Tuesday, 29 May, 2012
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of Light. The
energies may feel as though they are spinning out of control for you
now. My Beloveds take a deep breath in and just breathe slowly and
rhythmically for a few minutes with your eyes closed and your palms
resting on your Solar Plexus. The physical form needs to slow a bit to
bring you back into center and balance.
The energies will continue to escalate My Beautiful Beings of Grace
so learning to work with your physical form to help calm it will be a
very important tool for you to master. Deep breathing is very relaxing
and as well as surrendering your issues to your Angels or The Creator
are helpful.
My Beloveds, keeping your frequency levels balanced, centered and in
harmony allows you to attract to yourself the most beneficial areas to
you and those that are for your highest good.
Since the energies and chaos are going to be around for a while it is
vital to your health and wellbeing that you learn to flex and cope with
what is coming into your own energy fields and awareness. It is
important for you to learn your own technique so that you in turn can
teach it to others. Perhaps you already have an excellent exercise that
you use to put yourself into this state of balance to calm down the
drama, but if not work with this one for a while and allow it to assist
you with this issue.
Meditation is an excellent tool to help one center and balance as is
visualization in a make believe setting. Whatever works for you is
appropriate as long as you put it into practice when you feel yourself
reaching overwhelm.
Making Believe in your imagination is such an interesting skill and a
very beneficial one as well. Children have no problem with this one,
but for some reason that ability seems to lose itself as the child turns
into the adult. So you may find many of you have lost your ability to
play and be creative.
My Beloveds you can bring these gifts back with just a little effort.
You did not volunteer to come to this place to lose Who You Really Are.
You came to this place to experience and learn from experience along
with remembering while in disguise Who You Really Are.
You are all on the journey together playing a game of hid and seek
from yourselves. So the question to ask yourself in meditation or dreams
or whatever method you use to reconnect to your own Inner Beingness is
“Who Am I”. Keep asking that question until you allow yourself to
glimpse into eternity and pull out that image in whatever way that
happens for you.
Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey to reconnect to your playful side.
Sit in a chair or lie down so that you are comfortable. Uncross your
arms and legs, as this blocks the flow of energy. If you chill easily
cover up with a light blanket. It’s time to be comfortable and
undisturbed for a while as you journey within yourself through
Close your eyes and take a few comfortable deep breaths in and out.
Visualize with each in breath, you are breathing in love and renewal.
With each out breath, you are breathing out fear, frustration and doubt.
With your final exhale let it all go with a sigh as you are breathing
out all frustrations of the day.
Feel your total body relaxing and give yourself permission to feel the calm and peace that accompanies that relaxation.
My Beloveds ask your ego self to perch on your left shoulder.
Instruct your ego self that it is only to be an observer on this
journey, it is not to participate. If it helps you to visualize your ego
self by identifying it as a symbol or as an object please do so.
My Beautiful Beings of Light, in your imagination ask through prayer
for The Creator to send you a protective Ray of White Light, by mentally
praying something like this “My Creator, I AM asking please for a
protective Ray of White Light to enfold me in love and lift me up so
that I am experiencing the very highest of vibrations during this
journey into my inner most depths of understanding and Being. My Creator
I am protecting myself on this journey from anything that is not for my
highest good. I am thanking you My Creator for this Ray. I am
visualizing the ray in my imagination now coming down through the corner
of the area where I am meditating. I am sensing it is entering into my
physical form, permeating all that is within my I AM presence.”
My Beloveds, The Creator has responded to your prayer and has gifted
you with an Iridescent White Ray plus a Soft Pink Ray and One Golden
Fluid Ray for this journey. The Rays are entering into your body through
the soles of your feet and moving up through your physical vessel;
permeating throughout all of your etheric energy fields & physical
vessel and into all corners of the actual area that you are meditating
in. The rays then are exiting through your Crown Chakra. The Rays are
returning to The Creator and cycling back down through you again and
back to The Creator in a continuous circular loop while you are in
You are now divinely protected at this moment and nothing can even
communicate with you, that is not for your highest good, without your
My Divine Beings of Grace, you are breathing very slowly and evenly now; you are feeling so secure and safe.
