
14.04.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/13/12

Friday, April 13, 2012

Media channels receive their messages from channels who also receive messages sent to them from media channels as well. When this chain of information is broken for any reason, messages delivered through our channels to the people of your world are temporarily interrupted. This has been the case as of late here, as other pressing matters have superseded our regular duties of sending messages through this channel. Much is transpiring behind the scenes, and we wish you to know that here on our side we are very busy with last-minute details before a rush of activity begins in your world.  

You can be always assured that we are here and we are always with you even if there are a few days where we cannot share our messages with you. There will not come a time when we were ever to leave you without our plans being fully explained to you. As we have said, we have been very busy finalizing details that will bring to your world the many changes we have often discussed with you. It is always quietest before the storm, and this rule certainly applies here. Be prepared for a flurry of activity to begin, and for all that we have discussed to now begin to take place.  

As we have advised you all along, there is no need to fear as we have your well-being clearly in mind and we will make every effort possible to see that no harm comes to any of you. With great change often comes a certain level of turmoil and we do perceive this throughout these events, but we also see the people of your world handling very well these changes, and we are here to assist in our way see these changes proceed as smoothly as possible.  

The time for the mass arrests of those of your world who have conspired against the people is upon you, and although we cannot say for sure when this event will begin, we can say that the final pieces have been moved into position and all systems are go. This is all we can say for now as we do not know exactly when the signal will be given to proceed. We do wish we could give you clearer information about this, but it is beyond our limitations as this signal is not going to be given by us, but by our Earth allies. We will try to give you some kind of advanced notice when we are sure these arrests will begin, but again, please do not count on this as we cannot guarantee any more advanced notice than has already been given. 

Please do your best to remain calm and balanced throughout these arrests to act as Wayshowers to your fellow brothers and sisters who may experience a rush of emotions including fear and confusion as to what these arrests mean. Do your best to reach out to as many as you can and explain what is transpiring, and help them understand that these arrests were a long time coming and are the best thing that can possibly happen for your world at this time. It will not be long at all before your words are seen by all as truth, and we ask you to be a beacon of this truth throughout these proceedings which may last for days and even longer. It is difficult to foresee precisely how long it will take to incarcerate so many individuals who today are scattered throughout so many areas of your world. From our vantage point, we do see these arrests proceeding smoothly and we do see these arrests being fully completed, however, we do not see exactly how long this will take.  

Please have on hand a few days or even up to a few weeks worth of supplies for your home as it is possible there will be some outages in certain areas as these arrests continue and certain services are disrupted. Please continue to do the tremendous work you are doing and disseminate this information throughout your circles. We see so many who just a short time ago had no idea of these arrests now not only fully aware of these proceedings, but also sharing this information with others. This warms our hearts tremendously, for it is this sharing of information that is and will continue to be of primary importance for the people of your world, and we cannot thank you, our brothers and sisters, enough for the work that you are doing.  

Many of you will be working with us on our many projects together and you can be assured that this day is approaching rapidly. We will say from the moment of the launch of the mass arrests all the way through to the end of your year will see almost constant activity, as there is so much yet to be done and a very short time to do it. One of the major projects that we must accomplish is our disclosure of our presence to the people of your world. As we have said, we would begin to allow more sightings of our ships and we would also allow much clearer and longer sightings as well leading up to our disclosure announcements, and we are very pleased to see so many of you videotaping our craft and sharing this information throughout your online communities. We will continue this process throughout the days and weeks ahead to familiarize as many of your world as possible to our presence in your skies.  

Some of you will be working with us on our disclosure project, and in due time the details of this will be fully explained to you. We would like to begin this process very soon, and we ask those of you who have been selected to be prepared to be picked up by us at a moment’s notice and escorted to a meeting that will take place in space for a number of hours. Please prepare yourselves and anything you need to do at home to be able to leave for an indeterminate amount of time that we feel for the purposes of this meeting will not be more than a few hours, however, we cannot say how many hours precisely. Just understand that we do wish you to stay for the entire duration of this meeting, and we do not wish to interrupt these proceedings to deliver you back home early before its completion. This is a very important assignment and as such deserves a certain level of preparation on your part. We ask you to remain as prepared as you can as we will contact you with no further notice when it is time to pick you up and escort you to our waiting ship. We cannot give you any more warning than this as there are safety concerns and we must do all we can to protect your safety and the safety of our crew.  

Those of you who will be taking part in our disclosure plans have already been contacted and should by this time clearly understand what the next step will be. Once we can speak with you more personally we will fully explain to you what this assignment entails and what will be asked of you, and we will answer any and all questions that you may have. For now, this is all we can say on this matter as a certain level of secrecy is called for. Those of you who have expressed a desire to take part in these disclosure plans but who have not been contacted by us, we say to you that there will be future opportunities to participate in this plan that will be ongoing throughout the days and months ahead. This will not be the only opportunity to take part in our disclosure efforts, and there will be also be many opportunities to work with us throughout our many projects together.  

Those who were selected for this assignment at this time have met certain criteria that we felt important. Some of these criteria concerned the availability of these individuals to be able to leave their home for a certain amount of time to take part in media events. We understand that not all of you can leave your home, your jobs and/or your families for prolonged periods of time, and we had to take this into account. We wish that we could have selected all of you for this assignment, but again we tell you there will be many more opportunities to work with us in future days. We thank all of you who have expressed an interest to work with us on our disclosure project, and we look forward to working with many of you in the days ahead. Until then, please continue to do the tremendous work you are doing today spreading the news of these mass arrests and of our presence here in your world. We say to you that none of the work you are doing is overlooked as we fully recognize and appreciate all the work each and every one of you are doing. We say to you that nothing we are accomplishing could be done without the work you are doing, and we will thank you personally in the days ahead.   

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

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