
31.05.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/31/12 'Why Mysteries & Secrets'

Straight communication is the procedure when you wish to relay your thoughts clearly and concisely, without any risk of confusion and misunderstanding. There are times that we observe your posts and comments in the public forums of your online social networks where we perceive difficulties in your communications with each other. What we are suggesting is a much more direct form of communication between each of you through the means of word choice. What we would like to see is an improved form of communication necessitated by a more concise use of the language you speak. The end result would be much clearer communications between you.

We would like to see each of you begin to choose words that cut through the murky waters of confusion and rhetoric. We would like to see you each make your points to each other much more clearly and much more succinctly. Getting to the point faster and explaining your point of view much more briefly are the improvements that we feel will benefit you in the forms of better communications and a reduction in the amount of misunderstandings, and at times, confusion.

Today is a good day to begin as it always is, and what we would like to see is posts and comments made in your online social networks that are shorter, more to the point, and explain your position clearer and sharper without the need to explain your feelings and your point of view through a lot of unnecessary word use and description. If you could do that for us it would not only assist us to better understand you and your points of view, but will also cut down on a lot of unnecessary writing that can be a chore for you due to the limitations of your current technologies. Faster, sharper and more to the point are what we would like to see, and we will be looking for these improvements from you beginning immediately upon the publication of today's communication from us.

We have noticed quite frequently that many of you speak in a very roundabout manner and move into areas that have little to do with the reason for your posting and your comments. We would like you to experience the virtues of getting to the point faster without a need for explanations or apologetic qualifiers and descriptions about your background. The body of your message should only contain the direct point of your communication to better get your point across and cut down on the amount of time consumed by writing so many unnecessary words. This will also save time for the person or persons reading your posts or comments. We feel this is an area certainly worth the efforts to make improvements, and we feel your communications between each other will improve greatly upon your efforts in just this one area.

We see that many of you are very good writers and we do enjoy many of your flowery writing that paint lovely pictures of your experiences, your feelings and your questions. This type of writing does have its well deserved place in this universe, but it is not here and it is not the time for this type of artistic expression. What it is the time and place for is communication on a great level, performed as fast as possible and sent and received as quickly, efficiently and as accurately as possible. Do you see and understand the difference dear ones? What we are engaged in throughout your online social networks is more of a businesslike enterprise, where certain tasks need to be completed at certain intervals of your time. Production is the name of the game now. Rich and beautiful tales told in painted tapestries of romance, action and adventure are not the call of the day. The call of the day is our mission, and our mission calls for procedures to be completed as quickly and as efficiently as they can to allot more time needed for areas of operation that are even more involved and could see delays, delays that we cannot afford the luxury to accommodate as time is running very short and windows of opportunity will close according to a schedule that your universe has set.

If you could see clearer the overall mission with its many involved singular and connected operations, you would understand this much clearer, and we do understand that this can be a frustrating experience for you when you do not enjoy the bird’s eye view that we do from our vantage point. There are very good reasons why there are areas of our operation and our time schedule that are not fully explained to you. Some of these reasons have to do with the reasons why you have incarnated and taken on the challenges that you have. You must understand that there our multifaceted reasons for you being here and not all of them have to do with our mission and not all of them have to do solely with your personal goal of spiritual advancement.

A great deal of your journey here is an interconnected series of goals and tasks you have set out to accomplish. Understanding this will allow you to understand greater why not everything that we know can be explained to you. Can you now understand this? Can you now understand why we do not sit you down and divulge the entire scenario to you, giving away secrets and endings that have never been intended for you until your experience here is completed? We feel many of you now understand this, and understand better why there are areas of operation that we do not divulge to you and why certain time schedules also are not made clear to you.

There are also security concerns involving your dark cabal who have made it clear that they do not wish to see your new systems implemented in this world, and we do have to make certain considerations in this regard. Revealing our plans to you publicly is revealing our plans to them, and this is what we do not wish to do. There are certain areas of our endeavors that we do make known to you through public forums on your Internet, and we feel these areas of operations are well shielded enough to be able to divulge some of these plans to you. There are other areas, of course, that are much more sensitive and we cannot divulge much, if any, information on them through your Internet medium.

There are those of you who have been given a little more information than what can be posted throughout your Internet forums, and these individuals have been able to receive this information due to their abilities to receive telepathic communications from us. This is an area that we would like to see more of you learn and make improvements upon. Telepathic communication is the means in which many beings throughout this universe and many organizations throughout this universe communicate with each other. In time, all of you who choose will be communicating in this manner at least partly, as many of you will continue to also communicate through acoustic speech. Think of telepathic communications as an added tool to the means in which you communicate, but for many of you it will not become the only means in which you relay messages, your thoughts and your feelings to each other.

In the days ahead, we will be able to communicate with you more openly, and at that time you will understand greater our overall mission and the schedule that we have in mind for these events. There will, however, always be some mystery and some question as to your personal journey as it is not our right to divulge this kind of information to you. There are some areas of your personal experience that we do understand and can speak to you about, but please always keep in mind that there are many personal quests that you are involved in and it is up to you to find the clues yourselves and unlock these mysteries and the answers that you seek.

This has all been designed for your advancement and your upliftment, and much of what you are experiencing was mapped out by you yourself before your current incarnation. It was you that knew best what you needed to experience to bring results that would see you grow and prosper as a being on an eternal journey of mystery, wonder and adventure. There will come a time for you when all the mysteries, secrets and answers that are currently just out of your reach will be yours, and it will be then that you create for yourself a whole new set of mysteries, quests, tests and challenges for yourself and you will once again set out to discover these treasures and unlock their secrets.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

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