Breathe in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and sense the lighter
relaxed feelings of being divinely protected & guided into this
meditation. Breathe in deeply and know that you are breathing to the
Pulse of The Creator.
Breathe in deeply now allowing, seeing and sensing within your
spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels and invited Spirit Guides as
they join you now. The Angels take your etheric essence hands and guide
you out of your physical body. The Angels then direct you into your
Etheric Spiritual Heart Chakra. An Angel has elected to stay with your
physical essence until you return from your meditation journey.
You are visualizing, seeing, feeling and sensing this within your
imagination, Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special invited
guests are with you now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra. Your Angels
and Guides are helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To My
Highest Guidance Within”. In your imagination you have located the
Golden Door and now you turn the etheric spiritual door knob, opening
the door as you cross over the threshold knowing that you are on a
spiritual growth adventure.
My Beloveds, you find yourself in a White Marble Corridor your Angels
want you to have a great time today so they have brought in some really
great play clothes for you. Your Angels direct you to go behind the
changing screen. You grimace a little thinking what if they don’t have
the right size for you. You go behind the screen and to your amazement
you have an assortment to choose from. All the clothes are in lively
colors of the rainbow. The colors themselves just make you smile. You
select and outfit and put it on. The clothes fit perfectly and make you
look absolutely fantastic, down to the little accent pieces.
You walk out from behind the screen in your colorful play outfit. The
Angels ask you to look in the mirror on your left to see your
reflection. The colors themselves are adding to your playful glow, you
can’t believe how good they feel and how good you feel just being in
these wonderful hues.
My Beautiful Beings of Light, it’s time to go on an adventure so you
follow your Angels down the hall to the third door on your right. You
read the door label, “play area” as you open it and cross over the
threshold. The Angels on the other side of the door have on party hats
and are blowing party horns. The Angels tell you, that no, you are not
having a party but they want you to get in the spirit of joy, so that
you can allow yourself to have fun.
You smile and perhaps are just a little bit disappointed until you
see the giant butterfly waiting for you on the tarmac. The butterfly is
rainbow hued and has a small saddle attached to its back. You walk over
an introduce yourself to Jennifer the butterfly. Jennifer smiles and
greets you and tells you to hop on with the help of that ladder there to
your right. The ladder looks a little like those you would use to board
an airplane.
You climb the ladder and quickly find your seat in the saddle. There
are a pair of flight goggles and hat for you to put on. The interesting
part of this is those goggles and hat change to match your outfit the
minute you put them on….Cool you think to yourself. You feel very safe
and secure and Jennifer announces that she will be taking off now.
Jennifer begins flapping those beautiful colored wings and you can
feel the air currents lifting you from the ground. You think to yourself
who is going to believe that you have actually flown with a
This is so exhilarating you tell yourself, you are floating in the
air on the back of a rainbow colored giant butterfly named Jennifer.
WOW…you will have to journal this one when you get back.
Jennifer loves to have passengers, the Angels whisper in your ears. See how careful and gentle she is being with you.
You gaze off into the blue sky and it looks like it goes on forever
and the Angels assure you that it does. You look down at the ground an
notice below that there is a clearing in a meadow that has a butterfly
landing area. You notice that Jennifer is heading for that spot now.
Jennifer lands and your debarkation ladder is rolled up. You climb
down the ladder and are aware that there is a lot of activity to your
left in the grove of trees. You see rack after rack of outfits all lined
up there.
The Angels are guiding you towards this area and the commotion
continues as more racks of garments are rolled out along with additional
mirrors and changing areas sit up. The Angels tell you that you can
start at this station. They explain to you that each area is a different
theme of attire. You observe that the first area customs are all of a
nautical theme.
Following the directions of the Angels you pick and outfit and go
behind the screen to try it on. You come out and select the mirror that
you want to use to look at your reflection, but the Angels stop you
there. First they tell you that they want you to close your eyes and in
your imagination make believe that you are the character that this
custom portrays.
