Not all of
you can and will readily accept the information about us. This is how it will
be, there is no changing this. There are those of you who will in the days
ahead learn of our existence for the first time, in this lifetime anyway, and going
back possibly many more. There will be those who suffer or experience signs of
mild and even in some cases severe shock and mental fatigue. Fatigue because the
mind is like a muscle, and when the mind is worked out beyond its limits it can
become damaged or worn out just like the muscles in your human vessel. These
beings will need care, they will need love, they will need rehabilitation, they
will need services that you are going to provide for them. This is how it works.
We, the
beings that inhabit this universe, look after and take care of each other. We
do not leave others to misery, to poverty, to injury, to ill health, mental,
physical or emotional. We do not leave others hungry, we do not leave others to
cold, we do not leave others alone unless this is what they desire. This is one
of the reasons why we are here in your world at this time. There are those of
you who go hungry, who are cold, who suffer from tremendous heat, those of you
who sleep on the streets or in backwoods for they find no shelter and no help
from their brothers and sisters. This will now change. We are here with more
than gifts for entertainment purposes and to make lives easier for some of you
who already have found ways to raise your lives at least to a certain level of
comfort. We are here to eradicate completely misery, pain and sorrow throughout
each and every corner of your world.
We did not
come here to shower only a few of you with our gifts, for this we do not do. This
is not our purpose and this is not our intention. We fully intend and will
share our gifts, our technologies, our tools, our wisdom, our understandings
and guidance with each and every soul who accepts our offerings and our gifts
throughout every corner of your entire planet. There will be not one soul left
who is not at least offered these gifts. No one will have to work with us or do
anything it is they do not wish to do to be the receiver of many of these gifts.
There are some gifts that are allotted to those who go the extra mile, for
those who put in effort to help their fellow man, to better their communities,
to strengthen their systems, to nurture and care for their planet, this is true.
There are always perks and extra benefits for those who apply themselves and
give extra effort that maybe some others are not interested in, this we wish to
make clear, that not all gifts will be shared with all peoples, but it has
nothing to do with who these people are, where they live, their race or
nationality, skin color or language they speak, their past history, criminal record,
level of income or gender, none of this. All gifts will be at least made available
to each and every person in you world.
Not all of
the people of every world we visit choose that they wish to accept our
assistance, this we also wish to make clear, that there are always at least a
number of those who shun us, who cannot find the way to trust us, to believe
that we do not possess ulterior motives, desires and agendas. We do not. We also
wish to make that clear to you as we have many times. Our motivation is love. It
is love and service to our Creator, who we remind you, is also your Creator. This is why we are family. We have the same
mother and father, so how is it we cannot be brother and sister, for we are, and
we are now here for a long anticipated family reunion, a reunion that will
bring to your world opportunity so great that your entire structure and
landscape of your planet can be forever altered, changed, improved, advanced,
purified, beautified and made safe, and with consistent effort, attention, love,
care, nurturing, planning, intent and action can be eternal for all of you.
This is what
we, the Ashtar Command, offer you in the form of gifts and offer you in the
form of extra benefits for those of you who apply yourselves and work to earn
these extra benefits. You will not be working ‘for’ us. In other words, your
world will not be benefiting our organization per se, as we did not come here
to recruit because we needed to solidify our workforce for the purposes of
maintaining and operating our organization. We wish to make that clear, that we
did not come here because we need new members. This is not the case at all.
We've come here to offer you opportunities to work with us, to better your
lives and to better the lives of others and your world. We wish to make clear,
that all of the work that you will be doing will benefit you, your people and
your planet. You will not be working to say, restore our ships, or clean our
ships, or feed our crewmembers through your work in a kitchen or galley.
Some of you erroneously
believe that this is the case, that we have come here to recruit workers needed
to fill lower positions within our ranks. This is not the case, this will never
be the case, and we believe we have also made ourselves clear on this point. It
would be appreciated by us if those of you who did engage in the dissemination of
these falsehoods refrained from spreading this sort of disinformation. We do
honor and respect the views of each and every being in this universe, but there
is a difference between the spreading of lies, slander, untruths and
disinformation about another. There are laws even in your society against the
use of slander on another, is there not?
In the
higher realms we do not have laws pertaining to such a matter, as it almost
always never presents itself as any kind of problem. Occasionally there are
disagreements. You see, not everyone, no matter where it is they exist will see
eye to eye. There are always going to be differences in perspective and
viewpoint. This cannot be avoided and it is actually cherished, as it would
make for a rather commonplace and let us say, unchallenging universe if each
and every one of us possessed the identical perspectives and points of view, would
it not? So there are always at least some disagreements on some level. The
difference within the higher realms and the lower realms is how we choose to
overcome these mild disagreements.
In your
world, in at least some cases, those who possess opposing viewpoints choose to
go to war with each other. This is the absolute worst and most unproductive
choice to settle disagreements, would you agree on this? But that is precisely
what many of your countries and even members of your same countries choose to
resolve simple differences and opinions. This will also no longer be permitted
in your world if we are to continue sharing our gifts with you.
If there are
those of you who continue to choose war, bloodshed, destruction and misery as
the means to settle disagreements or disputes we will be forced to choose to
remove from your world either these individuals or the tools and technologies
that we are sharing with you, followed by removing ourselves from your world to
allow your people to carry on in the means that they see fit and so choose. We
certainly do not wish this to ever be the case. We are asking and will continue
to ask that all of the militaries of your world stand down, to return to their
own lands and countries. We will be requesting a complete and total disarmament
of all of your military forces throughout every corner of your world, for what would
they be needed for if we are now going to settle disputes amicably, honorably,
fairly and nonviolently? They will never be needed to protect borders, as no people
will be permitted to invade, conquer, or occupy another people's land.
All borders
one day in the future will become rather meaningless, for there will be nothing
that one people possess that all people do not possess, and this also includes weather
suitable for habitation, as there are many of your world who suffer through
adverse weather, ineffectual for the growing of crops. We will also help you
change all this, and beings throughout your entire world will be able to live
in suitable comfort and be able to grow crops and produce their own water
supply. This is one of the projects that we have scheduled for you, and we will
at the appropriate time be asking for volunteers of those of you who would wish
to participate in these weather and agricultural projects as well. As we have
said, we have many projects in store for your world and there will be many
opportunities available for those of you who are interested in taking action to
restore your world to the perfect place to live that it used to be one day in
your distant past. We wish to return your world to that perfect time, and with
your help we intend to do just that.
We are your
friends and your family who have returned to help you return your world to the
way it used to be. We are the Ashtar Command, and we thank you all for your
time with us today. We will speak to you again very soon, until then, peace,
joy, freedom, prosperity and abundance to all of you.
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