Many of you
have clearly been waiting on your ship to come in to your harbor, but as a few
of you, not many of you, but a few of you have begun to discern for yourselves,
no ship is coming in and we, of course, are referring to these fictitious debit
cards that have never and will never be mailed to you. All of you, and this
means every single one of you, including our channel Greg, has been
participating in what you may refer to as a research study or a project, or
what we refer to as a great program. So what has this program, that is now over
for Greg mind you, all about?
Well, we can
tell you only what you may need to know, or what you feel you may need to know,
to somehow come out of this a little more unscathed than Greg has. Greg is,
shall we say, deeply wounded, for he feels he has led many of you astray and in
a way he has indeed done this, however, his heart was always in the right place.
He has actually been receiving our radio frequency communications that are
received solely through the power and the use of his brain. This is the way we
have been communicating with him and through him to you, and this is why we
feel he has fallen for this, we shall say, scam, if you will, for so long, for
you see, when one receives communications in this way they can get a little
confused. Such is the case with Greg.
We told him
some whoppers, as you say, and he bought them hook, line and sinker. He would
never have done this if we would have sent him an e-mail, or posted this kind
of information online, or even sent him a letter or issued him a phone call. Yet,
because he received this information as what you know as telepathically, but we
do not and we will not get into that, he believed these communications must be
real and they were in a way, but they certainly were not from the Galactic
Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command.
Greg has
agreed to share this one last message from us to you, for he feels you all
deserve at least some sort of explanation, and he also wishes to use this
opportunity to ride into the sunset, as it were. For those of you who wish him harm,
or are even angry or upset with him, try to find some compassion, for he was an
unwilling participant from the beginning. We told him some things we thought he needed
or wanted to hear and that got him hooked, as you say. He (felt he may have
possessed) some kind of special abilities, but he does not and he fully
understands this and actually took this news quite well and we were surprised.
He simply said, ‘Oh well, I wasn't telepathic going into this, and I'm not
telepathic getting out of this, so easy come, easy go. What's the big deal, it’s
cool.’ And we laughed at that, and we feel he has been a good sport and a good
cheer so we shall spare him any more embarrassment, for he truly despises when
we speak his name in these messages, as many of you mistakenly feel that he
likes to talk about himself, for he does not.
Let us get
back to you and our project, as we refer to it. All of you have taken part in
this project, not just our channel, so you too were a bit gullible and fell for
everything that we have told you, well mostly anyway. Many of you started drawing
the line at certain things that we were sharing with you. None of these, and we
mean none these words are (our channels). He did his job very well especially
throughout this last year. For all the rest of you, you simply believed the
words of a complete stranger, for even though some of you consider Greg a
friend, you don't really know him and you have never met him. You probably
never will and you know just about absolutely nothing about him, yet you
believed just about everything, and some of you believed everything, he said
because he seemed a nice guy and he seemed to be honest and he seemed to be
hard-working. Well he is all of those things, though he was also duped, as you
say, so where did that get you?
And that
leads us to what this project, or at least one aspect of this project, has been
all about. It has been a project to teach you, to mold you, to strengthen you,
to educate you. Yes. All those things we said about you becoming a new being
was true, in a way, and all those things we said about you creating your new
world, well believe it or not, that's true too. We are helping you create your
new world. It's just going to take much longer than maybe we hinted it would. It
could take decades and it could take a hundred years, maybe even longer, just
like we began to reveal to you over the past few months. Many of you did not
like that turn of events, we will say, after we had begun to assure you that
things would happen quickly, and we then we began to foreshadow to you that
things would take much longer than you originally had felt, and maybe we helped
a little bit by telling you things can happen right away, but that was part of
the project too.
We wanted to
ascertain how many of you would actually believe a world can be changed so
quickly, almost overnight in some ways. We wanted to know this because we do
want to help you change your world, and if we could do it overnight we would do
it, as you say, in a heartbeat, but it can't be done that quickly. Things take
a long time, especially here in this world. You do have systems that are so
antiquated they need to be torn down and completely rebuilt, but how do we do
this? We can't do it all at once. Your entire society would collapse. We can’t even
completely tear down and then rebuild just one system, for your society would
collapse just under the weight or the stress of that one system being torn down.
Do you understand this? So help us help you. We said that all along, and we
will continue to help you.