Smiling from ear to ear you close your eyes and picture yourself as a
wealthy ship captain. If like magic in your imagination, you feel
yourself become that character. Then you look in the mirror and see that
the character has come to life. In the mirror, you see yourself at a
party where you are being celebrated for being the best and kindest ship
captain your land has ever experienced.
You are ready for a new character and so you walk over to the next
station. There you hear a calliope playing a faintly familiar song in a
park. You select your clothes from the rack and go change. You close
your eyes and visualize the juggler in a park entertaining children and
seniors with your keen juggling skills. Wow! you can’t believe that you
are actually juggling. This is so fun you tell yourself. The mirror
shows how excited and delighted your audience is with your juggling
Time for another part and thus you move to the next station. You
select your clothes from the rack and go change. You walk out and find
your horse waiting on you there tied to the mirror. You are the
Cowboy/Cowgirl that you only dreamed about in your childhood. You are
really getting the hang of this make believe game again and loving it.
You walk over and stroke the horses ears and the horse nuzzles your arm
in reciprocation. You look in the mirror and see yourself riding the
range with a herd of cattle, you can see your large stone homestead off
in the distance. You look to your left and right in the mirror and see
the other ranch hands helping with the cattle.
The next station beckons and you walk over and select the next
costume to put on. This one is all shinny and silver. Walking out of the
changing area you see your space capsule awaiting your departure. You
view the mirror and see yourself and your astronaut buddies all climbing
into a space shuttle that is soon to launch. You notice that your name
tag is showing that you are the commanding officer on this voyage.
What a wonderful range of adventures you have been able to
participate in today, the excitement and thrill of making believe in
each of these scenes has been really fun and you notice as you sense
your body that the tension, tightness and stress have dissipated. You
think to yourself that this is a real plus because you have been very
stress with life circumstances lately.
You walk over to the last station and find a rather unusual costume
but go ahead and put it on. You close your eyes as before to make
believe and walk out to view yourself in the mirror. When you open your
eyes and view the scene in the mirror you realize that this is the real
YOU. This is what you actually look like when you are not in an
incarnation. You are brilliant, huge and glowing with a faint hue of
color. In the mirror you see your Spiritual Family all surrounding you
and sending love to you. They let you know telepathically that they are
so glad to see you and to be with you for just a moment. You see your
Angels and Spirit Guides in their true environment and the wonderful
view of HOME. OH MY you tell yourself, there is nothing like HOME. You
feel the love flowing out to you and just softly engulfing you as you
stand for another moment or two basking in the reflection of HOME. You
can’t stop smiling and feeling the presence of peace and joy.
Your Angels nudge your arm and let you know that it’s time to return.
Sadly but so appreciative for the opportunities to play and visit HOME
you change back into your attire and walk back with the Angels to board
Jennifer for your flight back.
You climb back into Jennifer’s saddle and before you can blink an eye you are back on the tarmac where your adventures started.
You instantly find yourself back in the White Marble Corridor change
into your own clothing an look one last time in the mirror. You are
truly glowing from head to toe and looking so refreshed and at peace.
Your Angels lead you back across the threshold of the Golden Door
Within, back into your Spiritual Heart Chakra and then they assist the
return of your spiritual Essence back into your physical form.
Take a deep breath to help you reorient as you wiggle your fingers
and toes. When you are ready open your eyes. Go about your day
remembering that your Inner Higher Wisdom and Angelic support staff are
always at your service working with you to help you reach your highest
most appropriate potential. Listen for those first thoughts that pop
into your awareness and know without a shadow of a doubt that you are
receiving daily spiritual guidance.
Beloveds you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure, more than any Earth Plane language can ever express.
I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.
This Message was Transmitted Through & Transcribed by Carolyn Ann O’Riley.
This is copyrighted material. © It may be shared with those that you sense might resonate with the material provided all the appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the channeled message shared with another
This is copyrighted material. © It may be shared with those that you sense might resonate with the material provided all the appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the channeled message shared with another
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