Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-06-2012
Beloved masters, every sentient Soul must follow his/her own particular destiny, a specially designed path that leads to illumination and reintegration with his/her Divine Self. The lessons you are learning and perfecting will be your contribution to the whole. Within these seemingly painful experiences are the jewels of wisdom you will need to fulfill your particular segment of the grand design. So do not judge yourself or your progress by that of other people. Do not gaze on others in awe or with envy at the talents and gifts they have mastered and manifested, for within you are treasures just as great awaiting discovery.
You are deep in the midst of discovering a truth that has eluded
humanity for hundreds of thousands of years, a secret that has been
deeply hidden in the illusionary reality of the third- /
fourth-dimensional world of existence: The truth about the nature of true love, what it is and what it is not.
Love is not just a sensation of the physical emotions, the intense
desire to own or possess another in order to feel a sense of wholeness.
True love is not the thrill of conquest or obtaining what seems to be “a great prize”
at the time, which often ends up being a great burden instead. Love as
an external focus, exterior to you, will always bring a sense of
vulnerability, for the ego-desire body will constantly seek validation
from someone or something. Love is neither Self-sacrifice nor
victimhood, where you give away so much of yourself that you no longer
have an identity of your own. Love is not enabling those around you to
dishonor you and abuse you as they reinforce your own projections of
unworthiness. How can you expect anyone else to treat you with respect
and love if you are not willing to set boundaries and send clear
messages of love, acceptance and worthiness for yourself, as well as for
You must remove the etheric barriers or filters you have placed
around your heart and emotions if you are to be able to receive and
radiate the higher frequencies of heart/Soul love. You must confront
your fears about losing those you love, and let go of the
disappointments and betrayals of the past, which often manifest as a
fear of intimacy or of making a commitment to another. As you learn to
believe in and trust yourself, you will develop a fundamental trust in
others, and others will place their faith and trust in you, for trust
begets trust.
The limiting, crippling thought forms of self-sacrifice, martyrdom
and suffering and the denial of the beauty and perfection of your
physical vehicle must end. It is time to re-evaluate, release or
transmute all of the destructive thought patterns you have taken as your
truth or allowed others to force upon you for so many past lifetimes. Pause
a moment and answer these questions truthfully: do you identify who you
are exclusively as a physical Being and then through constant
self-judgment, focus primarily on your imperfections? Do you habitually
compare yourself with others as you fight an ongoing inward battle,
which ultimately assures failure and validation of your distorted point
of view? A great majority of people have a love/hate relationship with
themselves, which keeps them constantly frustrated and mired in
self-inflicted misery.
You must be aware that the Path of Soul Illumination
creates a dramatic upheaval in both your inner and outer realities. You
must endeavor to rise above the discordant dramas in your everyday life
as you diligently strive to return to harmony any imbalanced and
challenging relationships. It will take time and patience; however, when
you learn to function from within your Sacred Heart center, while
attuned to your Sacred Mind, you will gradually develop a heartfelt
sensitivity and serenity along with purity in thought and actions. We
tell you that there are multitudes of brave Souls in this world who are
well on their way to Self-mastery. They are the honored disciples on the
Path who will one day become the Ascended Masters of the future,
fifth-dimensional planet Earth.
We know you are wondering why you are being subjected to so many
tests and negative situations. We tell you, brave Souls, you are in the
midst of an intense initiation/transformation process that must be
experienced in order to attain the higher levels of consciousness–not as
a punishment, but as a means to once and for all release or transmute
all the impacted, stagnant energy that has kept you enslaved in a
greatly limited, chaotic environment. Many of you have been on the path of initiation for many lifetimes, and you are ready for the next giant step in consciousness.
When you first step onto the probationary path of ascension, the
personality/ego becomes aware of the Soul’s nudgings and the battle for
supremacy begins. Soul Fire or the invigorating, higher vibrational
patterns begin to burn off the negative energy that rises to the surface
to be addressed. The fires of purification eventually become the Light of Illumination
as the process is repeated over and over until the multiple facets of
the Higher Self begin to merge with the Soul and the process of
ascension speeds up dramatically.
Remember, every thought or statement you make has a specific range of
vibrational frequencies. If you repeat a statement often enough, it
becomes firmly implanted within your subconscious mind as a part of your
truth. It matters not if the frequency patterns are of a high or low
vibration or whether they are true or false. Over time, your
subconscious mind will integrate them into your “memory bank of established beliefs.”
Criticism can be a positive thing as long as it is not permitted to
become destructive (expressed with malice or with a desire to hurt). There
are times when criticism is an expression of fact–when it is a neutral
recognition of limitation. However, please be careful of value
judgments. Remember to use your free will wisely–you always have the right to accept or decline a judgment statement.
The energies of love from the vantage point of an en-Lighten-ed Soul
are totally different than the energies from those who are still playing
the distorted game of duality or “me versus you.”