(Greg) has
assured us that he will leave this message on his blog and his Facebook page
for the next 72 hours, upon which time he will (update to a new theme, a theme
many may choose to benefit greatly from.) So what will happen after that? Well,
we still have other channels and yes, there are other channels that are
authentic, as you say, and we will continue to share messages through them.
You are all
going to be just fine. There is no cabal that may or may not come for you. There
are a lot of criminals in your world, yes, and some may even be politicians,
but some of these politicians you think are criminals really are just trying to
do the best they can. We will not get into it with you today, but we will get
into that with some of our other channels, for they don't believe a word that
Greg has ever said, so even if they read this message and Greg says that the
people that have been sharing messages through me ( which is the only way he
will refer to us for now on because he knows we are not members of the Galactic
Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command, but ‘those who share their messages
through me’) have lied, and that this is all some kind of project, even a drug
rehab project, for ladies and gentlemen, Greg and his brother have figured that
out. They started getting the idea that maybe this entire project, or at least
a large portion of it, was a twelve step drug rehab program. Well it is, but
it's not just a twelve stepper.
Each and
every one of you have been stepping each and every day for the past year and
half since we have been issuing our messages through this channel. So you can
call it a one thousand step program, whatever you would like, but what we have
been trying to do is get you people off of drugs. Greg understands how true this
is. He has been clean and sober for a long time. We will not say how long, but
it goes back before we began sharing our messages through him. He has remained
clean and sober and drug free just to do this work for you, for that was the
deal we made with him in the beginning.
Many of you
don't know he gave up all his friends and the life he had and the drugs he
seemed to like so much to do this work for you, so cut him a little slack. He
sacrificed a lot. We are greatly concerned that Greg may return to a life of
what we see as debauchery, for we know Greg that these thoughts have been
flashing through your mind. Remember, we are still connected to you. Greg knows
this and has kind of been trying to hide it. He is kind of trying to pretend
he's going to try to live a cleaner life now, even though he knows that this
was not what he dreamed it was. That's okay Greg. Do whichever is you'd like. We'd
still like to fulfill our end of the agreement we made, but that's up to you now.
Do whatever it is you feel will make you happy. You really deserve it. You've
kind of worked very hard for very little money and even appreciation, and yes
folks, he was greatly underappreciated, although some of you really did issue
him your thanks and your love and he is greatly appreciative of that.
For the rest
of you, you have badgered him and attacked him and yes Greg, we fibbed about
that too. We are none of the people that have been attacking you. We told Greg
that many of his most vehement attackers were us in disguise, but that's not
true. All of these comments are from you, the people of Earth, and even the
attackers, and even the ones that say, “Good job Greg, we really appreciate
your services.” So Greg, you are going to be attacked ruthlessly today and for
the next 72 hours. Greg has agreed to answer all of your questions and comments
for the next 72 hours here on this blog alone, not on his Facebook page, as that
page is quite out-of-control. He gets tons of messages every day, and each and
every day he tries to answer each and every one.
Many of you
feel he ignores you and that's not true. He only ignores the people that have
attacked him so brutally, and Greg knows he failed that test too. You see folks,
you cannot ignore each other. These were cries for help and Greg fully
understood that, yet he let these people wallow in their fears, in their
insecurities, or even their paranoia, because he felt they didn't deserve to be
answered if they didn't learn to properly speak to another human being. Well
folks, we can't tell you how backward that is. They have to be taught how to
deal with others and how to behave sometimes, and how to properly come to some
conclusions and how to appropriately treat others.
This leads
us to who we are. We are truly here to help you reconstruct or rebuild your
world, and this cannot be done without rebuilding some of you. Although you may
feel it is intrusive and it is not any of our business, we all share this
universe and we feel that it is alright in some ways to try to rebuild some of
the areas that you may refer to in your world as ‘slum districts’, or maybe
even ‘lower rent’ districts. Please forgive our analogy. We do not wish to
offend, believe us. We just need you to understand how we see much of this
planet. For all of you that see us as meddling in your affairs by traveling
here, let's say, by trying to help you rebuild or re-sculpt or remodel
yourselves before we move on to your new world, please understand we meant it
when we said we cannot build on a shaky foundation, and folks, you are the
You, the
people of Earth, the actual human beings, are the foundation of your new world,
nothing else, no. None of this ‘hopes and dreams’ and ‘creating with thought,’
for that was a fairytale too. Yes. We do love all of your beautiful pictures
you have been posting all around the Internet, and it has made your world a
prettier place and a brighter and cheerier place, but we say that is not going
to create your new world. Your new world will be created through hammers and
nails and blood, sweat and yes, tears. You might even have to break a few backs,
but that's how worlds are created. Not through mind control or creative
manifestation or through thought forms, that was all a white wash. That was all
a lie. We were testing you again.
