Pooling of
collective thoughts is how we communicate with our channel and with all of
those we send our messages to in this manner. We apply this method, for it is
the most efficient means to convey our messages to those of your world. Try to
think of it as a flow of electricity, and the more powerful this surge in power,
the stronger the signal that reaches the intended destination, in this case our
channel Greg. We communicate this way as is it is the most efficient means of
communication. There are other methods of communication and this is but one of
them, as we also communicate with each other in the higher realms through
technological means, and telepathy is not the only method of communication.
When those
of you who are to travel to the higher realms do so in the days ahead and the
not too distant future beyond, we will demonstrate for you our communication
techniques, and all of you making this journey will learn to use all of the
tools and technologies that we use. There will be many learning processes for
you, and the means in which we choose to communicate is just one area of many
areas where you will receive instruction. Let us take a brief tour of some of
these technologies you will be taught to use once you leave your current
reality and begin with a fresh start.
We like to
use tools and technologies for just about everything it is that we do here. We
do not care for manual labor, and we do not spend much time, if any, working
with our hands when tools and technology can be used instead. This does not
mean that we do not participate in arts and crafts and things of this nature
where our God-given hands are used as tools to say, paint and sculpt or play a
musical instrument. This is certainly what we do not mean by saying we utilize
tools and technologies to replace our hands in certain cases. What we are
speaking about here is applying tools and technology to replace chores, toils
and manual labor that a higher dimensional beings may not wish to do, chores that
may have to be done nonetheless. So we have devised for ourselves a large array
of tools to do this work for us.
This does
not mean these tools are on automatic pilot, as in many cases these tools must
be operated by a consciousness structure, such as the thought from a being or a
collective of beings. Looking at this from your perspective, we would say this
approach would be akin to your thoughts that manifest your reality, but here
our thoughts can manifest and operate certain tools that can be used to
manipulate objects, to lift objects, to move objects, to resize, reshape and re-sculpt
objects, to color objects, to change the weight of objects. Yes, our minds can
be used as these tools to complete these tasks. Does this paint a clearer
picture for you of what we mean when we say our consciousness or collective
consciousness can be used as a tool to change our reality?
We feel this
point has been made sufficiently clear, and we will move on and speak to you
about how our collective consciousness can be utilized to travel through space
and even through what you understand and perceive as time. Our collective
consciousness, and even a single consciousness structure, can be used as a
device that enables travel. It can be used in this way by focusing on a coordinate,
a position in space and even in time. By focusing on this point of reality we
can then shift our reality to match the frequency at point A or point B on a map.
We can then shift our ‘perspective’, if you will, and instead of traveling from
point A to point B we merely appear at say point B when previously our reality
was that we were positioned at point A. Do you understand this concept dear ones,
that we do not necessarily have to travel through space in our spacecraft at
all? Many of you have demonstrated that you do understand this concept, and we
have come upon your comments that suggest that the means in which we have
traveled here in our spacecraft is actually unnecessary. This is true to a
certain degree, but we say to you that it is far more convenient and easy for
us to congregate in a large structure that has been built, even if it has been
built through a singular or collective consciousness, and travel through space
in this way rather than through the shifting of our consciousness perspectives.
We hope that
you understand this and say to you it is not very complex to understand and to
even master this technique though, as applies to everything, all takes a
learning curve, a learning period, where study and practice must be applied
before these techniques are mastered sufficiently to allow a being to utilize
them. We will provide for you training in these, as well as many other areas
for those of you that are making this trip for the first time. You will not be
left on your own to try to figure out how to do anything, as this is how
mistakes can occur and even injury, although injury can be sufficiently healed
Injury can
and does at times occur even here within the higher realms. All can be
considered perfection within the higher reams, but we do say to you that this
does not mean that higher dimensional life is not without its bumps and at
times bruises. It would be a rather boring and dull existence if there were no
challenges or obstacles to overcome. There are certainly obstacles and
challenges to overcome here. From our perspective there are quite many, and one
of these is the challenge to break down the barrier that separates our
existence from yours. This is our greatest challenge at this time, and we have
been applying great effort and manpower to overcome this challenge. It is not
overcome by simply snapping our fingers or issuing a command as many of you
There are
some of you voicing your opinions, and again we honor and respect all of your opinions,
who believe we are purposely playing a waiting game with you, that we could end
all this right now if we so chose. This is not true in the least. We, as well
as you, must work together to find suitable solutions to the challenges before
us, and until these suitable solutions are found and are put into play we
cannot begin our reunion. This is plain and this is simple and this is truth,
whether there are some of you who will not accept this as truth, it is. We
cannot begin our reunion with you at this time, for there are yet obstacles to
One of these
obstacles is the presence in your world of those who many of us now understand
as the criminal cabal. They are still a force to be reckoned with and even in
some cases respected, but not in the manner you may usually use the word
respect. We do not respect them for the way they treat the people of Earth or
even the way they treat each other. This is not what we mean when say we
respect them. We respect them because they have become a formidable foe in this
game, this battle of light versus dark. They are no easy mark, as you say, to
be taken down. Great effort and planning must be applied to strip them of their
empire that they have built over many centuries of time.
