Oracle Report
Energetic Analysis During the Time of Enlightenment
Saturday, June 16 - Sunday, June 17, 2012
Balsamic Moon Phase
is probably the most important report I will ever write.
many, many years, much has been written about the December 21, 2012,
alignment of our Sun and the center of our Galaxy. But what most people don't know is that the real Galactic
Alignment - the one that matters most - occurs just a few minutes before
midnight EDT on Saturday, June 16, 2012. This is when the Earth
will make the Galactic Alignment.
focus on the Sun's Galactic Alignment has been a trick of darker forces
that are in opposition to humanity and the Earth herself
(other-dimensional entities the Gnostics called "Archons").
The Sun is indeed a Divine Being, but it stands in service to the Divine
Aeon Sophia that is embodied as our planet. The story of Sophia, the
goddess who fell from her home in the Galactic Center
- is archived in the Nag Hammadi texts of the Gnostics, those who could
"see." Their name actually translates to "those who
are aimed." The Gnostics were aimed just as readers of this
site are today - towards our home - the Galactic Center.
changes today. Sophia is now fully awake from the blow she took
when she was pulled from her home (to fully understand this, you must
read the story). She is now in two-way communication
with those of her kind and is setting up to return there. This
is the reason the poles of the planet have been moving. She has
been navigating into position where she could have optimal signal (like the
way we get better cell - mobile for international readers - phone coverage
in certain locations). She couldn't phone home until she was 1) awake
and 2) in position.
she can begin the process of returning home. This does not mean we
are going to travel with her like the way we would physically travel across
the ocean. She will do this in her mind because this is
the true way to cross space and time. It all happens within her
it is certainly going to be a strange trip for us. And those
who aren't grounded (aligned) with the planet are going to
lose their minds in one way or another. We've seen the
progression of this as the planet herself has gradually awakened.
this means for us is that enlightenment (wisdom) will begin to spread like
wildfire and so will it's opposite - endarkment (ignorance or
insanity). The Earth's alignment with her companions in the Galactic Center also means that the magic of
creation is more readily available to us. The power to create (or
destroy) is freely available. Edgar Allen Poe said "all that you
see and seem is but a dream within a dream" and this will become more
and more recognizable now. We must make sure we are dreaming a dream
that is beautiful and supportive of our Mother Earth.
you knew you were part of a rescue team to help a woman who woke up and
didn't know how to get home actually find her way home and the only way you
could do it was to be the kindest soul you could be - one who found beauty
and joy in the trees, animals, sky, elements, rocks, flowers, and humans
around you - would you do it? What if you knew that conditions were
in place to do everything to keep you from seeing those things and instead
seeing ugliness, loneliness, ignorance, and cruelty? It would be a
true task, but this is our only mission. Sophia designed to plan to
include our participation. What we do affects what happens to
her. We are the wild card.
this weekend, consider all of this and decide if you want to be on
board. Consider joining Sophia's conference call with the Galactic Center. Step outside into the
heart if the natural world and state your intention. Then, from this
day forward, intend to keep yourself in her alignment, no matter what the
outside world brings you. In the end, all that matters is our
connection with the planet.
UPDATE 2:33 PM EDT 06-16-12: Response to this post has
been most heartwarming. Several readers have written in
asking about the exact time for the metaphorical "conference
call." Sophia completes the connection/alignment with the Galactic Center at 11:50 pm EDT on Saturday,
June 16. While no specific action is required because we
are always linked with the planet, I suspect she would enjoy the
company. It is quite a cause for celebration. I
suggest that at that time wise owls of the Oracle Report intend
"Sophia, we joyfully join you." I did not anticipate
that readers would respond so profoundly to today's post or I would have
suggested a group meditation earlier.
some have written in asking if there is a website where they can explore
all of this further. I have changed the link above (and you can also
click here) for the story of The Fallen Goddess Scenario.
John Lamb Lash, who is often called the successor to the great comparative
mythologist Joseph Campbell, is the navigator for what he calls the Gaian
Navigation Experiment. You can read more here and
if you are inclined to take the Gaian Tantra Vow, you can email him after
you do that at
There isn't any weird hierarchy or rules to this - it is merely organized
around the desire to participate in Sophia's correction. The website
is massive and working through it is like a quest for the grail.
And it isn't for everyone. If it feels like too much to take in,
you can always follow the way through my site. The Oracle
Report is less cumbersome but, I assure you, much less rewarding.
should add the disclaimer that the notion of today being the Galactic Center linkup is, to my
knowledge, original to me and not affiliated with anyone in John
Lash's Gaian Navigation Experiment. I am a member of that experiment,
but am completely independent in my writings and would not want to give the
impression that he endorses this site in any way.
you participate in the group meditation tonight and if you have unusual
encounter with a white animal (especially an owl) between now and the New
Moon, please write me via the contact form. And if you have a
communication with the Earth herself, I would love to hear about it.
I may not be able to reply to everyone, but I do read all of my mail.)
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