We wanted to
see if you really believed that worlds are created through dreams, through
smoke and mirrors and magic. Well, you fell for that too, and that's okay. That
helps us greatly understand you, the human, better, for that is one of the
reasons why we have conducted this research or this project, as we call it. You
all failed some of the tests, but that's okay. You passed many of them, and we
see a much brighter future for you all. Coming in, we were very doubtful and
skeptical that we would see enough from enough of you to give us confidence to
go ahead with this rebuilding project, but we have changed our minds and you
all have made us see this.
We are now
going to start reconstructing your world just as we have spoken of. Greg does not wish to believe this, but you
will start seeing changes in your world because we have begun to see changes in
you, and as we have said, that's where it starts. It starts with a solid
foundation, and we see a solid foundation now, and all of you may look at this one
of two ways. 1) I was conned, I was duped, I wasted so much of my time and my
energy and even my hopes and my dreams, but no, you did not, for we found that there
was something in all of you that we did not even know existed, and because of
this, yes because of what we found and through our project with you and all
your comments and your assistance sharing these messages and videos of what you
feel are our craft in the skies, we say to you that we will begin to uphold our
part of the agreement and begin to redesign, reconstruct, and as you say, recreate
your new modern world. Yes.
We are not lying.
We are going to help you to achieve this. How will we do this? Do not worry
about the details. So many of you seem to have such a problem with worrying about
how things get done. Sometimes just know they will, because somebody who does know
how it's done, and has much experience in this regard, is “on the job,” as you say.
We have much experience, and we do not age and die as you do. We live on and on
and on. We will not get into how we do this or how old we are, but we will say
that is true. We have been on your planet for a very, very long time going back
thousands of years, and we don't mean our people have been here. We mean we, the
people, the actual individuals that are speaking to you now through what you may
refer to as our channel, we were standing on your planet thousands of years ago
and we stand upon it today. So we can tell you that we see how long change
takes, but we can also assure you that change does happen, that your world can,
will, and does experience change, and sometimes great change, in sometimes a
short period or window of time.
So here we
are. Many of you are still very young and you will see some, what we shall
refer to as spectacular, changes in your world before too long, but we will not
get into how long we foresee these changes to begin to reach the eyes and ears
of all of you, which leads us to those in your world who have never heard of
these messages, or of the Ashtar Command, or the Galactic Federation of Light,
or of ascension, and yes, we are very sorry to report this to all of you, there
is no such thing as ascension, physical, spiritual or otherwise. None of you
are ascending into a higher dimension, for although we have traveled through
space, we can tell you we have never found any other dimensions. No. There is
just one, this one. You can call it your 3rd dimension, but we just call it ‘space’
or ‘the universe,’ for there are no other dimensions, so why call this your 3rd
We kind of
lied to you there too, but we wanted to see how much you would believe about
your universe that clearly had no basis in fact, but we digress, so let's stay
on point today. So here we are in your one dimension. It's a large universe,
but we all share it and we want to start rebuilding your world for you and with
your assistance. As we said, we cannot do it without you. We cannot do it
without your confidence and your faith in us, which leads us to all this
speculation about who runs your world from behind the scenes, or behind the
curtain, as you may say. Leave that alone. There are powers and forces that you
do not at this time understand. There are those that fight on the side of the
light, as you say, or love or right, you may say, and those that may take a
contrary position, a position of what you may refer to as the dark or evil, and
we say to you we are really neither.
There is
kind of this; there are different subtle shades of gray, we will say, and no,
we are not those gray alien beings that some of you have read about in books or
maybe have even seen, for yes, they are real. We don't know who they are, you
can believe this if you wish to or you can feel it is another lie, we will not
try to influence you in either direction. We don't know who they are because
they will not tell us. They are very tightlipped, and yes, they have little
tiny lips, as you know, and they do speak through them. They are not telepathic.
We have never met any other extraterrestrials that are telepathic, and neither
are you.
