Beam Love Nightly Global Meditation
(June 14 through June 21)
It’s ‘Crunch Time’ and we’re issuing a call to all members of the
‘love and light’ brigade across the globe to come together and stand in
the new energies and new light of compassion and love for the cabal
We invite you to participate in a 30-minute — or however many minutes
you can offer — nightly meditation (June 14 – 21) — 6:30 PM Pacific /
9:30 PM Eastern — to “beam love” to the cabal. Transformation through
Love. Transformation through the inner workings of Love and Light in the
cells and soul of these high-ranking members of the illuminati/cabal.
‘Beam Love’ to the Cabal/Illuminati focus:
Our focus is to “beam” or send love, compassion, healing, peace and
Light to the high-ranking members of the cabal, setting the intention to
call them to remembrance of who they really are (Divine Spirit beings)
and to return to the Light. Each night we’ll focus on their main front
men/women, i.e. George Bush, Sr., George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth, Lord
Jacob Rothschild, the Vatican (includes Jesuits, the Pope, etc.), the
Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers, and to whoever else you feel led to
You may wish to focus on specific individuals, a group, or send love to all.
Date: June 14 – 21, 7 days, leading up to the Solstice
Time: 6:30 Pacific / 9:30 Eastern Daylight
*Please use this converter to find your corresponding time:
Note on “time”: We realize that in the higher dimensions,
there is no time, that each ‘Now’ is perfect. So, for our European
brother and sisters, we realize that 9:30 PM Eastern Daylight would have
you up in the middle of the night. So we invite you to choose a
comfortable and convenient time to participate in this meditation. “All
time is Source’s time and it’s all good!” However, for those in other
timezones able to participate in the 9:30 PM – 10:00 PM window, we’ll
hold that space for you to join us there. (Thank you, Lucas!)
Duration: 30 minutes, or whatever part of that you can give
However, feel free to offer this meditation at any time during the day or night,
or many times as you wish. We’ll formally hold the 30-minute space each
night, so you know you are connecting with others around the globe at
this time. And we know that numbers magnify effect.
Note: For those who have your own meditation style for sending light
and love, please just do what you beautifully do, but focus on our group
To send love, compassion, healing, peace and Light to the members of the cabal
For those who prefer structured steps, here are simple guidelines:
1. Relax body and mind: take a few deep breaths to
disconnect from outside activity and noises; pull in, center, and align
with your Core/Heart, and Source. You might want to focus on your in-
and out-breaths, as you feel the air passing in and out of your
nostrils. Some find it helpful to adjoin a word to the outbreath, such
as “peace”, “one”, or a mantra of choice. Quiet down until you feel
yourself settling into a serene, still space.
2. Visualize the Light in you and all around you.
Feel it penetrate into every cell of your body, filling all the “space”
in all the cells of your body. Filling your physical, etheric, astral,
mental, and spiritual bodies. When you feel ‘primed and pumped’, move to
Step 3.
3. Visualize the cabal/illuminati as you typically imagine them and “beam love” to them, on them, and in them. Beam love from your heart center and hold
them in your heart-centered shower of light and love. Allow yourself to
be flooded with the love of Source and “beam” this Love (light, peace,
compassion, etc.) to the members of the cabal. Imagine the love
surrounding, penetrating, soaking, embracing either individual members
or the cabal as a whole. Hold this “love beam” from your heart.
Variations: You may prefer to choose an individual or two,
e.g. George H.W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth, Pope Benedict, or you might
“beam” to a group, such as the Jesuit cabal, or the Rockefellers or
Rothschilds. You will know just whom to focus your attention.
4. Visualize the Divine Feminine within all of the cabal, including the leaders of the G20, to shift their energies to serve the highest good of humanity and the planet. (Suggested by Geoffrey West — thanks Geoffrey!)
5. Come out of the meditation slowly and gently. Note any feelings or new insights you may have.
We encourage as many people to join in this nightly meditation as
possible, as there is certainly power in numbers. The more people we can
call together to send love, forgiveness, compassion and healing to the
cabal, with the intention of reminding them of who they are and what
they can do to return to the Light (aka surrender!), the better.
Please join us for all, or as many of the days as you can. Please
invite your family, friends, colleagues. Feel free to email and/or
repost this article (with source attributions) far and wide, to fb
groups, forums, chatrooms, message boards, etc. If you have a blog or
website, I ask you to repost in its entirely, with hotlinks.
A special “thank you” to Beverly and Geoffrey for their help and suggestions.
Blessings and Love to All,
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