
24.08.12 г.

There is no separation from the One Source. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

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In accordance with your desire to receive new and pertinent information for those following these messages, we would like to offer the following.  Within a week it will be possible for all with sincere daily practices of meditation or contemplation to contact their higher selves and receive unmistakable confirmation of connection with their own energy bodies.  Directing thought to their Source, whatever they might name it, will likewise result in unmistakable connection.
Your energetic upgrades have now reached that level.  Please make no mistake.  This has been done with the help of Source and ourselves, but it has been done in response to your own efforts and intentions.  You must learn to give yourselves credit when it is due.
Some have found, through our urging, that placing their attention upon the area of the spine between the base of the skull and behind their hearts while breathing in Creator’s light results in just such a feeling of connection and bliss.  You may wish to try that now.  There is major work being done for and with you in that part of your energetic make-up.
Some others are beginning to feel and realize a much larger self than what can possibly be contained in your tiny physical bodies, and there are still other sensations, learnings, which are being discovered.
Whatever it is for you at this moment, play with it, explore it, and be ready to move on to other new things, as well.  There is a lot of ground to cover in a short time and all must begin where they stand.
It is not necessary to understand with your intellect what is changing in and for you.  Just tell that part of yourselves to relax and enjoy it.  Give your heart’s mind the job of understanding that your intellect has tried to take over for so long.  Soon enough you will move from understanding to knowing.
These words carry with them the energy of Creator’s unconditional love, which is made available to anyone who reads or hears them at any time should they choose to accept it.  All that is needed from you is your intent to feel it.  This feeling is the energy ‘signature’ which accompanies message and is given freely to all.  Perhaps, once you feel it, you will wish to seek it on your own during your daily practices.  Accept the promise that it will always be forthcoming.  There is no separation from the One Source.  Now is the time for you to discover this once again.  May you abide in love and peace until we next speak.  Good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/

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