[Note from Wes: This is quite significant for me, as the
sources through me have been talking to some extent about these 'spiral'
phenomenon as well. I believe the Hathors via yours truly, made a
similar prediction to Wanderer's in that they said that the 'Norway
Spiral' is a prelude to more sightings of a similar nature. They were
right, as was Wanderer!
First Norway, now Isreal, and now this! It is wonderful for
me to be able to see this confirmation of not only information that my
own sources have given, but of information that dear Wanderer has given
as well.
At the bottom, I have included information
from the quoted Hathors message and from the latest message from the
Pleiadian High Council (both via yours truly), as they have talked about
this as well.
This is only the beginning!]
Luisa Vasconcellos’s Wanderer of the Skies website reports that a
spiral has occurred over Armenia June 7, 2012, an event that was
predicted by Wanderer of the Skies on March 25, 2012. Here is the
article that appears on Luisa’s site.
Confirmation of the Spiral Norway effect referred at Wanderer of the Skies 25:03:2012
Dear Readers,
Quoting the 25:03:2012 channelling, 3rd paragraph:
“There has been a turning away of many who see this process dragging
on and use this as proof that it was never meant to be in the first
place. This will change upon the Creator’s response and we are
reasonably excited to believe that the time has come. The call has gone
out from the Federation to all systems in the cosmos and an even greater
number of visitors are now heading this way to observe this next phase
in activities. In that respect, you can expect that another
“Norway spiral” will occur as more dimensional beings arrive over the
next several weeks.”
Here it is:
UFO in Armenia – FULL – Spiral Spinning !!! Amazing June 7, 2012 Wormhole
UFO Enters into Spiral Hole !! Amazing June 7, 2012 in Armenia
[Steve: Notice in the following video the UFO entering the spiral.]
From Wes: The Hathors on the emergence of these spirals:
” That which many have become familiar with as the Norway Spiral (…) was a sign from the heavens and a message: to expect more miracles and figures of Light being displayed in your skies as humanity begins to collectively ascend out of the lower vibrations and begins to remember such higher dimensional, etheric wonders such as the Norway Spiral and the ’Pillars of Light’ that you have so heard about, that will be manifesting when the ‘time’ comes.
(…) The ‘Norway Spiral’ event was just a prelude to what you are to be experiencing and witnessing.”
Note from the Pleiadian High Council about these spirals in their latest update:
“The purities (of energy reaching Earth) that we speak of are those which will bring events similar to the Norway and Israel (and now Armenia!) spirals to you, and do you notice dear souls that such ‘spiral’ sightings and showings are indeed picking up, as has been predicted?
“We do not joke when we say that we are ready to get things off the ground and while we are moving at a slow and subtle pace, this pace is to increase exponentially in the time ahead and for this current moment when you are seeing and beginning to see many astonishing things that are just beginning to open up the general collective perception to ideas and possibilities of a Cosmic and Grand nature, we say to continue to stand strong when things do seem to not be moving forward as while you are wearing your instated veils of forgetfulness, you are seeing in manifestation every moment, the unfolding of your ‘new’, beautiful selves.”
Here it is:
UFO in Armenia – FULL – Spiral Spinning !!! Amazing June 7, 2012 Wormhole
UFO Enters into Spiral Hole !! Amazing June 7, 2012 in Armenia
[Steve: Notice in the following video the UFO entering the spiral.]
From Wes: The Hathors on the emergence of these spirals:
” That which many have become familiar with as the Norway Spiral (…) was a sign from the heavens and a message: to expect more miracles and figures of Light being displayed in your skies as humanity begins to collectively ascend out of the lower vibrations and begins to remember such higher dimensional, etheric wonders such as the Norway Spiral and the ’Pillars of Light’ that you have so heard about, that will be manifesting when the ‘time’ comes.
(…) The ‘Norway Spiral’ event was just a prelude to what you are to be experiencing and witnessing.”
Note from the Pleiadian High Council about these spirals in their latest update:
“The purities (of energy reaching Earth) that we speak of are those which will bring events similar to the Norway and Israel (and now Armenia!) spirals to you, and do you notice dear souls that such ‘spiral’ sightings and showings are indeed picking up, as has been predicted?
“We do not joke when we say that we are ready to get things off the ground and while we are moving at a slow and subtle pace, this pace is to increase exponentially in the time ahead and for this current moment when you are seeing and beginning to see many astonishing things that are just beginning to open up the general collective perception to ideas and possibilities of a Cosmic and Grand nature, we say to continue to stand strong when things do seem to not be moving forward as while you are wearing your instated veils of forgetfulness, you are seeing in manifestation every moment, the unfolding of your ‘new’, beautiful selves.”
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