Dear ones, we come again to remind you of the many changes you are
about to see and are now seeing upon your planet. Changes are now taking
place within the hearts of many who before this time seemed oblivious,
allowing them for the first time, to experience the light of truth.
These are the dear ones that you will soon find yourselves helping as
you explain to them what is taking place on the earth and in their lives
at this time. Awakening humanity is making this shift happen, dear
ones. Your light is manifesting in the outer as the higher forms that
you interpret as change– higher levels of truth and understanding within
all peoples and all facets of every day living.
Many are rapidly becoming aware of the literal stupidity of war. In
truth, all life is in and of the One Life. Therefore to treat each other
as enemies and evil; killing, torturing, and maiming is simply the
continuation of a very unevolved and now obsolete facet of duality and
separation. Soon there will be outcries from more of the masses as is
already happening in many countries regarding the end of war which lines
the pockets of the powerful, and depletes the life force of all the
It is time to embrace means of interaction that honor the differences
between cultures, Means that reflects an awareness of all life as
Divine and valuable. You say that war is necessary for many do not
respect the rights of others and wish harm upon us, but we say to you
that war is a very unevolved tool presented to you by those who benefit
by war. Much of what you have been told about your security is simply
false, made up to keep the masses locked into fear, served on a platter
of courage and rights. We also remind you that that which you do to
another whether personally or through your support, you do to yourselves
for there is only ONE LIFE.
Many of you still carry in cellular memory, warrior energy from
lifetimes of the past and still feel its resonance. There is an
excitement and a comradery in war that still resonates with many but if
you wish to ascend, then it is time to release this now, and experience
excitement and comradery on higher levels. That period of the
evolutionary journey is finished for any choosing the Light of Truth.
Give permission and intention within yourselves to release all that
is old and finished, for much that you are ready to move beyond can seem
very true and real as you experience energies still active within
cellular memory. Many of you are experiencing aches and pains, rashes,
and mysterious physical issues that seem to come from no where. Most of
these are temporary; the clearing of old physical, emotional, and mental
energy with the accompanying integration of the new, the release of
blocked energy streams (blocks can occur through surgeries or injury),
and the opening of energy portals within the physical body. Remember
this, and simply allow the process, for most of it soon fades and is
gone. However, we are not saying that if fear enters in, and you have
health concerns you cannot consult your doctor, we do say that it is
important to remember that much of what you are experiencing at this
time is in and of necessary physical preparation for ascension.
You are in the process of a giant evolutionary process. Nothing is
the same as it has been nor will it be again, so as the unawakened keep
promoting the pushing of more cards into the many third dimensional
houses of cards, there will be disappointment and frustration because
the energy is no longer there to support or manifest that which is
finished. It is extremely important that you recognize and accept that
truth if you have chosen to move forward.
This can for the newly awakened be a difficult time because an
unawakened society continues to promote all that which is old and
finished through your news, TV, magazines, film,etc. Day after day you
are bombarded from all sides with beliefs and concepts that have worked
in the past. You may begin to question as to whether or not this whole
shift business may simply be another giant hoax being once again played
upon the world for the benefit of those who would keep you in bondage.
Not giant hoax dear ones. Gaia, who is a living soul has chosen to
ascend and all have been given the choice of going with her or not. Take
this within your hearts, those of you who may question, for in your
Center you will feel the rightness of it. Always go within for your
answers and should you choose ascend with her, you will, but know that
you cannot carry suitcases full of the past with you.
All are all feeling the new and increasingly intense energies. It is
bringing up all past and present issues needing to be looked at. Many of
you are experiencing a sense of failure as you see parts of your life
suddenly fall apart. This is not failure but is a graduation, dear ones.
Rejoice in what the unawakened world may see as failure, for you are
moving beyond the old and finished concepts and beliefs regarding facets
of your lives. Know that if these things are to be a part of your
experience, they will reform in higher and better ways because
consciousness is the substance of all form. You are moving to the next
rung of the ladder and doing it bravely and lovingly.
Begin to trust your intuition for this is how you are directed by
your Higher self and your guides. It is fine to consult others who may
have more information about what you are concerned with, however make
sure that the bottom line of any decision you make comes from you. This
is the taking of your power back from those it has been given
to–organized religions, government, experts, family, friends etc.
The world is experiencing an integration of the Divine feminine
(receptive, intuitive) and the Divine masculine (active, be-er, do-er).
Divine Consciousness embodies both qualities in perfect balance and
harmony and therefore all living things also have both qualities. This
is causing problems and resistance with those who benefit from a
patriarchal society. There must be the balance for each quality
compliments the other, and in this balance is empowerment. A female does
not need a male to give her the masculine energy, it is already within.
A man does not need a female to give him the feminine energy, he
already embodies it. This realization can cause problems in an
established relationship if only one partner understands that he is
whole and complete with or without the other. The realization of the
Divine feminine and the Divine masculine as being two halves of a
perfect whole can and will disrupt all facets of life that heretofore
have thrived on the imbalance created through the promotion of the
masculine as being more perfect than the feminine.
Be aware that like it or not, change is here dear ones, embrace it and sing with joy the songs of new and higher experience.
As always, we are with love, the Arcturian Group. 5/21/12.
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