
29.04.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/28/12

Saturday, April 28, 2012

This has truly been a worldwide effort, where beings from many different countries have come together in an effort to bring to your world a better way. We of the Galactic commands have done our part as well to assist those of you who wish to see changes in your world, to make it a better place for all of you to experience the physical realm. All along your journey you have benefited greatly from the assistance of your universal families and friends. Never were you left on your own, and never were you forgotten or denied any assistance that you may have needed.

We have always assured that you would receive the benefits from our assistance, although it has been necessary for us to conceal our helping hand to better allow you to reap the rewards of going it on your own. This has always been a very delicate operation where we needed to conceal our craft from your eyes and needed to camouflage our part in many of your affairs. We feel we have done an adequate job in this sense, and up until very recent times we feel very few of you were even aware of our presence and still more of you were unaware that we took part in so many events and directions that your society has taken. 

What we would now like to do is take an even more active role in your affairs, and we would like to do this openly and we would like to do this with your full knowledge and cooperation, as the time for secrecy is quickly fading into your past. We would like to discuss with you each and everything that we would like to accomplish here in your world with you before these tasks are undertaken. This is what we will do, as we are now better able to communicate with many of you through our channels and even directly with some of you through means of telepathy. In the days ahead, we see even greater numbers of you being able to communicate in this manner, and we also see a day when we will be able to speak with large numbers of you openly and directly without any need for telepathic communication. 
When all this will take place is still a subject of debate and consideration, for we cannot tell for sure at this time when situations in your world will allow us to safely interact more personally with you. There will be a period in your very near future where we will be able to navigate our ships openly through your skies and personally interact with many of you as we work to complete our many projects together. This will be; there is no doubt of this, as this is a very necessary step towards the realization of the goal of your new world. Timing is so important at this time, and we wish to take every precaution and make sure the timing is just right for us to move forward with the operation. Please be patient as you have been, as much is riding on the successful conclusion of our project with you and we wish to proceed as slowly and carefully as is necessary.
Allow us to properly set the table for our introductions to you, and allow our Earth allies to clear the playing field of those still playing for another team, as they must be removed from your society before many of our projects together can be undertaken. This is a very important step, and we ask for your continued patience and cooperation in sharing your knowledge of these upcoming events as they will take place. We wish for as many of your world as possible to be familiar with this process as these arrests may be quite startling for many, and we also wish for as many of your world as possible to benefit as greatly as they can from what these arrests will signify to each of you and your society as a whole. You all have done such a tremendous job thus far setting the table for this event, and we wish at this time to thank each of you once again for your efforts and say to you that your hard work will pay off for all of you. 
As we have promised you, we have been allowing more sightings of our ships all over your world, and we are very pleased to see that so many of you are taking the time to film these events and also share this evidence with those of your world through your online social networks. This is a very important process in our overall mission, as we wish to prepare as many of your world as possible for our introductions to you which we eagerly anticipate. We will continue this process and step up even greater the number and quality of the sightings of our ships in the days ahead, and we ask you to continue to share your video footage with your brothers and sisters. We have some fun sightings planned for you and we look so forward to this, and we also wish you to know that we enjoy these sightings just as much as you do. We have wanted to make our presence more known to you for a very long time, and we do not wish to have to camouflage ourselves any more than many of you like it. 
We wish to go about our affairs openly with you, and we tell you that this day will come as there can be no stopping it. This is part of your new experience, where you will have completely open contact with us of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look very forward to this day. It has been a challenge for us to work for so long in the background without your knowledge, and we have longed for a reunion with you far longer than many of you have even been aware of our existence. There are many reasons that have contributed to this need for secrecy, and at this time we are removing these obstacles one by one with your assistance. It will be soon that the last obstacle from our path is cleared and we can reunite with you, our brothers and sisters, and openly work together on the many projects that will bring to each of you the new world that you all want for yourselves, your family, your friends, and each and every one who calls your planet home. 
You may even have some new friends coming your way as finally the old friends that no longer serve your greater good fade away into your past. This has always been the plan for you, where the old has had to move aside to make way for the new and allow you to become the new being that you are developing into today. Allow all that no longer serves your higher purpose to fade away now and become but fond memories of your education and your growth as a spiritual being. Allow the experiences and the lessons that were designed to advance you on your journey become relics of your past that can be observed as if you were visiting a museum of all that was but is no longer. Do not allow these memories of lessons sometimes hard learned to intrude upon your present-day, for they have no rightful place here with you as their meaning and their purpose no longer exists for you. Do you understand this? Do not allow what is old to become obstacles for what is new. This is a very important concept for you to learn and to implement into your new lives. 
So many of you allow your past experiences to manifest once again and present to you repeated challenges and obstacles that you have already cleared and have no need to experience again. Do the best that you can to keep your path clear before you by not allowing obstacles on the path behind you to experience a rebirth of any kind. Try to view the experiences that were necessary for you in your past as if they were encased behind glass at a museum of your life. You may take notice and admire these treasures as you make your way through your museums corridors, but do not allow yourself to be slowed or stopped as you stand and stare before an exhibit and allow it to take hold of you and deter you from completing the tour. This is the way we would like you to view your past experiences, unemotional and detached, as this is the best way for you to extract from these experiences all that they were designed to give you without allowing them to affect you emotionally and negatively. If you can achieve this, then you will certainly be on your way to housing a new and exciting collection of wonderful and valuable pieces that will line the halls of your new museum.
No one will be left behind here, as there will be different places that you journey to. This is the way it must be, as there are many of you and just as many paths to travel, and there are those of you who have learned more at this point than some of the others. This will bring you to the first steps of a path others have not yet reached. Do not feel saddened by this, as throughout your long journey you have made many friends and have said adieu to many of them, but just the same, for each friend that you have said goodbye to another new friend was waiting to make your acquaintance and begin new adventures with you that more closely resonate with your similar vibrations. 
This is the way it is throughout this entire universe, where like attracts like and people, places and adventures come to those whose vibrations attract them like a powerful magnet. Many of you at this time are feeling the pull of this magnetic attraction, and there are those of you who are not feeling this same tow as they are still being pulled towards vibrations of the density you are now freeing yourself from and rising above. Do not look at this day when your ship sets sail as a sad day, for it is a remarkable achievement for you and you have put so much effort into hoisting your sails and catching this new breeze that will take you to points uncharted. Do not feel saddened for those you love who wave goodbye from the dock, as they too will board a ship that will take them to destinations they have mapped out for themselves. In the end, all ships will dock at the same port, and you will be there waiting, standing on the dock as their ship arrives.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

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