Can you really be certain from who these messages are coming from? We see many of you at this time questioning the veracity and accuracy of these and other similar communications, and we ask you at this time just what about these communications are you not resonating with? Are our words not vibrating with the strings of love and light? Do these words not emanate tones of beauty, of freedom, of hope? Do these words not assure you of your incredible futures that await you just up ahead? What part of these transmissions are you not resonating with you? Are there parts of these messages you feel are being conceived and sent to our channels from agents of the dark? Do you feel the entirety of these messages are manifestations of the dark? We ask you to allow your intuition to guide you and quiet the portion of yourself that requires proof at this time, as much can be learned from these transmissions and it is solid proof you will never receive as this is not part of your assignments at this time.
Your assignments have been clearly outlined many times by now have they not? What part of your assignments suggest to you that solid proof will be furnished to you as barter for your services? Are you not guaranteed enough knowing that your ascension is just up ahead after your work here is completed? Do you not see how quickly your days are passing you by and how little time you have to wait to experience your true freedom apart from these limiting confines of the 3rd dimension? Have you not been assured that it is a paradise that awaits you and there is but work to be done to clear the path between you and the life you have always dreamed of? What is precisely causing some of you to begin to doubt these messages that are sent not to our channels, but to you through our channels? If our channels do not perform their duties according to our, the Galactic Federation of Light, high standards of accuracy, then we will discuss this with our channel and see to matters of improvement, and if improvement is not made than we will cease to share messages through this particular channel. To believe that we would stand by and allow even the smallest portions of our messages to be inserted by the dark is simply illogical, and a belief in this unlikely scenario is call for you to begin inner reflection and inspection, as it is your consciousness that is now being infiltrated by fear and its many aspects.
Distrust and suspicion are elements of fear, as these are symptoms of the negative vibration. A clearing of what is causing these negative vibrations within you is the matter at hand at this time that must be dealt with, as they do not simply go away by themselves, but grow and consume more of your light and cause blockages that can and will prevent light from reaching you. We suggest at this time that you who are beginning to doubt these and certain other sources of our information to review what our messages are intended to do. Our messages are not intended to force you or order you to do anything or obey anyone. Do these messages from us ever command you to do any such thing? Our messages are shared with you to lift your spirits high by painting a portrait of what awaits you at the completion of your assignments. Do they not deliver in this way? Our messages also seek to inform you of some of our campaign to remove the obstacles between you and the better world that so many of you wish for yourselves. Do our messages fail to inform you of these proceedings? Do our messages instill fear within you, or do they radiate with love? This is certainly a question you may ask yourself as you read our words. If these messages and others like them were truly instruments of the dark, what would be the benefit to the dark for all this effort? What purpose would they be doing for the Cabal? The Cabal does not wish to fill you with hope, with confidence, with determination to complete your mission. The Cabal wants you to give up your work for the light, for they clearly understand that is you, the Lightworkers, who are the greatest threat to their power and it is you, the people, who will soon inherit what has always been rightfully yours.
As we have clearly stated to you many times, we honor and respect all in every choice each of you makes and we honor the choice of all those who choose to believe our messages of light derive from the dark. All we ask at this time is that you carefully review your choice and find just what it is that has led you to this decision. That is all we ask at this time.
There are, of course, messages shared by those who consider themselves channels who are not, and there are those who claim to be channels who are agents of the dark. It is up to you to discern for yourselves which messages emanate of higher vibration and which are attempts to instill fear and control. At this point we see so many of you who possess this ability and we are so confident in you that you will be able to discriminate between these different vibrations. We say to you not to shut out these avenues of information, but to simply use your powers of discernment and follow your intuition as it will guide you to your truths.
We see from our vantage point so many of you making such great strides in your lives today, and we are so proud of each and every one of you for your efforts to persevere in these difficult times. As we have outlined you in the past, there are many institutions of your societies that must be broken down before they can be rebuilt, and today many of you are taking notice of these changes all around you. You see that your banking systems are crumbling under their own weight, and our Earth allies are seeing to it that the much needed changes will proceed as has been scheduled. Many icons of your banking and financial worlds will soon be toppled from their long-held positions of power and this will pave the way for your new financial system that is based on the universal law of abundance, and not on debt and scarcity as it is today. What a tremendous difference this will make for you all, even as there are still many of you who yet to completely understand what this means. To be simple about this, we will say that the economic system that you have come to understand and many of you still accept as the only viable option will be removed, leaving a void where your new system, based on natural abundance and the sharing of your vast resources with each and everyone on the planet, will be inserted. There is, and has always been, more than enough to go around, and each of you will share equally in the vast wealth that is soon to be made available to you. No one on your planet will go to bed hungry, and no one on your planet will ever again be forced to live in poverty. This is your new system.
The paths are being cleared for your new system by many dedicated members of your human family. These brave men and women work tirelessly behind the scenes to bring about the necessary changes to allow your new system to take flight. We assist our Earth allies where our strengths are needed, but again, it is not we of the higher realms that are doing this work for you, it is you that are performing these tasks. We applaud all those who have committed so much of their lives to help facilitate these changes, and we see your tremendous efforts paying off for the benefit of all. Continue on in your efforts as many walls are being broken down each day. Soon there will be no obstacle left in your way to initiate the new system, and we see humanity's collective vibration rising tremendously at the news that such an integral part of their hardships has been obliterated forever.
We say to all of our Lightworkers, please continue on in your service as you are so near the completion of your assignments that you have been committed to for far longer than you may realize at this time. You will see the end of this difficult stage of your mission soon, and your next assignments are surely to be less burdensome for you. As we have said, we will be working personally with many of you, you can be assured of this, as it should be clear to many of you by now that we do not do your work for you, it is your world and it is you that must complete these tasks. We are here to assist you, to furnish you the proper tools and to train you in their proper use. How else can we do this without a personal relationship with you? We say to you we will be with you soon, not in spirit, but in the flesh, so we can get underway with many projects that, as you will soon understand, are necessary components of your new world. We will speak again soon. Be well dear ones.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
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