The Cabal is escalating its plans to trigger a new global war through Syria. Needless to say, that will not be allowed to happen.
But let me explain first what the plan of the Cabal was:
they have polarized many countries of the international community with a series
of incidents in Syria to get them involved into the conflict:
through the joint operation of the non-physical Archons and the physical Cabal
they want to create a black hole vortex in Syria by cutting off all Light. On the
non-physical planes, they are sending as many reptilians to Syria and the surrounding
region as possible. And on the physical plane, they have isolated Syria by
cutting off their access to the internet:
short, they want to increase chaos and entropy in Syria to the maximal extent
by cutting off Light and information and then involve as many nations as
possible in the thus created conflict. This is their last attempt to prevent the
opening of the portal on May 25th.
will not be allowed to happen. Current use of biochemical weapons and nuclear
bunker buster bombs is testing the limits of patience of the Resistance
Movement. Although the planetary conditons for the Event are not yet right due
to too many non-physical negative forces still present around the surface of
the planet, the Resistance WILL trigger the Event as an emergency protection measure
if the violence continues to escalate. So by escalating things further the
Cabal is actually shortening its time of existence drastically. If they are
clever enough, they will cool down.
and Ben Fulford have already been contacted indirectly by the Resistance agents
on the surface through intermediaries, hinting at the possibility of the
Event happening soon so that the surface population may be a little more
prepared. The current possibility for the Event happening prematurely as an
extreme precaution measure before May 25th is about 6%.
target date the Cabal has for escalating the Syria conflict into a full scale
war is the moment of the Uranus-Pluto square, which occurs on May 20th at 22 hours
22 minutes Greenwich mean time. Astrologically, this configuration represents
the peak of the tension and the last testing moment before the opening of the
portal on May 25th.
whole situation requires our assistance. Therefore I would ask as many people
as possible to meditate at the moment of the Solar eclipse on May 9th/10th to
create a positive resonance field of peace for the Syria vortex. Scientific
studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society,
so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human
lives in Syria:
Syria vortex is an ancient Goddess energy site and one of the major key points
of the planetary energy grid.
exact moment of the Solar Eclipse is 00 hours and 25 minutes GMT/UTC on May
10th. For Europe and Asia, the eclipse occurs on May 10th in the morning. For
the Americas, it occurs on May 9th evening.
You can view the exact
time of the meditation for many places here:
1. Relax your mind and
body by watching your breath for a few minutes
2. Visualize a pillar
of electric blue Light, coming from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending
down through your body
3. Visualize that Light
flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly into the Syria
vortex, filling it with Light and eliminating all darkness which exists there
4. Ask the Goddess
presence (divine feminine) to come through your body
5. Ask that Goddess presence
to direct energies of peace and harmony to Syria and everyone involved in that
conflict. Allow that energy to flow through your heart and then through your
hands into the Syria vortex for a few minutes
Goddess wants peace and
peace will come.
P.S. Facebook event group for this meditation is already created:
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