They are not
a ‘Johnny-come-lately’ on the scene. They have been manipulating you, the
people of Earth, and have been building their empire while stripping you of
your wealth, your health, your power, your sovereignty, your freedoms, your
will and even your intelligences for many centuries. This is a diabolical
agenda that has gone back now, we will say, thousands of years, going back well
beyond the days of the Pharos of Egypt. This has been going on since Lemuria, a
continent that some of you may be aware of, but for the most part the human
collective consciousness is not aware of it or its sister continent Atlantis.
There are
many of your world who believe Atlantis is merely a work of fiction, of
someone's imagination, whether this imagination belongs to your Greek writer, philosopher
and historian Plato, or someone else before him. This is not the case, as Atlantis
and Lemuria as well are very real continents on your planet with very lengthy,
involved and dramatic histories. Of the events in the histories of these two
separate lands were wars and catastrophe that have led to the annihilation of
both of these, we shall call them for now nations, for they possessed
governments and they possessed militaries and they possessed citizenry, so we
shall refer to them as a nation-states.
These two
separate and divided nation-states warred with each other, not for decades or
over centuries, but for eons, which is thousands of years of time. Considering
what even a short or small war would entail in your world, consider how
devastating a war lasting thousands of years would be. This is what happened to
these lands that at one time were free, prosperous, rewarding and advanced
civilizations. They chose to destroy themselves rather than work out their many
differences. Do you see the problem that can and will arise when beings do not
peaceably, amicably, fairly, adequately, timely and justly work out the
differences between themselves like mature and wise spiritual beings?
devastation that occurred was so great that much effort has been applied on our
part to minimize this damage that stretches beyond their continents and beyond
their time period that they existed. The damage caused by this warring between
these two nation-states is damage that has infiltrated your modern society
today. There are problems, difficulties and challenges in your world today that
must be overcome due to these challenges and difficulties having failed to be overcome
back many thousands of years ago in the lands of Lemuria and Atlantis. Do you understand
what we are explaining to you here? We are explaining to you that because of
karmic residue, because of the failure of these two lands to work together and
reach peaceable agreements between each other, you are left holding the bag, as
you say, you are left to pick up the pieces, to rearrange and rebuild what was
destroyed by these two peoples of your very distant past.
This event
was hundreds of thousands of years ago in your past. Not tens of thousands, but
hundreds of thousands of years ago in your past and still today here you are
and you must atone for what has happened back then. Your task today is to
rebuild from the ashes of these two nation-states and create for yourselves one
world, one governing body, one people, not hundreds of scrambled pieces, not so
many different nations and languages, laws and rules, but one, just one. This
is your task, your assignment, your mission here, to build for yourselves a
global society based on unity and tolerance, understanding and love,
cooperation and friendship, on trust and the resolve that you will reach
amicable and peaceful agreements with each other when any and all differences
in perspective, opinions, points of view or philosophies present themselves. This
is your task; this is our mission here together.
