Saturday, May 19, 2012
Allow each successive leadership role to come naturally and come often to you, as there are many tasks needed to be accomplished and many leaders needed to step up and take charge of these projects. The time has come for those of you with a purpose to step to the forefront of your fellow man and do what it is you came here to accomplish. Many of you have goals that you have set out for yourselves to reach, and we see that the time has come for many of you to become more involved in the important matters that are shaping your world at this time.
There exist
in your world many distractions and many time spenders, but the time has come
for you to see these activities for what they are and dispense of them and
ignore their calls for your attention, your energy and your time away from the
tasks that really matter and the jobs that you have come here to complete.
Ignore these calls like the voices of the Sirens that lure your ship to the
rocks. Listen instead for the call that will lead you to the missions you have
agreed to undertake here on this planet which may be far away from the world
that you call home. It will be soon that many of you shuttle back to your home
worlds, and we say to you there will be plenty of time once you are there to
re-envelope yourselves in your passions, your arts and your leisure.
Today is the
time for something else. Today it is time to get the job done that millions of
beings have come here to accomplish. This is no small affair, as there are many
worlds from throughout so many star systems that have aligned their talents and
their gifts to make a difference here and do something that has never before
been accomplished anywhere in this universe. The scope of what you together are
manifesting is beyond comprehension to you at this time, but we tell you it is
universal in size, and this is not a mere metaphor. Holding some of you back
are habits and tendencies and old patterns that no longer have a place for you
here in this world. Belittling your time with these pursuits is not in your
best interest, and it is not in the best interest of the star system you call
home or the galaxy you call home or the universe we all call home. It is time
now to put aside these lower dimensional distractions and heed your call of
duty and complete the assignments that you have agreed to carry out at specific
intervals of time.
Time is
running short. Time is a luxury you no longer enjoy. Time as you know it has
now become an enemy to your mission here. There is no more time to waste. Do
you now understand this? Do you now see that every minute of every day of every
week that lines the path from this moment to the end of your assignment needs
to be filled with a certain level of urgency and needs to see steps taken
towards the successful conclusion of each and every task you have been assigned
to and have agreed to undertake?
You can do
it, we know you can. You would not have been selected to travel here through
the form of incarnation if it were not decided by a council of higher
dimensional beings in charge of the recruitment process for this great mission
that you were a being that possessed the talents necessary for such an assignment.
Do you sense what kind of faith and confidence has been placed in you? Do you
understand that your past history and your records of achievements and
abilities were carefully studied, and that a decision was made that it was you
that were better qualified for this assignment than so many countless others
who wished to participate in this mission that has been highly regarded by so
many beings throughout this vast universe for many eons of time?
It is up to
you how you choose to proceed. It is up to you if you wish to toil the few
remaining moments of your incarnations on matters that will not interest you in
the slightest once you and your ship pull away from the dock that is this
planet. These time spenders that you are wrapped up and so involved in today
are pursuits that for the most part do not even exist in your home worlds, as
they are deemed so trivial there is no support system for them and therefore
cannot be found throughout many of the cultures throughout this universe. Here
in your world today some of these distractions are not only regarded with high
levels of interest, but some of them have been put on such a pedestal that they
are seen as pinnacles of your vast societies.
We, from our
vantage point, have trouble understanding this, and we are studying this
development and working on finding ways to release the holds that some of these
distractions have upon you, our team members in the field. The time has long come
to pry your attention and your addictions from these debilitating hobbies and
interests and find a way to allow you to focus greater on the only thing that
counts at this time for you, your team members, the world you have come from
and the universe we all share. Up to this point, finding this means to allow
you to refocus your energy has not been an easy task. We have shared with you
glimpses into how important and how vast this mission that you are involved in
is, with the hopes that this and this alone would allow you to see the great
importance of what you are involved in and give you the motivation to drop what
it is that envelopes you so in their meanings and their value, what little
value they hold.
