NOTE: This has
not been confirmed by other sources yet. -AK
THE HAARP MACHINE (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or Project....which is NOT!)
A recount for Disclosure, thanks to Zorra from Hollow Earth:
"Our government construed a device, an ancient device that was used in Atlantis that was controlling the direction of storms. They were able (no more) to direct the hurricanes toward the area where they wanted it. This device we call it HAARP! This is a directional machine that was created in Atlantis and it was rediscovered in the Atlantic Ocean, brought to the surface, revamped, and restarted under the instructions of the cabals/illuminatti and some of the rogue band of extraterrestrials that was on the planet at that time (of Atlantis) that gave them the knowledge to do this. The machine had been shut down by the Agarthians and they [the cabal] no longer have control on the storms, hurricanes like the one they directed as KATRINA!"
You may listen to the recorded call of September 1, 2012 at
THE HAARP MACHINE (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or Project....which is NOT!)
A recount for Disclosure, thanks to Zorra from Hollow Earth:
"Our government construed a device, an ancient device that was used in Atlantis that was controlling the direction of storms. They were able (no more) to direct the hurricanes toward the area where they wanted it. This device we call it HAARP! This is a directional machine that was created in Atlantis and it was rediscovered in the Atlantic Ocean, brought to the surface, revamped, and restarted under the instructions of the cabals/illuminatti and some of the rogue band of extraterrestrials that was on the planet at that time (of Atlantis) that gave them the knowledge to do this. The machine had been shut down by the Agarthians and they [the cabal] no longer have control on the storms, hurricanes like the one they directed as KATRINA!"
You may listen to the recorded call of September 1, 2012 at
by Obi-Wan Kabuki
Click Here
Allow Time to Load!
2 Hours 15 Minutes
Click Here
Allow Time to Load!
2 Hours 15 Minutes
No call next week as Billie
and Jane prepare for cross-country tour.
Billie (Zaraya) tells of unique experience during last channeling with Zorra. Billie was free of his body with no silver cord! Saw even MORE ships arriving for our Big Event ... more than he could count!
ArchAngel Michael says 90% are ready for Ascension!
Chemtrails greatly diminished: blue skies!
Coming up to Ascension in a rapid way, ZORRA:
Energy at Solstice will be quadrupled of today's.
You are in for a heck of a ride! Ascension is emminent.
More craft decloaking and coming to eye level.
Cross country travelers will see them. Watch the skies, cameras ready!
We are entering a High Unity Consciousness, departing the 3D Duality Consciousness.
We are in 11th level of 4D, going rapidly to 12th level 4D.
Current Ascension Symptoms: detox - stomach upsets - digestion - lucid dreams - astral travels - high energies permeating our bodies and are more aware of our surroundings, the beauty, our speech more loving... soon catapult entire being into Oneness for all.
Our sons, brothers, husbands will be coming home from Iraq.
As Ascension comes nearer, wars cease.
Ascension is gradual now, but will soon move into high gear.
Cleaner skies mean less illness.
Our ability to clear chemtrails, tropical storms.
New Orleans Category One storm reversed to tropical storm.
Katrina was directed to New Orleans by our governbmemt:
HAARP, which was an ancient technology discovered in Atlantic and revamped.
Agarthians shut down this "storm director." Gone! Over!
Cabal losing ground and control next days, weeks.
People's veils falling away and see goernment as they are.
An improved government before Ascension.
Earth's sister-planet identical to Earth; where our remaining 3D will go.
Why we won't miss them, or they miss us?
Earth people now on ships being trained for using their technology.
Sea walls 1-inch thick, done in less than 1 hour!
They are preparing for us... lots of us!
Hollow Earth, Galactic Federation of Light, Telos Council of 12, Shamballah.
All meeting, to prepare for our Ascension.
Our housing.
The big Andromeda vessel in southwest sky ... triangle ... no stars can be seen within triangle.
Elenin's "second sun?"
After Disclosure; before Ascension.
Ascennsion "between now and December 21."
Steve Olesky's trip to Hollow Earth.
Definition of Source Creator, Supreme Creator, Elohim, Jehova, Allah, Lesser Gods.
No clouds in 5D?
Plants watered from beneath.
