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Saint Peter holding the 'Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven' (Matthew 16:19) . The keys symbolize frequency, as frequency can be expressed as a musical tone, pitch or 'key'. |
Resurrecting your dreams, your hopes, your accomplishments and your new home will be an achievement beyond any that you have ever made. What you have to look forward to is something that not many beings, if any at all, throughout this entire universe are blessed so to experience. We have planned for you and see for you so many wonderful things that so many of you who today may feel tied down to an unrewarding, un-pleasurable, unexciting, un-wondrous and unloved existence will, like a springboard, catapult into an entirely new reality, fresh in its grand tapestries of excitement, adventure, mystery, beauty, wonder, reward and surprise.
This is what
so many of you have in store for yourselves just up ahead beyond the next-door
that you will successfully step through. Do not allow yourselves to feel glum
now, to allow yourselves to deflate, as it is this air of expectation, of
childlike excitement and anticipation that is the air that fills your balloon
that will lift you up and out of your current fairground of reality. Do you
understand this, that it is your attitude, your inner emotions that are such an
important factor in helping deliver you to where it is you want to be and what
you want to experience? Your mindsets are preciously important factors at this
and all times. It is entirely necessary for each and every one of you who wants
more for yourselves, who wants something different and better for yourselves to
safeguard and cater to your mindset, your attitudes, your demeanor, your outlook,
your expectations, your mood as well as your physical health at all times, for
all of these things factor in to your journey.
What you are
thinking and feeling at any given moment is painting for you the portrait of
your life that will be complete and gifted to you in so many days ahead. This
is how it works in this universe. It works no other way. This is how it was
designed and this is how it functions at this present time and will continue to
function like this until such a day when your Creator decides that he wishes to
change these parameters, these rules of operation. If you understand this, then
we say to you start today, start painting a brighter, more promising and more
positive outlook for yourselves. This doom and gloom scenery that many of you
are painting with each brush stroke today may not be the portrait many of you
have in mind to hang on your wall of your new reality.
We have been
reading your posts and comments and communicating in other ways with some of those
that we have connections to and we have a fairly good idea what many of you
wish for yourselves, and it is safe to say it is not more of the same. Do you
think that you must therefore change what you are feeling inside, what you are
thinking inside, what you are creating for yourselves inside? These go
hand-in-hand; your thoughts today and your future tomorrow. There is no
dividing these two, they are eternally linked. If it is tomorrow you wish to
change, then it is today you need to change. This you must understand, this you
must remember, this you must focus on each and every day, or each and every day
you will be creating the same days to line up like railroad tracks long and far
into the distance that you will travel. It is time for many of you to begin
laying new tracks that will take you to new destinations of your choosing. That
is all we have to say about that. We wish you to always remember these words,
as so many of you deserve and wish for yourselves better, and it is better that
is available to you now.
Moving on to
pressing matters in your world, we are observing tides turning in the great
collective consciousness of your people. We see no longer a race who wishes for
war or for violence of any kind. We see a people who now long for and call for
peace and love, global brotherhood and cooperation. This is such a wonderful
site to behold from our vantage point, and we say to all of you that you will
have what it is you wish for yourselves and your families, this will not be
denied. The world that you now long for, a world where there is peace that
silences the war and the fighting will be yours and prosperity will be the new
call of the day.
There will
be prosperity where there was bloodshed. This is what happens when the guns of
war are silenced. Like a vacuum something must fill the void that has been
vacated, and when war and violence is done away with and no longer consumes the
creative energies of a collective only good follows in its place, for this is
the natural course. You will not be experiencing more of the same in different
persona, a different mask and cloak. You will be experiencing something so
different, so unbelievable, so liberating, so beautiful, invigorating, joyous,
uplifting, satisfying and rewarding. You will be experiencing a world where
money is not a commodity that is fought over. You will be experiencing a world
where money is not rare and is not the ultimate target of so much energy, focus
and fighting. You will be experiencing a world where money and wealth is shared
freely and equally among all of you, where no one will be left for want or need
for anything.
This is the
world that you are creating today, and we say to you do not allow yourselves
for one day longer to be pessimistic, to live in doubt, live in fear,
insecurity and uncertainty about your tomorrow, for we tell you we see the
tomorrow you are creating today and it is wonderful, it is magnificent, and
each and every one of you will prosper so greatly in so many different ways. We
say to you do not give up now, do not let your guard down, do not allow
yourselves to stumble upon the old ways, habits and the tendencies and the
attitudes that created for you the world that you are now leaving behind. You
now all see the negative, unproductive, unrewarding, un-free, unloving,
unfeeling and unsafe world that can be created through negative thought, action,
intent and dream.
No one in
this entire universe can tell you better, the people of Earth, what kind of
sorrow, misery, hardship, sadness, fear, loneliness and destitution that can be
created when you allow yourselves to begin to create such a world through your
negative vibrations and your powers of creative manifestation. You all have
learned this lesson and you have learned it the hard way, the hardest way
anyone in this universe must learn a lesson. You learned it by living through
it, in not just one lifetime, but many successive incarnations before you are permitted
to return home to where it is you originally come from, and this place is not,
in almost every case, the place that you visit after each incarnation, for
where it is you truly come from, where it is that is your home is, is not the place
that you have been visiting for a short while after you leave one physical
vessel to be born into a new vessel.
Do you
understand what we are saying here, that it is not through the death experience
that you can ‘escape’, if you will, this reality and into a new? It was not
designed in such a way that someone could simply take their own life or wander
through it and ‘graduate’, if you will, into a new reality. It was not designed
such as this for several reasons. We say to you one of these reasons was to
make sure each and every one of you who signed up for this mission, this
journey, this experience got exactly what it is from all of this that you
wanted in the first place, what this entire reality was created for in the
first place, which was for each and every one of you to learn all the lessons
necessary to allow you to grow wings and take flight into the higher stretches
of this universe. That was the purpose of the creation of this entire reality.
This reality
you call Earth in the 3rd dimension is not an abomination, was not a mistake,
was not a miscarriage of creation. It was a beautiful, wonderful and perfect
creation and it has served each and every one of you perfectly well for what it
is you wished to experience for yourselves, and now it comes the time for many
of you to receive just what it is you wanted from all this. This is the day
that now stands just before you so soon it is only a blink of an eye, the beat
of your heart relative to the long eons that you have been away from your home
and have been on this journey. Do you understand how very close you all are and
that losing patience now when you are just another breath away would be unwise
and imprudent, as to remain as positive as you can to help usher in your new
day is so vitally important?
We want each
of you to remember this; that your vibrations must be kept as high as possible
to allow you to connect, to plug-in, to blend into the higher vibrations of
this universe. This is one of the reasons why we, the members of the Galactic
Federation of Light, paint for you our pictures of how wonderful, beautiful,
exciting, rewarding and promising your new world and your new lives will be,
for we want you, because you need to, keep your spirits high, keep your
vibrations high, for there is nothing more important that you can do today than
to keep your vibrations as high as possible. This is so important for you to
remember and we will stress this point again to you often throughout the days
ahead, as we wish you to keep this thought in the forefront of your
consciousness; your vibrational frequencies are the key that will unlock the
door that will present itself to you in the not too distant future.
This is all
we have for you today, and we say to you preserve and safeguard the keys that
you possess inside you, for they are priceless and they are what will unlock
every dream, every hope and every desire that you have ever had.
We are key masters
as well. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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