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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012Watch on Youtube (recommended) |
New Earth, called “NOVA TERRA” exists! It is in the making. Our new home is
waiting for us and is being prepared for our arrival when the time is right!
have been blessed with an invitation to visit and experience the wonders of
this New World. And there is nothing to worry
about for us, who desire with the inner Essence of their Heart which is pure Love and
Joy, to exist in this new and most beautiful world soon!
friends! NOVA TERRA is being prepared for us by the Divine Forces of Light, our
Beautiful Beloved Galactic Family, the
Ascended Masters and all the Archangels!
this is how it started for me:
dear friend, lets call him “C”, from the other side of the world, contacted me
and said:
am receiving guidance to take you to NOVA TERRA! I’m sure you have heard that it was created and
now it's ‘under construction’!
ask you to report your experience to the people of the world, to give them hope
and inspiration!”
course, I was excited and told, I would be prepared over night for the visit.
And the next morning, C and I would go
both together. No, not with a space ship, but using a kind of simple astral
very amazing thing was, that just the two early mornings before visiting Nova
Terra, I have been awakened by a bird’s song so unique and beautiful, that it
seemed to be NOT of this world! Still half
asleep I tried to figure out what bird it was, and to remember its wonderful
melody. But each time after I was fully awake, I just had fully forgotten it!
had no idea what was awaiting me with this visit, and I also did not try
in any way to make presumptions or to figure anything out! I only
felt immensely blessed and was in a state of childlike curiosity and
knew this journey, this visit, had primarily nothing to do with mental
projections or visualizations. It was about pure discovery, and this discovery
was only possible with the eye of the heart!
so C and I started our journey, accompanied and protected by the presence of
beautiful Angels.
moment we arrived on Nova Terra, everything changed. It was like sunrise in the
morning, when all things start to magnify
and brighten up! It was an immense opening, a widening of perspective of the
usual point of view!
to describe a Divine World, dearest brothers and sisters. Our language is not
good enough, but still I try!
what I saw first, was a huge water, a lake probably, and in the distance
mountains. And a light, that was not coming from the Sun, but which was the
light in which this planet has been created, and which was radiating from within
all the elements and the landscape before me.
what was most heart-overwhelming was the discovery, that not only Light, but the
feeling of Infinity Radiates here in all
things from inside out. And forms are
not enclosing, but they rather are an expression of space itself! And this
seems to be a paradox! But in the higher dimensions paradox is the norm.
the same time, all elements are emanating Love, being an expression of Love
Itself, and the vibration of Love is surrounding us. The air! It is thick with
is fully alive, is absolute conscious, everything is a “personality”, a person,
all things, all elements, air, water, mountains! There is a great Divine
Presence everywhere in all things!
is the Glory of Divine Consciousness Itself that lives palpably all things here, and
forms are simply Its ornament!
is how Nova Terra greeted me! A Divine Conscious Being of unspeakable Beauty
and Perfection! A Being Who’s Vibration
is Pure Love, Showing Her Divine Body, as She always wanted to show It to us –
if we would have let Her!
felt elevated and expanded to infinitely above. It is so easy to feel that way,
simply by becoming One with that One Being, Alive with all Her Creations, Who
is Nova Terra and Her High and Sparkling Vibration.
try to avoid the word “wow”, but it is the only word in English language, I
know, that describes the unspeakable and that which cannot be described! (And my heart
releases still a flow of “wow’s” in greatest awe and wonder!)
C, in his function of my tour guide, needed to remind me, that some other
surprises would wait for us. And so we were lead to a nearby waterfall, to clean
off the remains of our 3dimensional home. Of course, this pristine water was
alive, it showed itself to me in sparkling rainbow colors. And fairies, whose
transparent wings reflected the many colors, were flying and dancing joyfully
around the sprinkling and refreshing water, and right through it.
we were told that flying horses would take us to a City, they wanted me to visit.
I couldn’t see the horses really, they seemed to be very transparent, like a
breeze of air, but in C’s description
they looked like Pegasuses, and completely white.
told me that he has been here a few
times, and each time he came here, he
has been shown different aspects and parts of Nova Terra. They would prepare It
quickly for us, building for example a City in one day, so that everything
would be ready for our arrival when we ascend!
we arrived with the flying horses at the City! What I saw were pyramid- and
obelisk-like buildings, pretty high. They wanted me to have a look at the
material they were built with. My first impression was, that this material was
breathing and alive with consciousness,
made from light. Something totally “organic”, a living substance. But then I
was asked to have a “microscopic look “ at the texture.
what I saw was amazing! Something unimaginable in our world! First I had really a hard time to describe it! The material was a mixture of living, microscopic
small, naturally, and like spirals, growing plants, and sparkling crystals,
bursting with energy!
I didn’t perceive this as “material”, separate from myself, but it seemed to be one
with me, we were One in Consciousness and Energy! There was a high level of
conscious presence from which I was not different!
I put it in words, it might appear to you that this was easy to describe. It
seems so, AFTER I was able to integrate or better adapt something “unknown” with
our familiar experience and perception!
We tend to “objectify” things immediately when we give them names. Whereas the
material of the buildings was subjective consciousness! Now “think it”, what
only can be felt and translate it into our alienated and intrinsically from Reality separated point of
view! I had to go back to the “old” perception in order to describe what I saw.
the paradox of these buildings appeared as a perfect integration, a
marriage of living Mother Nature with the science of geometry in the
form of the shapes of pyramids and obelisks.
