
20.04.13 г.

Създателят говори чрез Рон Хед

На страницата на Рон Хед, който канализира Архангел Михаил, тия дни се появи запис от негов сеанс по квантова лечебна хипноза, в който съвсем неочаквано Създателят започва да говори чрез Рон Хед и част от това, което казва, е адресирано до всички хора. Ето една малък откъс от втората част на сеанса.

A QHHT Session with Ron Head and an Unexpected Guest ~ With Suzanne Spooner

April 18, 2013
Suzanne Spooner makes a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session with Ron Head and unexpected the Creator himself speaks through Ron Head, including to all people…
Links for the Session in 2 parts:
Some interesting moments from the Second Part of the Session:

But very soon, you are going to see me do a few magic tricks which are going to force people to begin to ask questions...

there will be things happening in the heavens which, at first, you will told to FEAR.

 “Oh my, the world is going to come to an end!”

Well, if I wanted the world to come to an end, it would have ended long before now.

But they will get your attention. And then the world will not come to an end.
Suzanne: how much time would you say we have before all that starts occurring?
 Creator: It’s already occurring.
How many comets, how many meteorites? How many meteors? I mean you are in literally the thick of it.
And there will come the opportunity for the fear mongers to pounce upon, and take advantage of, what they see coming.
And then we will do our magic trick.

And there will be a combination of things.
There will be things which miss you.
There will things which explode.
BUT, there will very clear evidence that they have been exploded.
And that will lead someone to ask, “Who did that?”
And there will be evidence, undeniable evidence…

Suzanne: Has some of that happened already?
Creator: Oh yes! But so far, they’ve swept it all under the carpet.
Suzanne: Are we talking about 9-11?
Creator: There is that, but I’m thinking of… Case in point, there was a meteor headed for huge destruction in Russia just weeks ago…
And there are films of what happened.
And there those who interpret those films correctly.
But they are very few.
Well, there will come a time when it is undeniable any longer.

And then you tell me that there is no contact with other civili… that you are the only intellig… this is so silly.
The entire universe is alive.
The entire universe is intelligent. That’s ME! How could it not be?

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