"Energy Follows Thought" - Archangel Michael "Енергията следва Мисълта" - Архангел Михаил
With this rainbow we declare to all of YOU, who are working relentless and dedicated for the welfare of our people and Mother Earth, our deepest gratitude, our love and the certainty, that we are supporting you with combined strength. This rainbow should be the symbol of protection and invincibility of all the Beings that want to live together in Love and Peace. Please share this message and send your Love.
18th May 2012
С тази дъга ние заявяваме на всички Вас, които работите упорито и всеотдайно за доброто на нашите хора и Майката Земя, нашата най-дълбока благодарност, нашата любов и увереност, че ви подкрепяме с комбинирана сила. Тази дъга ще е символ на защита и непобедимост на всички Същества, които искат да живеят заедно в Любов и Мир. Моля, споделете това съобщение и изпратете вашата Любов.
18 май 2012 година
30.09.11 г.
Опазвайки себе си от некачествени състояния на съзнанието, вие спасявате целия свят Възлюбената Гуан Ин, 24 юни 2011 г.
29.09.11 г.
Council of Twelve via Ann: Here’s your diploma
By Ann ·
You’re in good company. Many, many souls are advancing toward this goal. And then you’ll advance toward the next goal. Are you surprised that you’re no longer in kindergarten? Of course not. You lived, you did the work, and now you have various pieces of paper, diplomas, that signify your accomplishment and progress. Would you like a diploma to certify your advancement to the next level? Would that make you more confident of your rightful place among the lightworkers, angels, guides, masters, and galactic beings who watch your efforts with pride? All right then. Here it is.
We hereby decree by the power invested in us by the Creator that you, [your name here], are well on your way to the next level of consciousness, also known as ascension. We certify that you have completed the requirements and assigned tasks that qualify you for happiness! You are hereby recognized as a child of God and a full member of the star families that comprise your universe. Congratulations!
All right. Now that we’ve handled that bit of business, let’s continue with today’s topic: Learning to live lightly and without pressure, stress, and all the psychological baggage that holds you back from moving even faster. Breathe. That’s all there is to it. Use your senses, which you may have noticed, are becoming ever more acute and attuned to the physical and non-physical worlds. Have you noticed that leaves are greener, the air is full of scents, the light is exquisite? It’s not just the turning of the seasons, although autumn does have its special charm, but you are becoming a finely tuned instrument that is capable of perceiving more and more stimuli.
So take in the beauty, filter out the ugly. Use discernment in all things: people, food, places, entertainment, information, friends, family, politicians, co-workers. Turn off the chatter, the judgement, and simply perceive. Then let your heart lead the way. Fool-proof method for maximizing your day. Helpful to the process of planetary ascension. It’s about as difficult as baking a cake. Seriously. You wouldn’t put motor oil in the batter, so don’t put garbage in your head. Surround yourself with light, and you’ll be able to filter out what doesn’t work for you. Energetically, that is.
Do you see that we are counseling detachment? Relax, breathe, watch the 3-D movie that’s your daily life. Be the calm actor at the center of it all, as the world swirls around you and the craziness ensues. Be bemused. Let it go. Feel your own energy field as it surrounds you with love and protection – the love and protection that you generate from the ground of your own being. The radiance of that practice will affect your immediate environment and the entire universe. Enjoy your day, star light.
27.09.11 г.
Suzanne Spooner: 9/27/11 God Message..Seems ‘Living in the Now 101′ class continues!
I have an announcement to make. You and I are soon going to be in the delightful moment of Now. This change in dimension will be felt first by those who are
Iight workers. In an instant a vibrational change will connect to your DNA and you will activate dormant strands. In this instant you will shed your ego & imagine your life free of conflict. In this moment you and I will have a new connection of tangible love. We will walk together & laugh, we will be One and One will be All. In this moment I will Be & you will Be and no longer will you doubt your origin. In this moment you will find the answers to life’s questions. You will be amazed at what you find. Finding out, that your experience in 3-D was nothing you thought it was, will be mind opening. You cannot know the amount of love that supports you for this shift. Imagine, as you experience these last times of 3- D life, the orchestra of God’s symphony & the exceptional role you play Dear One. Be a light in these last moments of darkness. You & I are in this together.