Help us to
see clearer why so many of you cannot seem to find a way to loosen your grip on
these 3rd dimensional distractions, and we will do what we can to assist you,
if this is what you choose, to break free of these bonds that today are causing
you to whittle away your depleting resource of time and the energy that you can
be spending on the important matters at hand and the mission you have agreed to
undertake here in this world. Together we can do this. Together we can find a
way to allow you to disregard all these distractions and give all your
attention to your individual and collective mission here. There is still time
to get each and every job done that needs to be accomplished, and there are at
this time enough of you to bring about satisfactorily results in each area of
our overall operation. We will continue our efforts to awaken as many of you as
we can, and we ask you to continue to assist us also in this effort.
Each and
every task that needs to be accomplished can be accomplished far more
efficiently with sufficient numbers working together. We had made sure enough
of you incarnated here to see that there were enough hands available for each
and every task deemed necessary towards the successful accomplishment of this
mission. Although only a small fraction of you have responded to your call, we
are confident enough of you are awakened and will awaken to your call of duty that
will allow sufficient numbers to be available for each and every task needed to
be accomplished.
We see as a substantial
achievement those of you who have found a way to break away and rise above
these 3rd dimensional illusions and distractions in light of how many of your
brothers and sisters have yet to successfully find their way as you have.
Considering how great a task it has turned out to be for so many others who
have journeyed here as part of the same mission as you, we say to those of you
who have responded to your call of duty congratulations on a job so far very
well done. We wish to see those of you who have responded and who are taking
part in our efforts to restore to this planet love and light and cohesive environmental
and governmental structures continue your tremendous efforts, while at the same
time being beacons of light for those newly awakening ones who are responding
to their call and wish to join our efforts and fulfill their assignments they
have agreed to undertake.
recruitment process is not over as it is a continuing cycle of those who wish
to join in our efforts, and there are those who have traveled here for other
reasons who are now expressing an interest to be a part of our mission. We
welcome them with open arms and open hearts and say to them you are a very
welcomed addition to our team and we appreciate and look forward to all the
contributions you are making and will continue to make towards our efforts to
make this world and this universe a better place for every being that calls it their
home. We thank you for your willingness and your efforts you have volunteered,
and say to you “Welcome to our team”.
teams make up a large part of our contingency. These administration teams are
charged with the responsibility to oversee the individual assignments of our Lightworkers
in the field. Their function is to report back to the higher offices as to the
workloads being performed by those on the front lines in service to humanity.
Our administration teams are reporting that fewer than 15 or even 10 percent of
our Lightworkers have actively responded to their call of duty. This number is
considerably lower than the figure we had envisioned before we set out on our
mission. We would like to see this percentage climb considerably throughout the
next few months of your summer. We wish to see significant rises in the levels
of those not only awakened, but actively participating in the dissemination of
all relevant information to others, as well as the active participation of those
who are charged with the assignments of caring for other’s needs in the fields
of physical, mental and emotional health.
assignment that each of you has been charged with is no more or no less
important as any other assignment. Each and every assignment is important and
vital to our overall mission here, and like carefully aligned dominoes, each of
you will knock down specific areas that need attention and the chain of
dominoes will fall, leading to the changes most needed in this world. Look at
each job you tackle as yet another domino that has been triggered leading to a
chain reaction where your one domino can result in the fall of many. Think not
of the one task you complete or the one person you have helped as the end
result of all your hard efforts, but see each person that you assist on their
journey as one domino standing before another and another that can only fall
when the one domino before you is triggered.
One step at
a time is all we ask of you, our loyal team members in the field. We are not
asking, nor do we expect, just one of you to complete this mission on your own,
and we are not asking for even a large group of you to complete every
assignment necessary in one day. We are asking for each and every one of you
awakened and aligned with your mission of higher purpose to complete one
assignment at a time, working on this task at a steady pace each and every day
before you. This is how we, together, will complete every task necessary in the
amount of time that has been allotted for the completion of this mission. This
is how to trigger a long chain of dominoes; one starting point, one person, and
a chain reaction will be triggered, leading to the clearing of each and every
assignment that makes up our great mission.
You have the
tools at your disposal. You know what needs to be done. You have support from
your team members within the higher realms and you have the support of each
other. There is nothing or no one that stands before you and the successful
completion of your assignments but you, your own limitations that you have
placed on yourself and your own fears or insecurities of what others may think
of you. This is an enemy that you have conceived in your own minds, and this is
an enemy that must be defeated for you to achieve a successful completion of
your individual tasks.
