the people of Procyon, & others of the Andomeda
Council, have taken out.
Moreover, and most important, I've been told
by certain high placed Andromeda Council sources that with the reptilians
uniquely low vibration, 'life essence' frequency - they will not be able to
survive on Earth once this planet moves completely into becoming a 4D,
4th, dimensional world. This you can count on. Among other
things, their inherent arrogance is the primary reason for them thinking
they can somehow survive this coming higher vibrational shift. But once
they start to finally figure this out, that this is an - 'end game' - for
them since ALL of their underground & undersea bases have all been
taken out, their infrastructure & support structure on this planet has
been decimated - they are going to be like 'rats on a sinking ship'
looking to get out as soon as possible. Will they continue to try to make
trouble on their way out? They sure will. But, they are not long
for planet Earth, this I can tell you. And this is good news.
What do we have to do, is there anything
special we have to do in our lives to become 4D, 4th dimensional, people when
January 2014 arrives?
ANSWER: Nothing.
There is nothing you "have to do", nothing "special you
have to do", in order to evolve and transform into a 4D human
being. This is a natural process of evolution for this planet. Just
be here on Earth. Just be who you are. That is all you need to
do. Wodakote.
What about the people who wish to continue
to live 3D, third dimensional lives. What about them?
ANSWER: First a point of
reference - if people are physically on planet Earth in early January
2014 - they will at minimum become 4D,
fourth dimensional, people. Some will, because of their soul & spirit
origin essence, and current level of higher vibration, become 5D, fifth
dimensional people. Please keep in mind, the raising of the vibrational
frequency of this solar system, including planet Earth, is just part of its
destiny, its planned evolution.
Now, as to the people who want to choose to
remain 3D and continue to live third dimensional lives: they will have
the ability to choose, or not, keep in mind this is all about free will choice,
to relocate to an alternative, pristine, virgin 3D world much like Earth was
before it became industrialized. This planet is also located in the Milky
Way galaxy like planet Earth. As to where it is located - think of this
galaxy as a "pinwheel". With this pinwheel laying horizontally
on it side, as a reference point, Earth is located at 7:00, on a spiral arm, as
you would look at a round clock face. This new 3D world is located at
around 10:00 on a clock face on a completely different pinwheel spiral
arm. People who choose to travel to this world will be provided
with an advanced notice for departure sometime during the Summer
2013, approximately five (5) months before January
2014. Understand, there will be a travel - transition/adjustment -
period of about '10-12 years', based on how we currently calculate time.
This travel - transition/adjustment - period will be necessary because, keep in
mind, all of the people traveling on this biosphere together to their new home
world... they will come from all across Earth, from many countries, from all
varieties of cultures, languages, mores, beliefs and ways of living. They
will need this time to adjust to each other. They will also learn during the
this trip what their new world will be like, and what life will be like... on
their new home world together.
In addition, they will also be taught the
ground rules for this new planet which include: there will be absolutely
NO DISRESPECT to this planet allowed. There will be no:
littering, dumping of wastes, toxic or not, absolutely no polluting of this
planet, no abuse, no stripping or raping of its natural resources. These
kind of activities will not be tolerated or allowed. Finally, for these
3D Earth people once they are living on this new world - they will
be given, have access to, and use of many new advanced, completely clean,
highly energy efficient technologies. They will, should they choose to,
be able to live out their lives and thrive quite comfortably &
peacefully... on this beautiful virgin world, their new home.
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