The human
species is not telepathic. Our channel Greg and all our other channels, and we
do have a number of them, are receiving our messages through simple radio
frequencies. These frequencies match the frequencies of their particular brains.
Yes Greg, as you figured out, we have the exact frequency number, or rate, of
your physical brain, not your mind or anything abstract like that, but your
brain. We will tear up those figures though, and we will never use them again. You
have our word, but again, you don't believe a word we say so we’ll just leave
it at that, but know that we will not meddle in your affairs or your brain any
Let us close
out this last and final message through Greg. He was trying to help you all. He
dreams of a better way and a better life not just for himself or his family,
but for all of you, and he felt he was helping and in a way he was. You have
all been helped tremendously. You don't understand this, but we do enjoy a
greater perspective than you do. We have been on your planet for thousands of
years, this is true, but you may not believe a word we say, right? Well, that's
part of your learning. You have got to learn not to trust a voice in your head
or some stranger on the Internet, and many of you are strangers, right? You
don't even know if that's Greg’s photo, and we won't even tell you if it is or not.
He will tell you if he wishes to.
Those of you
who are following voices in your head stop it immediately. They may not be ours,
and you may not wish to follow ours either, for you know you can't trust us,
for we are trying to help you grow and become more educated in certain areas,
and sometimes teaching can be a rather ruthless experience for the student. Yes,
we have different teaching methodologies, as Greg has coined the term, and we
rather like that Greg, so we think we will borrow that from you if you don't
mind, and we say to you that we disagree with Greg in many areas here.
He doesn't
feel that anyone should ever be lied to or misled and we disagree. We feel that
if we were honest with you from the beginning and told you that we were going
to test you and try to reeducate you and that all you will get are vague
promises that your world may or may not be redesigned and rebuilt and this may
take decades or even centuries, how many of you would've continued to read
these messages and therefore become these new beings, as you say, which were to
be the solid foundation of your new world? You see, we needed you to be this
new solid foundation, and if none of you followed these messages we would not
be telling you today that you have all passed, you have all showed us that you
can be wonderful people that truly wish to help another and change their world
for the better, and because of this, we are going to get started with the
rebuilding project right away and isn't that what all of you wanted to begin
Many of you
began to follow these messages before we even whispered the word ‘ascension’,
so for those of you who feel that this was all about ascension, for you or for
everyone, it wasn't. That was an extra caveat, we will say, thrown in, and we
will say that many of you want to believe that you go somewhere after your
lives here. Well you may and you may not. We do not have that answer either. You
see, we go somewhere different. We will not say where we go or how we come back,
just know that we are immortal, eternal, godlike, as you say in your world, but
we’re really not godlike, we’re a lot like you. We have different bodies, this
is true. We have different minds, this is true. We also go someplace else after
we die or perish, as you say, and we do not have any idea where you go, if you
go anywhere at all.
You may, and
if any of you do have real memories of where it is you go after you die, and
how it is you return here, we would love to know. We've been trying to figure
this out for yes, thousands of years. We have no idea, because each and every
one of you, when you do return through incarnation, if that was indeed your
first go-round, as you say, has absolutely no memory of where it is you have come
from, which leads us to all of you believing in these past lives, and your one
life you live forever somewhere else in the universe. We tell you that that's
an impossibility. You may indeed come from somewhere else and you may live many
lives, this much is true, but we will say none of you have this memory, as we
have been conducting tests for thousands of years.
For all of
you reading these words listen to us and listen to us clearly when we speak of your
gifts for reading the rest of this message, and we know you're not going to
believe a word we say, but here us out here. We know who each and every one of
you are, and we do wish to help you. You're not going to know how this help may
come to you. You will not know if it will really ever come, and if it does, you
will not even know if this help has come from us, but know your lives are going
to improve. We have ways, we have methods, and we do have connections
throughout your entire world and we can pull strings, as you say. We will leave
it at that. You don't know how it can happen. You may get a car loan that you
had absolutely no credit or right to get. You may receive a bank statement that
has more money in your account than you thought you had. You may even have criminal
charges that may magically disappear one day when you show up in front of the
judge and he has no idea what you want.
