Each individual will become better able and more inclined to take on greater responsibility for their own thoughts, words and actions and the consequences of these upon the World around them and, in this way, will become aware of the power they truly have within them to effect loving and positive change within their World. Each individual will be openly honored for the specific role they have played in One’s life that has brought each person to the realization of the greatness and magnificence of their Being. Each of these individuals gave of themselves in Love to do what they could to help you to remember that you are indeed greater than you perceive yourselves to be. The roles that these Ones have played have not been easy for them, for it required them to take on roles of opposition or of stark contrast to the path that you perceived yourselves to be traveling upon and which seemed to take a complete u-turn into an area of life that would never have been considered otherwise. Each of these experiences have helped/are helping you to grow into more loving and compassionate Beings who are capable of experiencing much in the name of Love.
Much of these revelations will be occurring in the times ahead, Dear Ones, and it is important to follow these insights so that the experiences that brought you to these can fully be realized and acknowledged for the gift that was given you. All the events and happenings in the World at this time and into the following years are times of acceleration to help bring Humanity into a greater awareness of their higher potentials and origins. These times will challenge each Human to the core of their inner essence to stand in their most basic precepts and beliefs and re-evaluate all that is truly important in their lives. Each individual will seek to re-unite with their higher aspects in order that greater Love and meaning may become manifest in their daily lives. There will be many completions and many new beginnings in all relationships, many times within relationships between the same two individuals. As each individual seeks to find more meaning and relevance in their lives, the power of Love will come front and center and it will be seen and understood in a different Light than at present.
It will be realized that Love can overcome mountains of obstacles and that what it requires from each individual is a humbleness of heart in which human ego is absent, to continue on a path that seems impossible, for following the path of their heart is the only thing that makes any sense. The heart is at the core essence of each individual’s Being and it is the heart that knows the way back to wholeness and completeness. The heart contains the sacred place within that will connect each Soul to their Source and once this connection takes place, greater growth will be experienced and an accelerated opening of the remembrance of One’s Divine origins will take place. These are the times when Beings unite as we come to the ending of the great cycles of the ages and that completions occur in a golden circle of Love. It is important to Love and honor those who have served your unfolding Path back to wholeness and remembrance, no matter how difficult or contrary this role might have been. Only those Souls who had gift to take you to these places within you were chosen by your Greater Presence to come into your lives in a perfect unfoldment of the Divine Plan of your life and their life and the greater life of God’s Divine Plan for each and all.
Walk then, Beloved Ones, with the highest integrity and pureness and knowingness of your own heart and follow its promptings for it will lead you to that which is for your greatest and highest good. Know that each of you is supported and assisted in all ways at all times. You never walk alone, even in those moments most perceived as your darkest moments. All of these serve a greater and higher purpose, and as these come to your knowledge and understanding, only gratitude and appreciation will flow from your beautiful hearts. All is as it should be, have faith and trust in the Higher Plan for your Path upon this World.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana, (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
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