Скъпи мои,
Имам съобщение за вас. Вие и Аз скоро ще бъдем в удовлетворяващия момент на Сега. Тази промяна на измерението ще бъде усетена първоначално от онези , които са Служители на Светлината. Внезапно вибрационна промяна ще се свърже с вашето ДНК и вие ще активирате скритите нишки. В този момент ще се отърсите от своето его и ще си представите живота си, освободен от всякакъв конфликт. В този момент Ти и Аз ще осъществим нова връзка на осезаема любов. Ще вървим заедно и ще се смеем, ще бъдем Едно и Едно ще бъде Всичко. В този момент Аз ще Бъда и Ти ще Бъдеш и повече няма да се съмняваш в твоя произход. В този момент ти ще откриеш отговорите на въпросите на живота. ще бъдеш удивен от това, което ще намериш. Откривайки, че твоят живот в третото измерение не беше нищо, което ти си мислеше, че е , ще бъде отварящо ума преживяване. Не можеш да си представиш количеството любов, което те подкрепя за тази промяна. Представи си, докато преминаваш през последните мигове на живота в третото измерение, оркестъра на Божествената симфония и изключителната роля, която играеш, Скъпо Дете. Бъди светлина в тези последни моменти на мрак. Ти и Аз сме в тях заедно.
26.09.11 г.
Children of the Sun: The Planetary Crystalline Grid
The Planetary Crystalline Grid
The Grid is part of our NEW consciousness matrix! It is a manifestation of our evolutionary process and the patterned growth of universal consciousness. We are all co-creators of this crystal matrix of diamond light energy. It is a self operating and self sustaining system of communication and energy transfer. It is strengthened as more and more people connect into it. It’s potential is infinite.This is a worldwide Call for Unification in our efforts to co-create a planetary civilization of light and galactic society The time has come for us to truly clarify and embody the concept of unification in order to synchronize our heart-mind intent into one giant network of divine intent. By understanding that we all are on the same mission with our individual focus and roles, we work towards a conscious transformation of our individual efforts into one collective and very influential energy matrix.
Serving as human portals and an extension of this powerful network, we each receive and transmit pure, love based frequencies to and from our intimate sphere of influence and the geographic locations in which we live. We build our own networks of light on this grid matrix and the channeled webbing expands into greater fields of this mass unification. With aligned intent, we accelerate the unification process especially into the areas of the world not currently being accessed. We greatly assist in the completion of all conflict and bring higher consciousness to the hearts of the multitude.
Vehicle for Mass Unification
Crystalline Grid Key Points
By consciously connecting into the Grid, we all become stronger receivers and transmitters of the higher light frequencies… as one synergistic beam of ascension energy. As you merge into this crystalline diamond light matrix, you will open up to your highest human potential.
By uniting as a collective force on the Unity Grid and with unified intent, we can accelerate the mass awakening of consciousness and bring more and more people across the bridge.
The Unified Mission
What is the grid network?are four of thousands of other places upon Earth serving in this way.
We, as the human portals and radiators of this Grid and crystalline energy, can direct tremendous amounts of transforming energy from the grid to certain people, places and events. We can also be charged and recharged with endless energy as we connect into the grid and go about our mission in the outer world.
More Information:
There is a growing amount of grid information on the internet. Following are two key articles:The Ascension & the 144 – Crystal Grid
By Tyberonn
The Christ Grid
By Ronald L. HoltDirector of Flower of Life Research
Thanks to 2012 Indy Info
23.09.11 г.
22.09.11 г.
СаЛуСа до мен: Отново трябва да станете като деца – 21.09.2011г.
Translations of these messages into various languages are posted at http://despertando.me/