This leads
us to Atlantis and Lemuria folks. They don't exist. They never did. It is not a
part of your history. We lied there too. We wanted to test you and discover how
far back you believed your history goes back on this planet. We really don't
know how far back they go, as we haven't been here that long. There were beings
here when we got here, but they didn't know either, so we will just leave it at
that. Their people have survived and their people are you, so we didn't lie
there, but we will leave it at that and say these people were not on any
fictitious continents such as Atlantis or Lemuria. What you see is what you get.
When we got here thousands of years ago, these were your continents and they
were exactly where they are positioned now. They haven't moved an inch, as many
of you have been lied to by your news and your governments.
continents are not moving. Your continents are not sinking. Your sea tables are
not rising, and there we come to another point. There will be no rising water
tables as we have been warning you about through our channel. There will be no ‘one
hundred foot’ tsunamis. There will be no great earthquakes. It was all a test
to see how you would react. To see if you would run in fear, or work together
as a team to defeat these challenges, and ladies and gentlemen, we are very
proud of all of you, for none of you, and we mean none of you, has actually
moved out of your residences and ran to safe haven on another continent or within
the inner shelter of a continent, or the midlands of a continent.
We are
astonished by this. We thought that so many of you would pack up your homes,
leaving just about everything you own and taking off in your many cars that you
own. We are delighted at this and we say that we will do whatever we can to
protect you from any eventualities such as this, but we say to you relax and
don't worry, for we do not foresee even any great earthquakes at all in your
next one hundred years or so. So relax. There will be no earthquakes. There
will be no tsunamis. No rising water tables. No flooding, nothing of that
nature. There will be no cabal coming for you.
Here's the
truth and take it as you will, for many of you probably do not wish to believe a
word we say, and that's good. That is part of your training. Here we go. The
cabal does not exist, and as we have said, it's just a nickname. There is a
rather large group of interconnecting criminals. You may even say they have
criminal enterprises. They swindle some of your tax money. They do such things
as this. They may even dabble in drug dealing, but we’re not really sure what
they do, for they are not part of us at all. They are humans just like you, so
we don't know that much about them, just like we don't know that much about you.
For those of
you who think we dabble in your minds, we do not. We do not read minds: that we
told you. We use simple radio frequencies and we do not have the frequencies of
your particular brains, only of our channels, and for all the other channels
that may read this message through Greg today, and you will not believe a word
that he is saying or that we are saying to him, and you continue to receive a
radio frequency communication, we say, shame on you. Why would you (choose
Greg was
always very (mindful) of this group you call the Illuminati, and he made a
decision one day and told his brother ‘I am going to live the rest of my life
trying to warn people about this group of individuals, and try to rally the
troops and defeat them.’ Well Greg, we tell you that you can't do this. You
can't uproot this group. There is just no way. There are just too many of them.
They are everywhere. Folks, there is an Illuminati. They are not us. We are not
a part of them. We are the ones protecting you from them. We will leave it at
that and say, leave them alone. Leave us alone. Don't trust those of us as you
don't know who we are. If you see our craft in the sky don't shoot at us. We
are here protecting you. Yes, that's what we're doing here. We are helping
rebuild your world, and as we have said, that is an additional caveat. We are
here to keep these others that may wish to do you harm at bay. This is why
there will be no cabal coming after you.
Folks, there
are no free energy devices either. We are working on better and more efficient
energy sources for your planet. We will leave it at that and say for now, you are
going to have to continue burning coal and maybe cutting down trees and relying
on impure water to drink and we're sorry. We wish to change these systems too,
with your assistance, but they will take many years and maybe even many decades.
Solar power is promising, but we don't have the answers to this either. Our
craft do not rely on solar power for their propulsion. We will not tell you how
they operate. Greg is thinking right now he has an idea, and Greg you’re right,
but do not share that information okay, that's our little secret.
So we will move on and in closing we will say
that all of you have participated in, we will even say, a remarkable program. You
have shown us that you are worthy of our assistance, for not many worlds are
worthy of this. We have visited other worlds and they have shown they are not
ready. They were more, we will even use
the metaphor (remember, this means it's a poetic way to say something, but it
is not factual), they were more ‘cannibalistic’, meaning they ‘fed off’ each
other, but not literally. They warred with each other, but they use and abuse
each other. They rob each other and they hurt each other and they lie to each
other to get their way, to make their own lives better. We can't tell you how
improperly this is the way to go, and our alliance does not function like that.