We ask you
to identify your enemy. Where is it and what is it that stands before you as an
obstacle to your mission? Your enemy is not out there. He is not in space,
orbiting your planet. He is not in a boardroom discussing assaults with his lieutenants.
Your enemy is yourself. He is inside you, and must be removed only by you, for
it is you that is the commander of your own domain. No one else has the right
or the permission to enter this domain. It is your sacred space, and no one is
permitted to violate it in any way. Therefore it is you that must clear the
battlefield of this foe and advance on your mission towards victory.
We will give
you every opportunity to defeat this foe before matters become too pressing and
we must move on with the operation without your services. This is the way it
must be, as we have a tight time schedule to adhere to as there are galactic
and universal systems that tick like a finely crafted precision timepiece, and
this clock waits for no man or any being from throughout this universe. We will
lend you any and all assistance that you need to defeat your enemy and
eradicate any obstacles that are keeping you from the successful completion of
your individual assignments.
Allow us to
help you. If it is inner strength that you need, you have many brothers and
sisters all around you willing and eager to lend you their expertise and their
wisdom with handling such debilitating emotions. You are not alone, you have
never been alone and you will never be alone here or anywhere else throughout
this universe. You have many friends and great extended families, and they are
here, they are there and they are everywhere around you. They offer you all the support and assistance you
need to clear each and every obstacle before you, because they care about you
greatly and wish for you to become all it is that you had hoped for before you
set out on this assignment here in this world far beyond the center realms of
this galaxy. Allow them to help you help yourself clear away what it is that is
hampering you and your abilities that have been honed so sharply they are a
brilliant sword in your hand to fight and defeat any enemy that stands in your
path. Pull your sword and thrust it mightily before you and slay whatever it is
that is stopping you from reaching the goal that you set out for yourself so
long ago.
We see you
completing successfully each and every task assigned to you, and we only wish
for you to see this as well, for it will give you the strength and the courage
to do whatever it is you have to do to conquer your fears and your insecurities.
This is your mission, and it is a great part of our overall mission. Fear is
your enemy; your enemy is not out there. He is not cloaked in green or gray or
in armor, he is cloaked within you. Know this, challenge him, defeat him and
move on towards new battles and new challenges that have been designed to bring
out the best in you and allow you to become all it is that you wish to be.
challenges and battles have been designed to reach this end and bring out who
it is you truly are deep inside. None of what is happening here today in you
world is by chance. All that is happening in your world today has been designed
for you, to allow you to overcome obstacles in order to better define who it is
you are. Utilize this set up for everything that it is worth to you, and allow
it to allow you to reach your greatest potential, as tremendous efforts have
been put in to the designing and implementation of this scenario and
opportunities as rich as this cannot be provided often throughout this universe.
Look at all
this as your one big chance to make of it, and make of yourself, all that can
be gained from this potential, as it very well may be the lone opportunity of
its kind ever presented in this or any other universe. This is how valuable
this period in your planet's history is to each and every one of you, and this
is why we often ask you to share what you know with all your brothers and
sisters who will listen, as we wish to give them every opportunity, every
chance to awaken and participate in this grand endeavor, as the only losses
that will be experienced here is the loss of opportunity.
There will
be no losses of lives for you, as each and every one of you are eternal beings
who have no end and have no enemies but the ones you conceive and create yourselves.
What you choose to create is up to each and every one of you and your society
as a collective whole. We cannot help you slay the enemies that you have
created for yourselves, as you have created these enemies for you to battle and
to defeat for your own reasons. These reasons are many and they are varied, and
we will say that many of these reasons you have created these fictitious foes
is due to your own fears and your own insecurities about your own universe.
We tell you
there is nothing to fear in your entire universe. It is only us. It is only we
that exist here and call this place our home. There is no they, there is no
them, there is no other team or other side. We are all but one. Remember this the
next time you feel you are creating yet another enemy for yourselves. Know this
the next time you read the words of someone who believes they are channeling
higher dimensional intelligences and are being advised on the long list of
enemies to you and your people. Know that a true higher dimensional ascended
being would not suggest to you that you have even one enemy, as you do not.
There is only one, and we are this.
We are the
Galactic Federation of Light.
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