What we wish to do is remove this pyramidal power structure of abuse and control that has been designed here in your world and has been used as an organized means to attempt to control your every thought, your every movement, your every dream, your every wish, your every day and your every way of your existence. We see the removal of each and every one of these blocks that comprise this massive pyramid as the most important steps for you as a race to take. Nothing can be done until these dark lords of power are removed from your society. They have plotted and schemed and bribed and stolen and abused and threatened and murdered their way deep into the trenches of every system and form of government all throughout your entire world.
They have
left barely a stone unturned in their pursuit of total control and domination
of your countries and every citizen within them. They were not planning on
stopping their assault until every human alive was made their prisoner. This is
how they think. These are the thought processes of those who currently control
your world on a daily basis. They do not know decency, for they do not
understand decency. They do not understand love, charity, mercy, kindness,
forgiveness or empathy. They do not know the meaning of these words. These
words are foreign to them, and so are the emotional expressions that accompany
them, for they do not possess the same inner strings as you do and therefore
these notes cannot be plucked no matter how hard one tries to teach them the music,
for they cannot hear the music and they will never willingly dance to it.
It is only
you, the members of your human race, who have ears to hear this music and the
hearts to feel it. You are different than they. We do not wish to ever draw
lines between people or races, worlds or galaxies, but here in your world is a
very rare case, for here in your world there are, let us say for the sake of
simplistic understanding, two distinct
types of beings that walk your Earth. Let us compare one of these types of
beings to a being who can love another being and understand what love is and
why they love this other being, and let us describe this other type of being
who walks your world as a being who does not love another, who cannot love
another, as they do not understand what love is, for love is a foreign emotion
that exists not within their people or within themselves. It is as if a foreign
word has been spoken to them and this word bounces off ears made of tin and
falls directly to their feet.
This is what
is happening in your world today. These are the two types of beings that, to
put it in its simplest terms, walk the face of your Earth. Beings that can love
and do love and beings that cannot love and may never be able to love if they continued
to live on your planet for another billion years. One of these species has to
leave, there can be no other way for the survival of both these types of beings,
for you cannot mix these two different beings into one society, it just will
not work on many different levels. What we have come here to do is help the
race that can and does love remove this other type of being from their midst.
We are also beings who can love and do love and you, the beings that do possess
love within your hearts, are our brothers and our sisters, and although there
are many ways we are connected, our strongest connection is through the love
that we can feel and feel for each other. We will help you rid your world of
those who cannot love, for if they are permitted to continue to live amongst
you there will come a day and it will come soon when they will reach the final
stage of their agenda to enslave those who are different from them, those who
can love.
We feel we
of the higher realms have stepped in and intervened at the right moment, and the
last moment we feel that was possible before the dark's agenda brought the
curtain down on the human race. We feel matters are now very much in control in
our favor, and we will not allow the safety and well-being of your people to recede
back into a dangerous or precarious area. You have our word, the word of your
brothers and your sisters, that the agenda of the dark ones to enslave your
people will never be permitted to continue, and at this time the many blocks
that they have constructed of their pyramidal structure of power and control,
abuse and profit, of surveillance and extortion, are being removed
and broken into pieces one by one and day by day. We, together with you, will
see to this and see that those of the dark are removed from your Earth and are
never permitted to return here ever again.
This is one
of the priorities of our mission, and our plan is now unfolding. In the days
ahead, every facet of this operation will be fully explained to you as you will
be fully taking part in it and working right alongside of us as we rid your
world of these parasites who have wreaked so much havoc and spread so much
disease, poverty, mayhem and destruction throughout your world like rivers that
burst their dams and spilled over their banks swallowing up cities, towns and
small villages throughout every corner of your globe. We, together with you,
will dry up these floodwaters and reseal these embankments and allow your
cities, your countries and your people to thrive once again on the fertile
soils of your new world.
Help us help
you rid your planet of these beings who do not belong here, who have never
belonged here, who have never earned the right to be here, who are only here
through a freak of nature, through an accident of enormous proportions, an
accident that has left damage and an aftermath we intend, with your assistance,
to rectify and remove any evidence of its existence from throughout every
corner of your world and throughout your history. This is a great endeavor, and
what has gone into the planning stages of this mission is beyond the level of
understanding of many of you at this time. There are here now representatives
from thousands of worlds, hundreds of galaxies, numerous different races and
beings from many different dimensions. There are beings here who have come in
service to this mission, to our Creator and to you from different timelines,
and you would more clearly understand this as time travel. This is how
important this mission is deemed by beings all throughout every corner of this
immensely vast universe.
You, the
beings known as Human, are the centerpieces of this entire mission. It is you
that this mission cannot succeed without, and it is you that must make the
initial moves throughout every step of this operation, as you are the maestros
and it is you that conducts our entire universal orchestra. We must wait for
you to cue our instruments before we may start to play. We find ourselves in a
constant state of waiting for you to make your move before we can make our move
in support of you in many different ways. There are many moves that we have
waited on you to make, and there are many moves that you have indeed made, we
wish you to understand this, and wish you to know that progress has been made
steadily since the undertaking of this great endeavor. It is at this time we
again wait for you, the people of Earth, to make your move.
What we are
waiting on is for those termed our Earth allies to kick into high gear their
mission to take into custody all the men and women listed as members and associates
of your criminal cabal, their underlings, and all who conspire and have
conspired with them. These beings must be removed from your society before we
can begin the implementation of many projects we hold as very necessary for the
continued safe passage of many of your people. There are challenges coming over
the horizon for your world and we wish to be able to be there right by your
side when these challenges come into view. Help us help you and we will do just
that. Make your move, we wait for you, the conductors, to cue us and our
orchestra will begin to play. This is our promise to you.
We are your
ascended family of the Ashtar Command.
As channeled
through Greg Giles
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