The divine plan for awakening is being achieved – right now – as
you all continue to release unloving attitudes and behaviors. Enough
of you are doing this to swing humanity forwards into the new age
because you are also getting enormous help from many other loving
entities who have had their own struggles, understand what you are going
through, and wish only to help you to reach your divine destination as
they did. And so you will, as many of us in the spiritual realms keep
reminding you, because it is unavoidable and inevitable.
You are, as you well know deep within yourselves, highly evolved
beings of Light, just as God created you, and nothing can ever change
that because what God creates is eternal and perfect. Your awakening
will bring this knowledge experientially into your conscious
awareness, and you will never again lose it — for you will have
discarded everything that was blocking that knowledge.
As divine beings your place is with God; there is nowhere else. The
places that you seem to have been experiencing for so long, and with
such suffering and confusion, are unreal, regardless of the fact that to
you they frequently appear to be the only reality that there is. This
is due to your ongoing choice to be unaware of anything that cannot be
perceived by your bodily senses. Now your science is belatedly
admitting that just because you remain unaware of something does not
mean that it does not exist. This admission is allowing many new areas
of research to be undertaken that require you to expand your
consciousness and follow your intuition which then becomes an ever more
powerful tool the more you use it.
Many of you have experienced altered states of consciousness that
were more real to you than your “normal” less-than-fully conscious
state, but you have been persuaded they were unreal, imaginary, would
lead to psychosis, and have therefore stopped seeking to reenter them.
And of course the war on drugs has further frightened people into
believing that altered states are damaging and psychotic. Yes, some
have indeed done severe damage to themselves by the use of various
intoxicating substances – mainly in desperate attempts to relieve the
suffering and pain of their “normal” state.
But what you accept as your “normal” state of consciousness is far
from normal. It is the state in which you live in fear and anxiety,
constantly feeling the need to take all kinds of precautions to ensure
your safety. It encourages distrust, disagreement, and conflict, thus
ensuring that what you fear comes to pass. However, sensible and
intelligent research into altered states of consciousness is discovering
that those altered states can provide healing for many of the ailments
that plague humanity. The more your state of consciousness expands the
more your knowledge grows, and the more your fear subsides — because
ignorance is the greatest source of fear on Planet Earth.
God’s plan is for you to become fully conscious. In that state
nothing is hidden from you and so there is nothing to fear. And that is
what it means to awaken. When your physical body is sleeping, it is
unaware, unknowing, it knows nothing, and sometimes it becomes drawn
into the most horrific nightmares that are convincingly real and which
often lead to the body awaking in terror. It can take some seconds for
the sleeper to realize that he has awakened and is in fact quite safe.
But the memory often lingers on, and he is reluctant to go back to
sleep. Fear strikes at the heart of ignorance, and knowledge is the only
When you awaken you will have infinite knowledge, bringing you
infinite peace and infinite joy because you will then be aware of the
infinite possibilities available to you that will encourage you to
exercise your unique individual creative talents for your constant
enjoyment. And because all are one, each of you will delight in and
fully enjoy the creations of everyone else. Fabulous and endless
creative opportunities await you all in the harmonious environment into
which you are about to awaken.
With so very much love, Saul.
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