Consider this, 22$ mill. in cash returned to taxpayers directly over one weekend, yet another 300$ trillions [yes, trillions I said... this is one with 12 zeros behind… ] Already with fully executed judgments against all the 12 Central Banks in US, Federal Reserve of US [which is actually an International corporate entity, that will be dissolved in to nothingness…]
The way I see this most beautiful and wondrous events on our Planet
unfolding perfectly… so perfectly that I feel God has some of his fingers in
this plan… or maybe all of his fingers…
Can you imagine, or better, please just imagine the awe on the faces and
in the hearts of We the People when truth comes with greatest genuine gifts of
new banking system, including debt forgiveness, prosperity funds [and here I
feel individual citizen, including children… but not pets for now… will be
granted one time amount sufficient to live comfortably for next 200 years with
no day of work…]
What we experience now is ‘slower’ introduction to changes that already
happening in the background, and simply waiting for real moment of our global
conciseness awareness that these events are truly possible… that these events
are so much part of our future and that there is no doubts, accusations,
clinging on the past, or being afraid of our briliant future… or any future…
Consider this collaboration in rising conciseness and awareness of
Humanity as whole and please just consider that all of these wonderful beings
are involved: White Knights, Red Dragons, Aghatrans, Arcturians, Cetaceans,
Russians, Ascended Masters, Angels, CIA/FBI/UFO/CBC/CNN/RTN/GFP/UPS/GPS/FMG/,
Human Patriots, Nasa, MSMedia, cabal hidden Knights, Positive Military,
Archangels, We the People, Occupy Movement, Anonymous, Wikileak, Pleaidians,
Nikola Tesla and his bag of tricks, Resistance Movement, Galactic Federation of
Light, Anunaki’, FatherMotherGod… [and if I missed some, do not take it
personally, this was only a sketch of truly Galactic proportions event, that
vibrate through all the Universes and back all the way to Heaven…]
This is only yet another step in
to beautiful unknown, and smooth transition in to New Aquarian Age… The way
that is unfolding gives me tingles all over my head and shoulders [mostly on
left side, with some sprinkles of golden colored mist…]
Plus, I even did not started with Vatican, the most richest privately
owned corporate bank in the world… here I mean, rich with real assets, gold,
art works, ancient artifacts [and I mean really ancient… lets say 20 – 35,000
years ago…], rich with technology patents from variety of heavenly souls who
left it for Humanity when time is right… [like Tesla, Corsini, Rossi, … ] and
still very poor in spiritual growth…where we all will help for their
What if I tell you, that Vatican already started the process of returning
all their stolen and wrongfully collected funds, gold, art works to
respective nations and countries, even if they stole things lets say, 1,600
years ago… or earlier?... Can you imagine this awe on faces of our We the
People, and especially our religious brothers and sisters?... I can, and I sow
this in couple of my vivid dreams… [where I can even smell the centuries old
books in Vatican Underground Libraries…]…
Can you imagine pope [sorry for non-capital letter, dear pope…] giving his last address and giving back all the moneys and things to We the People, asking for forgiveness for not doing this earlier?...
Can you imagine pope [sorry for non-capital letter, dear pope…] giving his last address and giving back all the moneys and things to We the People, asking for forgiveness for not doing this earlier?...
Can you imagine receiving one day
at your door Cold Fusion Free energy device, as a gift from unknown donor?...
what to do with all this extra money that is on your General Postal Bank
account, as You do not need to spend any more, not even for pure
necessities?... What to do?... Maybe start sending gifts to others, as
anonymous, or even better organize group of your citizens and create bigger projects
to benefit states or countries or continents or eve n Planets?...
Can you open your heart enough to feel this awesome opportunity, this
awesome awareness that growing in your heart and spilling in to every other
soul who come across your energy?...
Can you allow self to envision Freedom where there is no police, no army,
no penitentiaries, no street lights, no parking tickets, no lawyers, not even
politicians?... Can YOU, dear ONE?...
All you need is to imagine, and it is yours… We are in times of
manifestation with Love… Yes, instead electrical, or magnetic, or crude oil, or
gas, or nuclear energies we will create with LOVE energy…
This LOVE energy cannot be measured and harnessed… THIS LOVE energy works
quite opposite than any of above listed: as much you are utilizing this Love
energy, it creates even more Love, so it does overspill over our Universe in
all others…
This Love energy is unconditional, cost nothing, need nothing, ask
nothing in return, but gives it ALL and it is there for ALL…
Well, there is a catch in this story of Our Humanity: YOU have to be
fully active in creating this story… You cannot watch it as some very good
Sci’Fi movie… You have to role your sleeves or your pants, and jump in this
river or Love in Action…
Sitting on your couch, eating nothing but some cheep chirpy chips is the
old way of your existence, will not do it…
and to let you know as well: Your body is changing with such speed that
You have much more healthy cells in your body than ‘un-balanced’ ones…
Most of these great changes you can thank to FatherMotherGod, and second
half is because you start changing your own views…
because you start sharing with others…
because you start paying attention more to others than to your pity self…
because you allow to observe your feelings with what is happening
around you…
because you have no more fear for your future, simply because you found
true faith, watching all these brave people all around the worlds…
because you observed their courage to stand tall without violence for
their Freedom…
because you know there is no death, only physical change of your
because you start remembering all your experiences and lessons that you
gave self…
Because you know this tingeing feeling in your chest is faith that all is
ok, that all is perfect…
because you remembered why you are here on this jewel Urantia of
the Orvonton Universe… because you know that FMGod are here with us, all the
way till eternity…
Give self a greatest Hug, knowing that We made it together… ALL of US…
and only thing we need to do is: CELEBRATE LIFE, CELEBRATE SELF, CELEBRATE LOVE
Please, do not take me seriously whatever way you read… or do… will not
make difference in my celebration schedule… I would love to see US all getting
ready now, not when this become obvious, but now… so at least you can get your
celebration clothes and hat out of the closet…
Take your HEART out of the Closet, and CELEBRATE WITH YOUR FAMILY… WITH
Love you All, dear Brothers and Sisters… Love you… PSG
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