And C added, that this mixture of
plants and crystals was an expression of perfect harmony between Mother Nature
and technology too! And that this integral harmony would be the basis on which all things
on Nova Terra are being built, serving
absolute balanced and harmonious living (non-polluted!) for all of us when we arrive here!
experienced the next paradox when I was asked to enter one of the buildings!
we enter a house on our 3dimensional planet,
we immediately get the feeling of being enclosed, which we might even find
“homely” and cozy. Here we can relax, if it is our own home, and we can feel
protected from all what is “out there”. But
the ceilings are separating us from the sky and we might unconsciously have a
claustrophobic feeling, as if our
connection to our energy centers high above our head seem to be cut off.
came to mind when I entered the building on Nova Terra! Because the space inside
seemed to be even more expanded than outside of the building, and the feeling of infinite height was not
measurable with the actual height of the room!
sense of being cut off from nature was not there. Just the opposite
seemed to
be the case, as if the building was serving as a focus lens for the
powerful presence of nature which seemed to be even magnified in
this room and concentrated! As I said: a sheer paradox!
was an incredible Joy in the air, and C said that Joy was the “material”
everybody is encouraged here to create from, a Joy that exists in the air and
everywhere. He said, Joy would be the vibration of the New Earth!
left the building and our horses were
waiting for us on a square. And there I noticed the next paradox:
although the place was actually a square, it appeared to be a circle at the
same time. It was both and none of them!
It seemed that Nova Terra had perfectly mastered the famous squaring of the
circle! The usual linear mind could not function here.
explained that the reference points we have on 3dimensional earth wouldn’t be of
any use here, because we would see on Nova Terra only the true form of
we left the City and the white Whinged Horses brought us to a field that
emanated powerful golden rays upwards into all directions. They were very warm
and embracing. This was the place where Sananda was welcoming us.
have a very long standing galactic connection to Him. But I met him first in
this lifetime many years ago at a sacred
fireplace in the Himalayas,
dedicated to the Divine Mother. When He entered the place, it was
unmistakably Him, although He only showed me His Feet! I was heart-broken by
His Love and was crying, I don’t know how long! Since then I have met him
several times.
I felt honored and very happy to meet Him again on Nova Terra in this beautiful
Golden Field! Sananda appeared to me as a powerful, and at the same time sweet
and radiant field of conscious energy/bright light, with silver in it.
time it was C who “channeled” Sananda’s words to me. I was here to
receive! He gave me a personal message
and then He said, that I came here in order to bring the good news of Nova
Terra to the people who read my Messages of Light for their upliftment and
celebration in their hearts!
place the seeds of the New Earth into their souls and they will grow
wonderfully like big trees of Light and they will shine all over the earth,
being able to raise the vibration for themselves and others."
thanked Sananda and my heart was singing!
then took us into a crystal dome of light with sparkling bright crystalline energy
particles coming from above, which were
very energizing, filling the room with immense joy.
asked, I said I felt that these energy particles were meant for creation. And
so Sananda invited me, to create what I desired from the depth of my heart.
I did! Sananda was very pleased with my creation and explained that in the
moment of creation it was already done, there was no time between expressing
the wish and its fulfillment! But that I also would now have a responsibility
of living the example of what I had created!
I understood! Our creations are not separate from us!
the time had come to say good bye! Sananda blessed us and I was given
permission to return whenever it felt right for me, requiring an adjustment to
the elevated light, love and joy on Nova Terra!
I experienced, and what had felt like a full day to me, was just one hour of our
earth time. It was but a taste of the
totality of Divine Terra Nova who is waiting for humanity to arrive during the
ascension process. She is being in a constant process of creation as we speak to
be ready for us when our time comes.
most important part of my adventure was the more than wonderful confirmation
that our New Earth is Living Love and
Joy and is experienced as such with our own Love and Joy, our true nature and inherent
quality of the Heart.
Divine is naturally lived by the Planet Itself, for us to join and to directly
participate as One Being.
is the proof to me that Terra Nova IS REAL and not a phantasy in the land of
short-legged mind. The eternal peace, beauty and harmony are the clear signs of
a creation that has been initiated with Divine Consciousness and that is
pervaded by this Consciousness!
Furthermore, Nova Terra is the perfect Marriage between Consciousness and Energy, between the Divine Masculine and Feminine, which inspires all other creations so that an ascended humanity can enjoy Divine Perfection in all areas of an enlightened life as a galactic civilization.
Furthermore, Nova Terra is the perfect Marriage between Consciousness and Energy, between the Divine Masculine and Feminine, which inspires all other creations so that an ascended humanity can enjoy Divine Perfection in all areas of an enlightened life as a galactic civilization.
has been said, that this is the first time, - an experiment -, to ascend directly
with a body. If Nova Terra is the result, this experiment is being incredible
until now unseen and unheard: Divine Consciousness absolutely outstandingly
obvious in all forms and as all forms, as the predominant characteristic of
creation is overwhelming my heart, because of its Beauty and Perfection!
have been safely delivered back to my home in Australia, so to speak, through the
roof :), by the beautiful Angels and in the company of my dear friend C.
grateful and speechless, as I was, I could not wait to write it all down before
the fresh memory would fade away. But miraculously, it is not fading! And I
know why! Because Nova Terra is alive in my heart and inseparable from it. In
Reality, I am always there. We all are! And just the surface of our being is existing here still in 3D land.
the light of this Good News, lets celebrate the Truth of our existence, which
is Joy, Love, Happiness - just everything Divine!
so - dearest family - now you know what
is awaiting you all soon! Keep your expectation high! Discover Nova Terra in
your own Radiant Heart!
all, She can be discovered already right here on 3dimensional earth!
Divine Consciousness is all-pervading without exclusion. But It appears
to be
hidden in our present reality beneath the layers of distorted creation
trying to hide the Truth.
It is only that on Nova Terra this Truth is completely Obvious, because
are no false layers.
so much love,
Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
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