
14.07.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/14/12 ‘Timothy Geithner Arrested’

You are hearing this; Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, has been taken into custody, has been tried by our High Courts, and has been convicted and has been sentenced for his crimes against the people of the United States who he was sworn to serve, but instead chose to victimize, steal from and manipulate, and push to the brink of financial destitution. This individual, after careful contemplation of his crimes against you, the people, has been sentenced to a maximum life of 63 years, of which time he is to spend in a mortal physical vessel where he will be reeducated and rehabilitated before he is once again permitted to walk freely amongst the people of a free society.

This is his punishment; this is the retribution for his crimes. There is no other penalty imposed upon this individual, and there will not be any further punishment imposed upon this soul, as he will receive just what it is he needs to further develop, grow and mature as a being on a journey through physicality, and soon the spiritual realms of this multidimensional universe. Do you see dear ones, what we mean when we say that there will be those of the cabal arrested and there will be those of the cabal sentenced for their crimes against you? No member of the cabal will walk free without first receiving rehabilitation services in the form of programs offered to them by we of the higher dimensions.

Not all, if even many, of the arrestees of the cabal and their minions will be tried and, if convicted, sentenced within courts of law of the different jurisdictions of your world. A large number of those being taken into custody will stand before a High Court manned by ascended beings whose task it is is to review the life record of the accused and determine a suitable means for their successful rehabilitation. Punishment is not the order of the day, though this word can be used loosely, it can be used poetically, metaphorically, and it can be used by those of you who feel better feeling someone has been punished for their crimes against you. We say to you though, no one at all will be ‘punished’, in this sense of the word, for their crimes against you or any of their crimes. Instead, we wish to focus only on effective measures of rehabilitation, as rehabilitation for a soul is what will give them another chance and an opportunity to develop into a worthy member of a societal structure, either here on Earth or another planet in this solar system, galaxy or universe.

There are many worlds who can and will benefit from the existence and the citizenship of many of these members of the cabal who have already been or will be arrested for crimes against humanity. These souls are not lost souls as no one is truly lost, as we are all finding our way someway, somehow, someday. In this light, is a soul really ever lost if a soul will always find their way home? A soul is never truly lost. A soul, no matter which dark or negative detour they may take for a while to experience certain aspects of themselves, of life and of existence, to wander and explore through lower depths of themselves, is still walking back towards the light and their Creator, even when they are walking downhill and in the opposite direction, for this multidimensional universe is a one-way street. This is the greatest secret that we will share with you today. There is only one way, and that way is back into the light, back into your Godliness, your holiness, your greatness, your life in eternal light.

This man who you know as the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury is and has always been heading in the same direction as those of you who may today see him as the enemy, as an opposing force, as a criminal, as darkness. He is not though, anything different than you. You are all the same; you are all of the light. You are all a part of your and our Creator and so is he, and he will continue his journey now, though he will receive further assistance that will help him develop at a little faster pace than he has experienced through recent incarnations. This is where we, your ascended family of the Galactic Federation of Light, step in and use our levels of expertise, our wisdom and our systems and structures to assist a soul on their journey.

Our job is not and has never been, to come to a world and take people into custody and throw them into dungeons or prison cells. This is ungodly and unholy treatment of another soul, and we do not participate in such cruelty to others and we never will. Timothy Geithner will be treated with love, with kindness, with caring, with patience. He, the soul that he is, will be blessed with the loving, nurturing wisdom and guidance of a higher dimensional being who has amassed superior wisdom and skills through his or her many experiences that yes, have also taken them through dark corridors just as their student may have wandered, just like Mr. Geithner.

Do you understand now that we all take these detours through the darkness, through tests and trials of our spirit, our soul, for if we did not, how would we ever know that we are of the light if we did not defend ourselves from being submerged by the darkness? The dark is a task, a challenge, an ocean we must learn to cross by building a ship made of light. The dark is a sharpened sword that we must forge a shield of light to defend ourselves against. The dark is a foe when it needs to be a foe, and the dark is a friend when it needs to be a friend, but the dark is never truly your enemy. He is your friend because he does help you find your way back into the light, back to where it is you always are, as in the light is where you always belong, where you were born, where you may seemingly die, where you will reemerge and where you will eternally exist on your never ending journey back to source.

We hope today's message reaches many of you who may now see through the darkness and see the darkness in a little brighter way, a little brighter sense today. We are your family of light, existing within the darkness of this universe that contrasts the light and lets us see how it shines so bright. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles


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