
13.03.12 г.

The Crystal Activation:

Masters, in closing this discourse, we leave you with the understanding that all of what we have discussed is around your work in achieving crystalline activation. You see it is an essential acquisition for both seekers and the planet. It is in fact occurring planetarily through myriad modalities, focally through the powerpoints, sacred sites, and leys of the earth. The vortex-portals of major power points have crystalline geometric matrixes, very similar in nature to the octahedronal and dodecahedronal crystallography of precious gems. When higher dimensional light waves are received through these overlay lenses, the planet is imbued with platonic crystalline frequency.

Man through intent and impeccability achieves the crystalline vibration. What is impeccability? Impeccability is simply walking ones talk, living in integrity, eliminating fear and worry, always doing your best, honoring others, and last but certainly not least, achieving self love. Granted, this is easier said than none, but it is essential in activating your crystalline field.

Can mankind achieve activation of the crystalline qualities without visiting sacred sites? Yes absolutely. But those of you that choose to do so, will be within infinity points amidst a crystalline field that is already there, and in so doing, the process is greatly facilitated.

You see crystallization is not just an atomic-molecular order in physical science and chemistry; it is also a vibration, achieved through the metamorphis of crystalline alchemy. A vibration of integral clarity that refines the human electromagnetic energy field into the pristine sacred geometry of the merkaba. When you accept to activate your crystalline field, you acknowledge, define and empower your Divinity of Self. You then carry the most precious of sacred sites with you everywhere you go: the human heart. Within crystalline activation ones heart emits a golden-spiraled frequency from within the merkabic star tetrahedron, and this frequency sings the symphonic song of Ascension, with the instruments of every sacred site orchestrated to crystalline perfection, and it resounds in ecstasy to the Cosmos.
Source: http://www.earth-keeper.com/EKnews_oct07.htm

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