You must first open to the love and wisdom of your Soul. As the love
grows within your Solar Heart Center, a magical thing takes place;
slowly the portal to your Sacred Heart opens and the Sacred Love stored
there begins to flow throughout your physical vessel, especially
throughout the chakra system. You begin to realize that you are a Divine
Spark of our Father/Mother God, and you are worthy of love and respect
as well as all the joy, beauty and bounty of Creation. Love projected
outward from the Sacred Heart Core results in a constant flow of
Self-assurance and Self-acceptance. A person centered within his/her
Sacred Heart is always striving to incorporate and project more of the
blissful feeling of unity and harmony. This is a precious feeling, which
becomes an intrinsic part of your Being once you have gained access to
the River of Light / Love / Life and you have a steady flow of Creator
Light into and through your Sacred Heart.
Before you can establish a satisfying, loving relationship with
others, you must relearn how to respect and love yourself. You must
begin to focus on what is right about you instead of what is wrong.
Begin to listen to the whispering, intuitive voice of your Soul Self
(which will grow louder as you acknowledge its wisdom) as it gives you
encouragement, insight and awareness of your vast potential. We are
speaking not of egotistical love, but of a deep abiding feeling of
worthiness and Self-confidence as you begin the process of
reestablishing contact with the many facets of your wise and loving
Higher Self.
Divine love is the Essence of our Father/Mother God, and it flows
forth in great streams of White Fire Light filled with unlimited
potential in its never-ending desire to experience more of Itself. The
Adamantine Particles of Creator Light pour forth from the heart core of
the Supreme Creator to us via the Father/Mother God of this universe. It
is a blessed gift to be used by all Creation at all levels, from the
highest, most powerful, to the lowest, most diminished. It is your
birthright to bring forth your own unique self-expression, through
loving cocreation in harmony with the Divine Blueprint, which is always
in perfect accordance with the grand design of the Creator.
How much of your Divinity have you embodied? How loving are your creations, my brave friends? What kind of temple have you created for your Soul? Your spirituality is becoming “up close and personal”
as you clear the major distortions in your world-at-large. You are
learning that your connection with our Father/Mother God is also a very
personal relationship. In fact, you are discovering that you have a facet of God Essence within your Sacred Heart Core.
When you are in an “interactive relationship of learning,”
depending on the stage of en-Lighten-ment of both parties, you are
either sharing conditional love of the ego-desire body or the Sacred Love of the Soul.
There is an attachment process going on in both types of relationships.
You are either in a relationship whereby you have allowed energy cords to be attached to your Solar Power center,
and you have also sent forth energy cords to the other person (which
results in a push-pull dance created by imbalanced frequency patterns).
Or, if you are centered within your Sacred Heart and you are using the
wisdom of your Sacred Mind, you will have allotted a share of your
Adamantine Particles of Light (God Particles) to the relationship, which
totally changes the dynamic interplay between you.
Truth and integrity must be the foundation of any relationship you establish in the future.
Your Soul Self will accept nothing less, for compatible vibrational
frequencies will be an intrinsic barometer of validation in any close
relationship. First you must accept who you are, as you are at the
present time, and you must strive to become the very best person you can
possibly be through self-examination of your attitudes, beliefs, habits
and weaknesses.
You must learn that the foundation of a lasting relationship with
others is to first establish a deep loving acceptance of your Self,
exactly the way you are at the moment. Remember our words of the past: “you must love the Self you are at the present, while you are striving to become the Self you desire to be.” You must first focus on your capacity to “embody love,” whereby you strive to become more loving and lovable until, eventually, you realize that “you are love personified,”
and you do not need anyone else to validate that truth for you. As you
tap into your own Sacred Heart and that wellspring of Sacred Love within
your own Divine God Spark, you will remember that there is a
never-ending supply of Love/Light available to you, for it is your Divine Heritage.
You will reside outside the normal, mass-consciousness
state of reality when you attain spiritual illumination, which results
in a Lightness of heart, mind and emotions. In order to
receive and send love, you must remove the filters of protection you
placed over your Solar Power Center many ages ago so you could not be
hurt by others. You must allow the mighty Three-fold Flame to burst
forth and open the portal to your Sacred Heart to receive love. Love is a
powerful, natural state of Being. The pure, Sacred Love of Spirit is an
emotion that cannot be distorted by conditions or actions. Love has
many different qualities and feelings, such as the exquisite, romantic
love between mates, the tender, protective love of a parent, and the
trusting love of a child. Love is the language of Spirit, and it is the only way to communicate with our Mother/Father God. The
love of the Creator and our Mother / Father God is all-encompassing and
never-ending. Pain and suffering are a result of denying the love that
you are. When you are firmly centered within your Sacred heart, you will
transcend all major discord. When you are living your truth, you will
be Self-confident, and you will always strive to interact with others in
a positive, truthful manner. And so we implore you, beloveds, throw
open the portal to your Sacred Heart so that you may be filled to
overflowing with the Divine Elixir of Life. The gift of Eternal Life awaits you. Know that we are ever near to guide, inspire and protect you.
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman *
Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for
this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL
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