All HAARPS built on zippers ..
Mother Earth expanding ...
HAARPS will be swallowed up in weeks to come.
Garden of Eden is in Hollow Earth. City of Eden (as seen on website banner).
Noah's "deluge" was only in one section of the planet; the flood was not global.
Cloud cover created oceans.
Q & A:
Healing happens when doubt & fear are gone.
How Sananda/Jesus healed.
Have your vibration workshop out in nature; encircle a tree and let it teach you.
Billie Miers in Switzerland is in direct contact with Pleiadians.
Bad candidates for President; Interim President?
"Obama - He is in contact with ..."
All of Australia, New Zealand, Easter Island is Lemuria.
Gives complete outline of Lemuria.
Caves in Outback connect with Telos.
Those in 3D on Earth's sister planet will have anoher chance at Ascension after Mother Earth Ascends.
Zorra's Healing, supported by Glactic Federation of Light, Council of 12, Telos ... Reports of healing experiences.
Billie (Zaraya) tells of unique experience during last channeling with Zorra. Billie was free of his body with no silver cord! Saw even MORE ships arriving for our Big Event ... more than he could count!
ArchAngel Michael says 90% are ready for Ascension!
Chemtrails greatly diminished: blue skies!
Coming up to Ascension in a rapid way, ZORRA:
Energy at Solstice will be quadrupled of today's.
You are in for a heck of a ride! Ascension is emminent.
More craft decloaking and coming to eye level.
Cross country travelers will see them. Watch the skies, cameras ready!
We are entering a High Unity Consciousness, departing the 3D Duality Consciousness.
We are in 11th level of 4D, going rapidly to 12th level 4D.
Current Ascension Symptoms: detox - stomach upsets - digestion - lucid dreams - astral travels - high energies permeating our bodies and are more aware of our surroundings, the beauty, our speech more loving... soon catapult entire being into Oneness for all.
Our sons, brothers, husbands will be coming home from Iraq.
As Ascension comes nearer, wars cease.
Ascension is gradual now, but will soon move into high gear.
Cleaner skies mean less illness.
Our ability to clear chemtrails, tropical storms.
New Orleans Category One storm reversed to tropical storm.
Katrina was directed to New Orleans by our governbmemt:
HAARP, which was an ancient technology discovered in Atlantic and revamped.
Agarthians shut down this "storm director." Gone! Over!
Cabal losing ground and control next days, weeks.
People's veils falling away and see goernment as they are.
An improved government before Ascension.
Earth's sister-planet identical to Earth; where our remaining 3D will go.
Why we won't miss them, or they miss us?
Earth people now on ships being trained for using their technology.
Sea walls 1-inch thick, done in less than 1 hour!
They are preparing for us... lots of us!
Hollow Earth, Galactic Federation of Light, Telos Council of 12, Shamballah.
All meeting, to prepare for our Ascension.
Our housing.
The big Andromeda vessel in southwest sky ... triangle ... no stars can be seen within triangle.
Elenin's "second sun?"
After Disclosure; before Ascension.
Ascennsion "between now and December 21."
Steve Olesky's trip to Hollow Earth.
Definition of Source Creator, Supreme Creator, Elohim, Jehova, Allah, Lesser Gods.
No clouds in 5D?
Plants watered from beneath.
All HAARPS built on zippers ..
Mother Earth expanding ...
HAARPS will be swallowed up in weeks to come.
Garden of Eden is in Hollow Earth. City of Eden (as seen on website banner).
Noah's "deluge" was only in one section of the planet; the flood was not global.
Cloud cover created oceans.
Q & A:
Healing happens when doubt & fear are gone.
How Sananda/Jesus healed.
Have your vibration workshop out in nature; encircle a tree and let it teach you.
Billie Miers in Switzerland is in direct contact with Pleiadians.
Bad candidates for President; Interim President?
"Obama - He is in contact with ..."
All of Australia, New Zealand, Easter Island is Lemuria.
Gives complete outline of Lemuria.
Caves in Outback connect with Telos.
Those in 3D on Earth's sister planet will have anoher chance at Ascension after Mother Earth Ascends.
Zorra's Healing, supported by Glactic Federation of Light, Council of 12, Telos ... Reports of healing experiences.
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