As part of
this mission, those that wish not to participate in this grand endeavor to
unite all of the people of your world in freedom and in sovereignty, in
prosperity and in health, in safety and in knowledge, in love and in trust will
have to be removed as we cannot have leaks in your ship, for your ship can and
will sink just as the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria sunk into the deep
cresting waves of their oceans. This is the challenge before us, this is our
mission, and as part of this mission we must remove these beings from your
world, for they are not assisting with this mission. They do not wish to take
part in this mission and they are doing all that they can, plotting and
scheming every day to thwart our mission, to sabotage it, and they will
continue to do everything in their power, and they do possess great power, do
not be fooled by what appears to be a quiet period or a peaceful period in your
history. They will, because they feel they must, create chaos. Chaos is their
tool that they use. It is their ally; it is their secret weapon, although they
do not keep it a very big secret. Chaos is the name of their game. Chaos,
confusion, violence, separation, fear, distrust and suspicion are some of the
tools in their arsenal they use on a daily basis.
They spread
lies and disinformation through their propaganda outlets and their men and
women who work in these ‘offices’, if you will. You see, these men and women
are paid sometimes relatively large amounts of money to do this dirty work for
them. They use the media and the Internet to spread their lies and their deceit
in an effort to keep you from becoming one, to keep you separated and divided,
confused and in fear and in a perpetual state of distrust, suspicion and even
paranoia. It is upon you, the people of Earth, to recognize these attempts to
keep you divided, to keep you living in fear. We cannot constantly issue you
bulletins and warnings every time we become aware of one of their many daily
attempts to instill fear and division within your people, as this is up to you
dear ones. As we have said, we are here to assist, but we are not here to do
your work for you. It is upon you, the people of this world, to do all that you
can do to tear down these walls that today and for many eons of your past have
worked to separate you.
We will
advise you that there are attempts by the cabal to infiltrate your peaceful
societies and your online communities, and we have shared with you before our
findings that the cabal and their paid minions are infiltrating your online Lightworker,
spiritual, extraterrestrial, and any communities that you are building to
connect with one another. They have paid minions posing as Lightworkers and
beings on the spiritual path or beings that are resonating with being part of extraterrestrial
or higher dimensional families, and instead of helping to spread the themes of
love and light, understanding and tolerance, togetherness and unity,
cooperation and peace, they instigate fighting and arguing, debating and
separation. They instigate and at times take the lead in attacking others, in
attacking our channels, in attacking those that speak up and defend our
channels or anyone that expresses points of view that it is peace and tolerance,
togetherness and love that is what we are all about, for this is not what they
are all about, and they have an assignment as well.
Their mission
is to build walls between you, and from what we see they are accomplishing this
task quite well. Would you agree with us here that there are many throughout
your online communities that, even though they claim to be Lightworkers, appear
to be doing the work of the dark, of the cabal? Can we agree on that today dear
ones? We ask you this because we know there will be those who disagree with
this today, and we ask you who would disagree with this logic which is and
should be very plainly clear to all of you. Who would benefit more from
disagreeing with these words today than those paid minions themselves whose
task it is to keep you divided, to keep you fighting amongst each other? We say
to you it is your task today to discover for yourselves the existence of these
cabal agents and identify them and share this information with your brothers
and sisters in light, your brothers and sisters who are part of your mission
here in love and service for this planet and her people. What we are not asking
you to do is form lynch mobs in any way, shape or form, and we are not asking
you to pick up arms and commit any acts of violence or threaten anyone
whatsoever. (Our previous message to you from our Commanders concerning cabal
arrests was directed to the ‘Earth allies’, who are factions of your world
militaries and law enforcement communities overseeing these arrests of the members
of the cabal, not the citizenry of your nations, and we feel this point was
made very clear.)
What we today
are simply and solely asking you, our Lightworkers to do is begin to discuss
amongst yourselves, openly and publicly, who you feel these agents of the cabal
are, mentioning them by name and what online communities they belong to and use
as tools to divide you and separate you and instigate fights between you. Identify
these individuals by name and openly and publicly share these names and the
communities they belong to with each other. This is what we wish to see you do
today. We wish you to stand up for yourselves, to organize, to grow in numbers
and strength and weed out these causes of so much fighting, separation and
hostility throughout your online communities, communities that were founded on
the virtues of love and light, on tolerance and understanding, peace and
cooperation. This is your assignment today, and this assignment does not end
tomorrow. We wish you to continue with this assignment each and every day until
all of these individuals who are paid minions of the dark cabal are identified and
rooted out like ugly weeds in a beautiful flower garden.
We are your
fellow gardeners of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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