Your Star Families are not unlike your 3rd dimensional parents who have raised you since birth. In a way, we have worried about you just as your moms or dads may have worried about your safety and future, although we always knew you would make it okay and complete your journey throughout duality unhurt and unscathed. It is now time to reunite with your Star Families from throughout space and throughout time. We have seen you grow so much, and we understand all that you have been through and all that you have learned more than you could probably understand at this time. Some of you are beginning to see a clearer picture of who we are to you, and all shall be revealed in the coming days when the great veil is to be lifted and we are free to embrace each other once again.
Fear not of some of the headlines of your news media, as much of the unsettling stories are contrived merely to frighten you and knock you off balance in these final days of your current 3rd dimensional journey. Some of the earthquakes reported are truly rumblings from your Mother Earth as she sheds her last refuses of 3rd dimensional skin, although some of these shakings are unnatural in nature. All is well, and all is proceeding according to plan. Your future which is indescribably bright is well in hand already and all that awaits you is the glorious unveiling ceremony which you will have a front row seat for. Prepare yourselves for a most spectacular display that is sure to make all your hardships and struggle certainly worth the price of admission, and it is admission you will soon receive to a reality so grand, so immensely gorgeous and fulfilling that no words in your current languages could hardly serve justice to the gift the Creator has so carefully selected for your graduation present. We have shared with you many times just what awaits you, the weary traveler, and we did not oversell. Please try to remain patient as details are finalized here and there. We, the Galactic Federation, in an alliance with our many Earth allies and fully supported by the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Realms, work diligently towards the goal of your ascension into the higher dimensions and no one or nothing can or will ever deny you what you have so justifiably earned.
A new sun burst of energies are very soon to shine down upon you all and bath your world in the sun drenching lovelight of the Heavenly Realms. Allow this energy to soak your very being, breathe it in. Feel its gorgeous power. Allow this gentle breeze of lovelight to lift you up and sweep you away. See this energy filling inside those around you. See the powerful changes these energies are creating while you visualize the new world you wish to create for yourselves. It will be yours, as it has been written.
We are your family from the stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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