We bring you great tidings from the Spiritual Realm as we watch over
you with deep pride and love. Nothing can take away the great progress
and development you have accomplished. The light quotient is at an
all-time high and we salute you.
Be prepared for massive shifts and changes, as we have been
telling you. We would like to speak to you about your heart, which has
been undergoing many changes. Massive downloads of energy have caused
the hearts of many of you to open up in ways that you may not be totally
aware of, dear ones. You may have noticed that you have lost interest
in many things, and new interests are popping up. You may feel
reluctance at letting go of old relationships and careers and old ways
of doing things, because you identified deeply with it. You may feel
like it is a betrayal and so you feel bad about letting go of people and
Keep in mind that the people and things in your lives are there for
the purpose of awakening and once they have served that purpose, they
are ready to be let go of. Be careful not to keep the attachment or to
identify too closely with what you are letting go of. It floated into
your life for learning, and after learning the lesson, you no longer
have the need to hold on to the bearer of the lesson and growth. All
that remains for you to do is to appreciate and bless it, and let it go.
More relationships will float into your life to replace those
leaving, but the people and things leaving that have brought you the
lesson are not really lost to you. They must be freed and allowed to
move on. You have done nothing wrong in letting it all go. It is to your
greatest good and theirs to become and remain detached. The essence of
the love and lesson that came with it is still very much alive. You have
just let go of the messenger, so to speak.
We tell you this, because you will be discovering more and more to
let go of, and it will sometimes feel like an avalanche as things speed
up in clearing out the 3rd dimensional framework. Your heart
is becoming healed through all this; it is becoming expanded; it is
becoming more and more your navigator in your journey home.
We would like you to be aware of your essence more and more. Tune
into your Higher Self, which is integrating with you as we speak. Notice
the subtle promptings and nuances. It is like switching over to, and
staying with, a new operating system on your computer. Once you have
committed yourself to the new program, the old one no longer works for
you. Decide now to let your Higher Self and your heart be your new
operating system from now on, with no temptation to go back to the old
program of letting your ego make you doubt your course of action or your
With this comes a new reliance on intuition versus figuring things
out with old systems of logic and rationalization. Make this your new
motto: “I am my Higher Self and I relax into knowing from the deep
levels of my Soul”. Be confident in this knowing and be One with your
Higher Self.
Dear ones, you have come so far, and you have a little ways to go,
but rest assured that your progression is magnified and electrified and
multiplied every time you surrender and relax into the knowing that you
are a magnificent divine being here with the sole purpose of awakening
and helping others awaken. And it is your Soul purpose, if you pardon our play on words. Revel in this; be secure in this; be elated by this. You are arriving.
With our deep appreciation, we remain your loyal servants and comrades in Peace and Love, Archangel Michael and Yeshua.
Thank you to Archangel Michael and Yeshua.
Copyright © 2012 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is
given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is
copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this
copyright notice and links are included.
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