
21.07.12 г.

Become the ~Door which no man can shut~

~Galactic Love Reporter Ralf Arthur Fritzinger~
Become the ~Door which no man can shut~

Beloved Reader, beloved Holy Soul, beloved Brother and sister in the Light of our most Radiant One, the first Cause, the Source of all that is!

Greetings of love and light to you on this wonderful day of our beloved Father~Mother God!

Become the “Door which no man can shut” as Sananda~Jesus put it so eloquently! This is a symbol of your spiritual awakening and self exploration!

Every initiation of Consciousness you pass in life is like an open door which leads you to the “everlasting” door to your spiritual Mount Ever- rest, which is the achievement of Self and God Realization and your 22 levels of initiation and Light Body,  where you will rest for ever in Gods bosom.

Your ego shuts all the doors, but your developed and refined spiritual Christ/ Buddha/ Moses/Mohamed/ Krishna Thinking opens all doors to the Kingdom of Brahma and God! Life (and life is God) is constantly presenting you with opportunities for your Spiritual growth!

Some opportunities to learn come in form of difficulties, Trials and hardships, but, as the saying goes, the optimist, the Buddha, the Christ, the apprentice Integrated Ascended Master and that is what you are in truth beloved Soul,  sees the opportunity in every difficulty! And GOD is very merciful and loving and compassionate for he/she gives you only that which you can handle! :)

So dear one, be about your Father/Mother God’s Business and strive to be after His and Her Own Heart in thought, word, deed, and action! In doing so you will arrive at Jesus Christ’s realization when He said, “I am the open door which no man can shut!” Let this also be your mantra throughout your life!

You are such a treasure of God!

You are divine and Holy!

WE are all ONE ,we are all one Family!


I love you!

So love yourself unconditionally and be happy don´t worry, take it easy, do your best and God will do the rest and when you need a helping hand and Coaching, feel free to let me know!

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