In time, all
we have discussed with you will become clear and there will no longer be any
confusion, mystery or unanswered questions leaving you searching for answers as
you may be today. This is the way it must be for now. Please keep this in mind
dear ones, that your journey is not over, it has not been completed by any
stretch of the imagination. Many of you still have quite a few lessons to learn
and a short time to learn them before the final exam papers must be handed in,
to coin a phrase. If we of the Galactic commands stepped in now and handed you
all the answers on a silver platter it would disrupt, curtail, end many of the
lessons that many of you are in the midst of learning and experiencing.
Do you
understand this? Do you understand that yes, we have many of the answers that
you wish to be furnished with and we do hear your requests for these answers
and we hear them quite often, but it is not our task and it is not our right to
give you these answers, for these answers are not what will help you the most. It
is your personal quest to discover the answers, the secrets, the treasures that
await you. Do you understand this a little clearer now, that it is not the
answers that are worth the most to you, it is your search for them that is the
most valuable prize? Now that you understand this a little clearer we would
suggest that many of you spend more time searching for these answers yourselves,
rather than asking us to answer these questions you may have for you. This is
all we have to say about this, dear ones, now let us move on to matters
concerning your outer world.
In the
process of our duties, we come across many new twists and turns, obstacles,
difficulties and problems, but we never hesitate for a moment and we see each
obstacle that presents itself as another wonderful opportunity to showcase our
talents and our collective and individual wisdom and cleverness to overcome
them. This is what we would like to see more of you do when a detour in the
road arises causing you to temporarily alter your course and find a suitable
means to navigate through or around an obstacle. We see many of you do just
this, although what we suggest today is that more of you take a healthier
attitude when problems arise, instead of the defeatist and negative attitude
many of you allow to consume you when challenges present themselves to you.
After all, most of these challenges have been created by you yourself before
and even sometimes during this, your present incarnation, to offer you a
challenge and an opportunity to rise above it testing your wit, your strength,
your resolve, your drive, determination, courage, bravery, heart and
imagination. For without these tests, you would not know where it is you stand
and how far you have come on your journey.
These tests
are necessary, these tests are very fruitful, these tests are very valuable to
you in so many ways, and we say to you simply by changing your attitude just
slightly and seeing these challenges as yet another blessed opportunity and
gift for you will make it so much easier for you to begin to create an answer
for each challenge, for your mindset will be completely different, it will be
much more positive, allowing more positive energies to flow which will assist
you greatly in leaping every hurdle. Do you understand this? Do you understand that with just a slight
alteration in your perspective, many of the challenges and obstacles that
present themselves to you can and will be so much more fluidly dealt with and
overcome? We hope to see more of you begin to see these tests and challenges
that may present themselves to you in this new light, as the benefits to seeing
them in this sharper perspective are incalculable and will allow many of you to
find adequate solutions to these challenges which will then allow you to move
on to the next and then the next, and this is how real progress is made. For
allowing yourselves to be stalled on one problem for too long is not beneficial
to you and wastes so much of your valuable time, energy and focus.
As we have
said, time is now running very short for many of you, and the time to resolve
many of the challenges that have been laid out for you, many by you yourselves,
is upon you. There are not too many tomorrows left to push back the completion
of these smaller projects. Each of them must be adequately dealt with before
you move on to newer challenges, perhaps higher dimensional challenges. Do you
understand this? Do you understand that final exams, if you will, are
commencing and there is no longer any time to fritter away, waste, barter or
trade? It is now time to get busy, and we mean very busy. Many of you must make
haste if you wish to ‘beat the deadline’, as you say, as the curtain is coming
down on this performance and there will not be, as there cannot be, any extra
time allotted for those of you who wish to exit this theater for a new show.
This is a
very important matter, and we wish for all of you that are reading these words
to take what we say about this today very seriously. We say to you examine what
it is in your lives that you feel are aspects of yourselves that are not higher
vibrational aspects of yourselves but are traits, habits, tendencies or
addictions that are not conducive to higher dimensional living, and find a way
to deal with them, to release them, to walk away, move on and leave them behind
you where they now belong as they are no longer a welcomed part of your journey,
if it is within the higher dimensional realms where you wish to travel.
Do you
understand this? Do you understand that what we are saying is that a number of
you who are reading these words and who have made it known that you wish for
your journey to now take you beyond the limits of this 3rd dimensional reality
into the higher realms of this universe are at the same time clutching heavy
baggage that is weighing you down, making this trip an impossibility, an
implausibility at this time? You must find a way to reach deep down inside and
find the release handle that will drop these bags at your feet while you
continue to move forward. Can you do this? Will you even try to do this is what
we are asking you at this time.
Many of you
have carefully planned out for yourselves certain tests that you made clear you
wanted and needed to pass before you exited this lower dimensional reality. You
made this very clear, and now here today some of these tests have remained
unresolved. You yourself made it clear that if this were to be the case, that
you were not prepared to exit this reality and wished to stay until these
lessons were learned. We, your higher dimensional guides, friends and family
cannot supersede your directives, your instructions, your orders, this is not
our right, and we will not overstep our boundaries and do anything that it is
you instructed us not to do. We cannot remove for you these obstacles, we
cannot come to you and tell you exactly what it is that acts today to weigh you
down, and we cannot supply you with the answers to these problems either. All
of this is strictly up to you.
No one knows
you better than you know yourself, although we do have a bird’s eye view of
much that is transpiring in your world and in the lives of those who we are
guides, but deep down inside no one knows the thought processes that are going through
your mind on a daily basis, for this is your sacred sanctuary and we do not
trespass on your domain. It is you and you alone who knows what is going on
inside you, and it is you and you alone that must find a way to pinpoint these
areas, to target these areas, these problems and to find a way to resolve them.
We will, as
we always have, offer you all of our love, our support, our guidance, our
wisdom and our understandings and we will help you in every way that we can,
but we cannot do this work for you and we will not do this work for you. This
work must be completed by you, as were your specific instructions and command.
We wish for you the very best success in your efforts and say to you we will
continue to offer you everything that it is we can and we will let you know if
we see marked improvement in some of these areas. This is what we will do, and
we will continue to offer you guidance where we can.
We are your
guides of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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