
13.03.12 г.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much. 

As so many of you celebrate the return of springtime, we celebrate the return of new life in your hearts. For indeed the light is rising up within you. That light is what you are made of and it seeks expression in all things. How can you add more love to your lives today? Can you bless the computer which allows you to read this message? Can you give thanks for electricity as you turn on your lights? Can you appreciate the simple gift of running water? For indeed, dear friends, these are gifts and blessings that many in your world do not share. You are lucky to be able to take them for granted, and yet we in the heavens encourage you to take nothing for granted.

The food upon your table has traveled many miles for most of you. As you eat a simple salad made from ingredients at your local grocery store, there are hundreds to thousands of individuals to whom you can give thanks. The seeds that grew your vegetables were harvested and stored. The farmers tilled the soil, planted, watered, fertilized, picked, cleaned, and shipped. The food was packaged and displayed in your grocery store. The store managers, merchandisers, clerks, and baggers were there for you. The knives you cut the salad with were manufactured of woods and steels from many different countries. Again there were those that fashioned them, packaged them shipped them, sold them, and helped you find them. And if your salad comes from your own garden, with the lettuce torn by your own hands you can still give thanks for the seeds, the rain, the sun, and the beauty of your own two hands.

You are all connected to one another dear ones. You are all connected to all of life. A volcano spewing ash in a country half way around the world may seed the clouds that made the rain that watered your lettuce. A person centuries ago may have cultivated the first plant that is an ancestor of the heirloom tomatoes you just ate. You can not escape your interdependency with all of life. No man is an island, as you like to say. We say you are all interconnected in the ocean of God’s love.

And so dear ones, your actions ripple out to all of life as well. You eat the salad and you provide a living for those who brought it to your table. Or you till the soil in your own back yard and tickle the heart of mother earth. You don’t even breathe in isolation for the air you inhale has passed through the waters and the trees, and the breath you exhale is recycled unto the very same. You share the atmosphere in which you live with seven billion other human beings and every living thing. From our viewpoint in the heavens, we marvel that you could ever feel alone.

So as the energy of love strives to rise up from within you share blessings of appreciation for the simplest things in your life. Instead of focusing upon what you do not yet have, focus on the blessings you do. An abundant heart is one that can see the good in all things. And when your heart is filled with this love and appreciation, it will expand and the universe will be able to fill your cup to the brim with even more.
God bless you! We love you so very much.

– The Angels

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