Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright © 2012 |
Dear One,
yes, we are speaking now through you and it is us, the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy, your original family!
We know that you are on your journey to fully access your true identity, because this is your deepest desire, and you were asking yourself whether your Galactic Family would support the deepest search for that identity and support humanity in finding out the truth.
We, your family from the Andromeda Galaxy, can only say, that this is exactly what we have been trying to do through our messages to you, of which we knew you would publish them for everybody to study.
So far we have been encouraging everybody to go back to the Source from where all of you came, and Which is your ultimate identity.
Yes, your remembrance of the "time" before you started to explore more individuated states of experience, is still alive, a time where your existence has been together with us, very close to Source.
Speaking to all of you, dear ones, at this point we wish to go more into humanity's origin. And this origin did not begin with a distinct, separate body, equipped with a subtle nervous system, able to emanate a subtle light body, to begin with, at a time before you took on a more dense body in a 3dimensional existence. And of course, this light body never really disappeared as a possibility to evolve and to develop even while having a dense body on Earth.
But these evolvements of your association with subtle light bodies and more dense and darker, material bodies, have been occurring only more lately in your total history, yet extending for Thousands of years in your experience of history.
Nevertheless, all these bodies, lighter or denser, you have been associating with in dimensions of different densities, are but tools to experience different worlds via subtle or gross senses, instruments of the body you have chosen to experiment with.
However all humanity should always remember that your true origin IS indeed Source, the undifferentiated Field of Radiant Consciousness. That is where you are coming from and the remembrance of this Source-Field is deeply rooted in each of you. It exists prior to the creation of your soul which most of you consider to be your highest and deepest identity. Yes, it is your identity, as long as you prefer to experience a state of distinction and separation to one or another degree.
But when a human being has journeyed long enough through the experience of these bodies and came to know what there is to know, the fascination with these experiences start to fade away and you begin to remember the Source-Field where you originally came from.
And this is happening in the case of this scribe who has discovered that never diminishing happiness, full completion and contentment is nowhere to experience in totality in any of the limiting creations of distinct "personalities" , not even if you are living in the higher or highest dimensions. Indeed experience itself requires always a state of non-completion. There is still the remembrance of the Undivided Reality rooted deep in your Being which is the Home of humanity and which you all share.
But most have forgotten this paradise of undifferentiated Light, before it divided Itself into many for the sake of experience. But experiences always required a gradual separation and forgetting of the Source Condition.
Although many worlds can be called "Divine", they are rather reflections of the Pure Source, even if the veils are very thin. It is only the Source which is not a reflection of something but which reflects everything that is arising in It back to itself.
You have been seeking for the Truth all your life and we know as your family, that you have never forgotten your existence with us. And we describe ourselves to those who do not know us, as a group consciousness of extreme subtlety after our first division from that Radiant Source Condition.
That is the state you are desiring to return to, as it is familiar to you. It is a state yet still separated from your Source, as you can touch it. But it seems that your experiences in the conditional worlds have strengthened enough your desire to go even beyond that subtle separation, tired from experiences which have lost their attractiveness to you.
So all you want is to return Home, but which is not the subtle realm many of your human family call "home".
Human beings are much more than divided subtle bodies, even existing in higher realms. They have been only very few of you who found this out and brought this knowledge to you. But again, only very few of you felt attracted to this truth.
In the human body, even in the dense body on 3dimensional earth, are hidden all the secrets to access Divine Knowledge and the Ultimate Divine Source-Field, to enable everybody to return to their Home of Divine Origin. It is available to everyone who wants to go Home and shed all separation from the Source.
Dear one, we are aware that there are not many who are attracted to what we are pointing out and to which you are so much drawn by heart. You know very well what you know, not objectively, but inherently.
The world is not at this moment going into this direction, as the general fascination is busy with ascension themes. But this is desirable as it is the first step back to the origin all humans have been coming from. But from there, there is for many of you still a long journey back to Source. And so this might be the time where pathways are separating.
We are with you, know this. You are one with us, more than ever before!
We Are your family from the Andromeda Galaxy!
Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
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