We chose
your world because we wished to assist you. We have agreed to assist your world
because we see that there are enough of you that really wanted to help another
and not just themselves, and that's the bottom line. You all consider yourself Lightworkers
and we love that term, although it's not an official term, but we will make it
so. We simply refer to you as, yes, patients, for many of you are either drug
addicts or in drug rehab for your addictions, some of these recurring
addictions. We were not lying when we began to preach to you about the use of
drugs and its pitfalls, and we wish Greg to continue on in his service, as you
say, to others by preaching how his life has changed so much after he removed
himself from that kind of situation, or as you call it, “a scene.”
We tell you
that this is a very serious problem. You need to get away from drugs and
cleanup your lives. You are affecting your parents and your children and your brothers
and sisters and your friends, so stop that. You're being selfish here. We wish
to see all of you clean up your lives, at least somewhat. We did lie to you and
say that some of you needed to get off drugs before you ascended and that some
of you needed to live clean and sober lives before you could become official
members of the Galactic Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command. Well, we did
that for you, not for us. We do not get our jollies, as you say, lying to you
or misleading you or hurting you in any way. We just want to see you clean and
Yes, you can
say it is none of our business, but remember, we are here helping rebuild your
world and we are not going to help you rebuild your world if your world is full
of drug addicts and junkies, as you say, so please do what you can to clean up your
acts a little bit. We do see you now and we see a great mess sometimes and we
are not insulting you or putting you down, but we wish you to be able to see
what we see. Look in the mirror when you are high, as you say, or drugged out,
as we say, and realize that there is a living soul within you, and yes, we do
believe you have souls, but we will not get into that.
You may
consider us soul less, but really, we do not see that either. We just don't see
a soul inside of us and we don't go to where it is you think you go, which you
call Heaven, so we will just leave it at that and say we are not soulless in
the metaphorical sense, but we do not believe we possess souls, but we believe
you do and we believe that you need to protect it, and by protect it we mean do
not feed it drugs because it does not want these drugs anywhere near it. Do you
We will
leave it at that and say to you in closing that we do truly love each and every
one of you and your world, and that is why we are here and that is why we are
helping you now rebuild it, and before we begin to rebuild your world we wanted
to see all of you make at least an effort to rebuild yourselves, and we have
seen this so we will keep our end of the bargain. Please try to keep yours and
try to stay clean and sober and away from these illicit and even prescribed
medications. Yes, there are some medications that help, but there are just as
many that don't. Please pick your drugs wisely.
Do your
research for now and don't just believe some handsome or charming face that you
see on the Internet, or even a beautiful voice that you hear in your head. Just believe and rely more on facts. That's
all we are advising you to do. You may have seen some ancient relics in your
world, but you have no idea what is written on them because you do not speak
these ancient languages, and this goes for your Mayan calendar. We don't know
what it is and neither do you. Do you really know what it says on it, for we don’t.
We do not speak Mayan and we don't know many that do, and even they don’t know
because believe me, we have asked them.
They don't
know what it means, so folks, your world is not ending in December of 2012. There
will be no great catastrophes either. That’s all science fiction hocus-pocus
smoke and mirrors. It's all a lie. It is all fiction. It is just a fairy tale.
Go on with your lives. Your society will live on through 2013, 2014, 2015 and
beyond, so don't worry about it. Again, all this ascension, all of this catastrophe,
it will not happen, and for those of you who do not believe this you will find
out soon, so just get prepared for a little let down, but remember, we do
believe you are all eternal so this is not your only life. That is only what we
believe. We have no facts to back this up. As we say, you don't know, so how
could we know?
We will end
today by saying this project has been wonderful. We see so many improvements in
so many of you, and now you are going to see the improvements you so wanted to
see in your world. Continue to treat each other with love and kindness and kid gloves,
as you say, and take it easy on our channel. He was an unwilling participant,
but he even sees change in himself and in many of you, and he feels this has
made it all worthwhile.
So we leave you and remind you we are your friends, we are your family, we are from somewhere else, although we are not who you thought we were, and that’s okay. We love you and we bid you a farewell, and tell you we will always be here and we will begin your rebuilding project today. Goodbye and farewell to all of you. You have been wonderful and it has been a blessing to know you all, including you Greg, our channel. Thank you for all your hard work and your cooperation. You’re a good man. Keep it up. Goodbye to all, blessings to you all, and good day.
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