
14.08.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/13/12 ‘Ascension Science’

Holding you back in some ways is your resistance to change in some areas. There are for some of you new concepts and new ideas that are foreign to you, strange to you. You do not resonate with them, for you have never experienced anything like this before in any of your previous or recent incarnations. We of the Galactic Federation of Light wish to assist you smooth this transition for yourselves and assimilate these changes more efficiently and effectively, more positively, more securely and more confidently.

At this time, some of you are demonstrating great difficulties when reading our messages to you. These individuals are displaying behaviors not suitable for higher dimensional existence in many ways. These individuals are demonstrating for all to see that they are not yet prepared, they have not yet enabled themselves to rise above the frequency levels of a 3rd third dimensional existence. This is their choice and we, as we always do, honor and respect the choice that all will make, however, these beings may wish to understand that they will not, because they cannot, ascend into the higher dimensions until these deficiencies in their personality constructs are purified, are corrected, are brought into alignment with higher dimensional consciousness.

This is a rule. It is the way that this multiple dimensional universe is governed. There are no shortcuts, there are no backdoors, there are no pass keys given for those who have not raised their individual frequency levels to sufficient pulse rates. This is an absolute, this is law, this is rule, this is science, this is spirituality, and this is how one rises up into a higher dimension than the dimension they currently reside in. Do you all understand this very basic concept of how your multidimensional universe is governed? One does not ascend because one wishes to ascend or one chooses to ascend or one thinks they will ascend. This is not how it works. How it works is one rises to challenges throughout their incarnations, they learn from these tests, these lessons and these experiences and they add them to their collected consciousness structures. When one adds these lessons learned successfully, an increase in their vibrational frequency level is experienced. This raising of one's vibration continues on through many successive incarnations until an individual raises their personal vibrational frequency to at least equal to the minimum requirement for this being to connect to the frequency of the dimension above. It is then and it is only then that this being can then ‘plug in’ and become one with the higher dimension through a matching of frequency.

We hope we have been clear on this, for we see quite often throughout your online communities those who clearly exhibit third dimensional behavior who speak about ascension as if it is a guarantee, as if it is a lock, as if it is owed to them, as if they demand it that it shall be handed to them. We never wish to be the bearer of bad news, but we from our vantage point feel it is our duty to report these things to you, to share our wisdom and understandings with you. We do not wish for any of you, our brothers and our sisters, to walk another mile confused, spend another day unaware of certain factors that govern your existence and your lives here in your current 3rd dimension. We wish to always be honest and frank with you, and we feel we are doing this today. We do not wish to make anyone feel badly and we do not wish to embarrass anyone. What we wish to do is educate, to spread awareness, and that is what our intentions are when we speak of these matters.

We also share our advice for those who wish to accept it and act upon it. We do not give orders, commands, or directives to you. We simply offer gifts, and it is up to each and every individual as well as your people as a collective if they wish to accept them. Today we offer the gift of a greater understanding of ascension, as we are quite aware that there are very many of you who wish, and in many cases expect, to ascend in the near days ahead. We wish to be as clear about this as can. We say to you now that there will be those of you who do in fact ascend in the near days ahead. By ‘near days’ we mean months and not years. This is as clear as we can be as to when some of you will ascend, as there are many contributing factors and you will not be punching out with a time clock, as it were, when a particular hour strikes. This is not how it works. How it works is a melding, if you will, of vibrational frequencies is achieved between you as individuals and a collective and the higher realms above you. It will be as if a swirling whirlwind envelopes your essence and delivers you through a doorway on to the fertile grounds of a new and blessed reality for you to begin anew your journey.

That is how it works, and now that you understand this a little greater, would you say if we asked you today that you would be waiting for a particular date to arrive? No, you probably would not. There are many of you with your eyes to the calendar. You see December of 2012 as a date when magic may happen. This is very true, but let us emphasize the word may. It may happen for many of you in that month of this year, but just as likely it may not happen in that month of this year. It is all up to you, and we suggest to you today to work today in making your tomorrow become what it is you want it to be. Do not wait for a date and do not wait for outside influences to come and carry you away. It is you and you alone who must forge your own wings to take flight into the higher dimensions of this universe.

We cannot be any clearer on this, and we hope very much that all of you reading these words perfectly understand this, as this is one of the most important things for you to understand at this time. We understand how important your ascension is to you and they are important to us as well, as this is one of the reasons why we are here. We are here as your shepherds, your chaperones, your escorts, your guides, your doormen, so to speak, into the higher realms, and we wish to do everything that it is we can do to assist you make this greatly successful and we will continue on in our efforts in this light.

For those of you who are now beginning to doubt whether you will indeed ascend come this year or sometime afterward perhaps, we say to you do not give up so easily, but work on the deficiencies, if you will, that you may possess. Work on what it is that you feel you lack or that you possess that you would need to clear yourself of like a heavy anchor weighing you down. What is it that you feel about yourselves is not conducive, is not a match, is not a partner for higher dimensional life? What is it you are doing that you feel others in higher dimensions do not do? What is it that you are exhibiting to others that you feel you would not witness others exhibiting in the higher realms? This is a very likely place to start, and we wish to read your comments today and learn just what it is about yourselves that you feel you may need to change before you are gifted with the blessing of ascension.

This is your assignment, and we ask as many of you who wish to assist us to leave your comments today and share with us your thoughts about this. Let us know if you have learned something about ascension today and its properties and its laws that govern your travel, if it were, and share with us your insights into what you think you may need to work on, change or discard within yourselves. Let us know which areas in your lives or in your behaviors that you feel needs improving to allow yourselves the opportunity of ascension. This is all we have for you today and we, as we always do, look forward to reading your thoughts beneath our message today. Have a wonderful, beautiful and blessed day today, our dear friends.

We are your family and your friends who have found the keys to ascension that existed within us. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles


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