
17.01.13 г.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009 

You are not the needy. You are not the downtrodden. You are the Christed lifestreams who know how to raise the Sword of Blue Flame and pierce through the darkness with the Light of God as you call forth the Invocations, the Decrees, and the Adorations to the Presence. And I, Blessed Hearts, have always stood with you, parting the way! And where those circumstances arise, when you have accomplished all that is within your capability, I lawfully can and do enter the fray and clear the way for your lifestream to complete the action and accomplish all that the moment requires.

This is such a time! We come again to remind you that you are Our best Hope for the World. For who else will call forth the Light, save those that know how to give the call? Who else has the Light within the folds of their garment to connect with those of Us in the Ascended Octaves who can make the difference, if not you? You, Blessed Hearts, have been trained. You have been tutored. You have been fired in the Refiner’s Fire, and your Mighty I AM Presence is most desirous that you shall fulfill the Fiery Destiny of your Christhood, in this very cycle.

You cannot wait until you have some seeming sign from on high that proves to you that you have arrived. You must affirm with every fiber of your being, at this given hour, that you have arrived! For if you know full well that your Mighty I AM Presence exists, if you know that you are a Son and Daughter of God, and if you are aware of how to invoke that Light, then Blessed Hearts, there is no thing to stand in your way. Do you suppose for one moment that if Our Angels, when entering the fray, dealing with all manner of negativity, were to vacillate as to whether or not they were able to accomplish a task, that they would ever be God Victorious? Our Angels know only the Light of God! They know only the Purity of God! And when the Blue Fire comes forth in the Purity of the Light, as it is directed by their Consciousness, Blessed Hearts, there is no thing in their wake, save that which is Pure and Holy, and that which radiates the full Freedom of Divine Expression in whatever form and on whatever plane of consciousness they have been operating!

So you see, Blessed Hearts, you are to come up — come up in your own assessment of yourself — that you are equal to the task that you were born to fulfill! Many have written the Lords of Karma and the Great Divine Director time and time again to know, “What is my Divine Plan?” Well, Blessed Hearts, let Me tell you that you are in your Divine Plan.
And that Divine Plan is, first and foremost, fulfilling the intent of your Mighty I AM Presence before the altar daily, for there is how you prove the mettle that you are made of. There is how you instill within these vehicles of consciousness, the Light of God that never fails! And there is how you chart the course for the Freedom-loving peoples of the world. If it was not for this company of embodied lightbearers who have the Attainment and the Causal Body Momentum to carry out this work, do you suppose that the Karmic Board would allow such Dispensations as have come forth? I tell you, Blessed Hearts,  you are among the chosen, the few, among the many who are awaiting the Calls that you will give! Let your Calls ring out, and let the Light of God roll across the land, piercing through the doubt, the fear, and the unreality that would otherwise take all down a negative spiral path into nothingness.

You, Blessed Hearts, are to turn that spiral homeward bound into the Heart of the Mighty I AM Presence. Facing the Great Central Sun, that current of Light that you invoke will have such a great Momentum that it will sweep the consciousness of mankind into an upward spiral, and you will see a change and a turning of the tide.

Oh Blessed Hearts, how I wish I could stand right beside you as you approach the Karmic Board once you have completed your Mission and Destiny in this life and hear that report from Them: “Yes, you performed well. You upheld the Fiery Destiny of your lifestream. You accomplished the Divine Plan. And for that, We, the Karmic Board, are most grateful.” For yes, Blessed Hearts, these accolades will come. And many already come; as you have heard time and time again that the Dispensations roll from the Karmic Board because of what the few have accomplished and what must be accomplished still.

So, Blessed Hearts, be of good cheer! Let the Light of your own God Presence roll across the land as you join in the great Golden River of the Helicon and allow for the full weight of the Ascended Masters to have its pressure of Light thrust upon the screen of life for the Sons and Daughters of God to have their day of Victory.

I, Archangel Michael, send My Legions of Angels to assist you each day so that you might continue to have the undaunted Faith and the clarity of consciousness to know that what you are about is of great importance. And that you should not falter at the slightest whimper of one of your vehicles of consciousness, but summon the firm resolve of the Will of God thrusting through your lifestream to bring to bear the full weight of your God Presence throughout the entirety of your day. For yes, Blessed Hearts, it only takes the Faith, the Hope, and the Love of God to bring about the Mighty Victory that is required in this era.

Let your voice be heard! Let the Victory come forth! For I, Archangel Michael, have decreed it so! It is done!

