
29.06.12 г.

Embrace Your I AM Presence


Embrace Your I AM Presence

Message from Archangel Uriel
Channeled by: Julie Miller
June 28, 2012

I begin our discussion today with a question. This question needn’t be answered here, but to yourself in all honesty dear ones. Have you yet made the ultimate decision to pursue your instincts and path of your God Self? This is an essential choice that only you can make precious hearts. This essential choice holds great change in your way of life, one that not only you benefit from, but all others that you share your life with, be it friends, family, co-workers, etc. It is apparent precious hearts that the essential decisions you make seem to come when it’s a fear oriented survival situation. Your life dear ones is not to be based on any fears, but to be embraced with love. Each of you has the ability to tap into the higher truth, a powerful inner knowing where the expansion of your consciousness begins. Your path to self-discovery brings you to acknowledging many gifts of your soul, talents that are bestowed upon you, and your precious natural abilities. Instead of denying your divine self, accept your divine nature, love who you really are underneath the done up hair, the animosities, the bitterness, the nice clothes, etc., YOU are here to love dear ones and in your own way you do just that. Each of you is here for a specific purpose. And you will discover this purpose as you forge ahead. It is through your conscious choices that you are directing yourself to this divine knowledge. There are glorious discoveries waiting for each loving soul. Sometimes precious hearts it will seem your mission has changed, but it is you that has changed due to the growth and self-improvements you have applied to yourself. 

If you are unaware yet of your divine purpose as the year progresses, I suggest you converse with your I AM Presence. Ask your I AM Presence who you are, why are you here as you are, ask your I AM Presence to guide you to your truth. Your true path will not be found by asking a friend, fellow light worker or even a loved one. It is you that will discover the truth to your SELF from reflection and taking the time to question yourself for the answers you tend to go to others for. When you have a question that is all about you, and your progress, all answers are found within you precious hearts. A person that you look up to, or a book that inspires you may do just that: inspire, illuminate, light the Aha inside of you to take the initiative to think back to information you gathered that rang so true to your heart, or to comments made that struck a familiar cord. All knowledge and connecting the dots to realization and truth all come when you are settled to see the truth dear ones. Rushing ahead can lead to confusion and a lot of backtracking. I know you are eager to move forward and see what the future is holding, but your future is still in the making because you are not done choosing each of your directions. 

When your I AM Presence answers you dear ones, listen carefully. Your answers might come to you through a dream or vision, maybe while you empty your mind during meditation or another unexpected source. Understand precious hearts, all answers will come as they are meant to and you are encouraged to apply a little patience. Answers come when you are least expecting them. If you are unclear with the answers that do come, ask for clarification, be crystal clear with what is being directed to you; ensure that you understand 100% – with NO hesitation. Part of understanding your True Self is acknowledging the parts of which is vulnerable. Let your I AM Presence show you this in order for you to strengthen with love which is weak. Under your own observations, uncover ways where you can selflessly serve others during your transitional time – this will remind you the meaning of gratitude and respect for ALL life. 

I wish to disclose precious hearts another direction that I urge each of you to embark upon after you fully awaken. You must choose through your Free Will and this choice will help lift and raise you up and carry you from the limiting ways you have lived with for so long. Every choice you make that is from the vibration of Light and Love is your Higher Consciousness at work precious hearts. This is a clear demonstration of your True Self. As you move forward, embracing this path that resurrects your spirit, you will find many doors opening and your awareness expanding and unfolding seemingly all at once. Your own feelings and your consciousness change as the energy of God envelopes you as you connect fully through your I AM Presence. It is during this part of your path where you will experience a rebirth and this rebirth is only natural as you acclimate to higher vibrational waves of light and love. 

When you do begin to express yourself through your heart, this divine love will nurture you, it will heal you and most of all it will fulfill you. Beyond any conceived amount, you will soon learn for yourself that your beloved God Self is very powerful. Within your God Self is your soul that is rich with love that has the ability to heal you and protect you precious hearts. The pure soul deep love for yourself can remove all discord that has ever found its way to your precious mind, body and spirit. The path to becoming enlightened does require some amount of dedication from you. You will have to make effort to bring the changes you most desire. We of the angelic realm are here to guide, support and to love you. Invoke our presence with the pure intent of your precious heart and we will help carry your burdens. I am well aware how difficult it is for some of you to ask for help, but by asking it’s the only way we can give your our guidance, and support – you don’t need to ask for our love because we already love you infinitely. Even as we guide you to many choices that will bring various amounts of change into your life, it is you that makes the choice – I urge you to choose what will be of the highest of good for you. 

I have come mainly to remind you, and to encourage you through your sister to continue preparing yourself for future challenges, becoming more aware and knowledgeable of the people of the world by gaining respect and love for all the many differences that are equally beautiful. You already know there is a great shift approaching and with such a great shift there will immense energy fluctuations that will cause havoc to many dear souls especially the truly sensitive ones. You are encouraged to treat your physical body well with appropriate exercise that best suited for you, ensure you drink plenty of life giving water and practice clearing with the Mighty Violet Flame daily. How some people respond to the up and down energy changes cannot be predicted. Understand and appreciate every precious soul that you share this wonderful Earth with is going through their own transitions. Give them room to breathe and to move. When you seek guidance from us and the many Ascended Masters that are ready to come to your aid, ask also to send out additional healing to others who may be struggling with energy hi and lows with your decrees and invocations. Remember precious hearts, what you think and feel is what you bring into your reality. Carefully observe your thoughts, when you find yourself heavy with low negative thought forms, love yourself, send yourself healing and love. You are your consciousness dear ones, where your precious thoughts are is where you are – YOU are the Creator of your reality and only you can direct your future. 

As you are well aware, I AM the Archangel of the solar plexus chakra. It is through this energy centre were you and I can work together to bring about great changes. Within each of you holds the ultimate powers of creation and you will come home to this realization through this incredibly powerful energy centre and learning how this chakra expresses your True Self.  You have an incredible gift, Free Will – your power and ability to choose and direct which way you wish to create yourself. This is your choice. There are a few precious souls who will purposely create a negative situation in order to bring about more opportunities to learn of themselves and the world around them. All learning offers you the ability to convey comprehension of your awareness, it allows change that is followed by growth – demonstrating you do not have feel pain or endure the negatives in life. Instead you will have gained the Power and the Free Will to change any situation or the way you react about an event that is unfolding. Precious hearts you have the creative talent to create something that will fill you soul deep with a feeling of contentment, joy and ultimately pure happiness. 

We have conversed beautifully today. I feel your sister’s energy draining and this is my cue to close. Your God Self is a beautiful representative of Pure Love in all action, be it verbal, in feeling, thought, or any action that originates from you and your Light and Love filled heart. 

And so it is Archangel Uriel through Julie Miller 

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