Copyright 2009, The Temple of The Presence

You are not the needy. You are not the downtrodden. You are the Christed lifestreams who know how to raise the Sword of Blue Flame and pierce through the darkness with the Light of God as you call forth the Invocations, the Decrees, and the Adorations to the Presence. And I, Blessed Hearts, have always stood with you, parting the way! And where those circumstances arise, when you have accomplished all that is within your capability, I lawfully can and do enter the fray and clear the way for your lifestream to complete the action and accomplish all that the moment requires.

This is such a time! We come again to remind you that you are Our best Hope for the World. For who else will call forth the Light, save those that know how to give the call? Who else has the Light within the folds of their garment to connect with those of Us in the Ascended Octaves who can make the difference, if not you? You, Blessed Hearts, have been trained. You have been tutored. You have been fired in the Refiner’s Fire, and your Mighty I AM Presence is most desirous that you shall fulfill the Fiery Destiny of your Christhood, in this very cycle.

You cannot wait until you have some seeming sign from on high that proves to you that you have arrived. You must affirm with every fiber of your being, at this given hour, that you have arrived! For if you know full well that your Mighty I AM Presence exists, if you know that you are a Son and Daughter of God, and if you are aware of how to invoke that Light, then Blessed Hearts, there is no thing to stand in your way. Do you suppose for one moment that if Our Angels, when entering the fray, dealing with all manner of negativity, were to vacillate as to whether or not they were able to accomplish a task, that they would ever be God Victorious? Our Angels know only the Light of God! They know only the Purity of God! And when the Blue Fire comes forth in the Purity of the Light, as it is directed by their Consciousness, Blessed Hearts, there is no thing in their wake, save that which is Pure and Holy, and that which radiates the full Freedom of Divine Expression in whatever form and on whatever plane of consciousness they have been operating!

So you see, Blessed Hearts, you are to come up — come up in your own assessment of yourself — that you are equal to the task that you were born to fulfill! Many have written the Lords of Karma and the Great Divine Director time and time again to know, “What is my Divine Plan?” Well, Blessed Hearts, let Me tell you that you are in your Divine Plan.
And that Divine Plan is, first and foremost, fulfilling the intent of your Mighty I AM Presence before the altar daily, for there is how you prove the mettle that you are made of. There is how you instill within these vehicles of consciousness, the Light of God that never fails! And there is how you chart the course for the Freedom-loving peoples of the world. If it was not for this company of embodied lightbearers who have the Attainment and the Causal Body Momentum to carry out this work, do you suppose that the Karmic Board would allow such Dispensations as have come forth? I tell you, Blessed Hearts, you are among the chosen, the few, among the many who are awaiting the Calls that you will give! Let your Calls ring out, and let the Light of God roll across the land, piercing through the doubt, the fear, and the unreality that would otherwise take all down a negative spiral path into nothingness.

You, Blessed Hearts, are to turn that spiral homeward bound into the Heart of the Mighty I AM Presence. Facing the Great Central Sun, that current of Light that you invoke will have such a great Momentum that it will sweep the consciousness of mankind into an upward spiral, and you will see a change and a turning of the tide.

Oh Blessed Hearts, how I wish I could stand right beside you as you approach the Karmic Board once you have completed your Mission and Destiny in this life and hear that report from Them: “Yes, you performed well. You upheld the Fiery Destiny of your lifestream. You accomplished the Divine Plan. And for that, We, the Karmic Board, are most grateful.” For yes, Blessed Hearts, these accolades will come. And many already come; as you have heard time and time again that the Dispensations roll from the Karmic Board because of what the few have accomplished and what must be accomplished still.

So, Blessed Hearts, be of good cheer! Let the Light of your own God Presence roll across the land as you join in the great Golden River of the Helicon and allow for the full weight of the Ascended Masters to have its pressure of Light thrust upon the screen of life for the Sons and Daughters of God to have their day of Victory.

I, Archangel Michael, send My Legions of Angels to assist you each day so that you might continue to have the undaunted Faith and the clarity of consciousness to know that what you are about is of great importance. And that you should not falter at the slightest whimper of one of your vehicles of consciousness, but summon the firm resolve of the Will of God thrusting through your lifestream to bring to bear the full weight of your God Presence throughout the entirety of your day. For yes, Blessed Hearts, it only takes the Faith, the Hope, and the Love of God to bring about the Mighty Victory that is required in this era.

Let your voice be heard! Let the Victory come forth! For I, Archangel Michael, have decreed it so! It is done!

Copyright 2009, The Temple of The Presence

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