Monday, March 19, 2012
I hope these readings that we will perform amount to the data we wish to collect in order to better understand the development of the human psyche at this time. We are conducting these readings in order to better understand the human mental processes and their function. Please bear with us as we develop these tests to perform better our tasks of reading your collective, as well as individual, levels of consciousness. We feel this is a very important area in our research to more clearly define your development as a species and as individuals, and we believe we have made great gains in understanding the people of your planet better.
Please be advised that many of you have agreed to participate in these tests, and that we would never invade your privacy without your prior consent. Many of you agreed to these undertakings before your current incarnations as part of your duties as members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we thank you very much for your cooperation as we continue to read your consciousness levels while you read the messages sent through our channels. We are conducting tests to better our mental and telepathic connections as well, and through these tests we are able to identify areas of strength and of weakness that can be improved upon. Readings indicate the human psyche development is proceeding very well, and we see a day when telepathic communication will become common place between yourselves, and other dimensional beings as well.
All along your journey we have been monitoring you in many ways and we have often performed tests of your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual developments. Through these tests, we better ascertained what areas of your development required attention and which areas you were developing well in. Based on these findings we initiated programs and events that were designed to assist you in your development in these areas, and this is just as true today as it has always been.
Today your world is experiencing many changes on many levels, and this can also be said of your individual consciousnesses that are also experiencing changes on many different levels. Ideas, concepts, and events are introduced to you to assist you in your development. Not all events that happen in your world are created by us, and not all events that happen in your world are created by you. It is more a subtle mix of our energies that form your reality then either one or the other. All has been designed for your upliftment and your betterment. Nothing that we do is for our own gain or to manipulate your world for any reason other than the development of you as a people and as individuals.
The Cabal and all their minions are also tools of development, and they have played a very necessary role in your advancement. It is time more of you saw this and understood this, as to better understand why they are now being removed from your reality. They are being removed from your reality because they no longer possess a benefit for you; rather, they are now impeding your progress. They are now impeding your progress because you have reached a certain level as a society where you no longer need their friction and interference in your lives for you to learn from. The lessons they were designed to teach you have been taught, and many of you have demonstrated that you have successfully learned the lessons of these teachings and now it is time for you to move on to new lessons that await you.
The men and women of the Cabal and their many associates have also been learning lessons through these dealings. They have not in any way been used or tricked to only benefit you, but they have also benefited greatly, and we do not mean in their temporary and shallow monetary gains. Some of them have made great strides in their spiritual developments as well, as many of them are now seeing the error of their ways and how so much of themselves has been wasted in these pursuits for more power, more control, and more wealth. Many of them are now reflecting upon their lives and what could have been, and are making great strides in their levels of consciousness as well.
As we have maintained all along, you are all in this together. You are all one team, although it has appeared you were divided into two teams, the light versus the dark. You are all one. You are all one race, you are all one planet, and you are all on a journey together. The dark as well as the light are all learning lessons that were carefully developed and implemented into your reality to better assist you learn the essential lessons of your journey through existence. The time is approaching when this game that has pitted the light against the dark has reached its conclusion, and when it has, much will be revealed to you to shed more light on the members of these two seemingly opposing teams.
We feel many of you may be very surprised at some of these revelations. There has always been more to your reality than you are able to perceive with your 3rd dimensional senses, but as you as a people and as an individual are raising your vibrations to higher dimensional levels, you will perceive more and in greater detail than you ever have before. There will be many surprises in store for you, and we feel many of you will be delighted as so many of these well-kept secrets are revealed to you one by one.
Try to see the dark and the lessons they have taught you as blessings, for indeed they are, as these lessons have been essential to your growth and without them you would not be embarking on the new journey that waits just up ahead for you. The gifts you are about to receive are wonderful and they are plentiful and they are all due to your level of advancement, and you would not have reached this point of your journey without so many of your fellow humans on both sides of the ball. Try to remember this as these members of the dark Cabal are brought into custody to face justice. Try to see them in the light that they rightfully deserve, as instruments for your higher learning. They too had lessons that needed to be learned and they are learning them, and will continue to learn them as these proceedings continue on.
Try to remember as everything has been designed for your advancement, so to should be the punishment for their crimes. We suggest to you to look for avenues of punishment that will better assist them on their journeys, rather than act as deterrents to the expansion of their consciousness. This is what we ask of you at this time, although as we have said, it is your world and it is up to you. The punishments you dispense will be your decision and we will abide by them and assist you in their implementation. All we ask of you is to think carefully over your options as all souls deserve a chance to learn and to grow, and it is never too late for anyone throughout this entire universe to find the path back into the light.
Try to be as kind and as patient as you can with these lost souls as what they need is love and understanding, as hatred and anger will only push them further down into the darkness that imprisons them today. Many of you are well trained and educated in these areas and will be called upon through these proceedings to show the others that there is a better way of rehabilitation than pure punishment. We ask you to share your wisdom with your brothers and sisters who may not clearly understand yet these concepts, and offer them as consideration as these criminal proceedings move forward. There will be many who cry for revenge, and a lynch mob mentality may grow within the ranks of those who learn, perhaps for the first time, that they have been victims at the hands of these individuals. We ask you to dowse these flames, as these energies are not conducive to your betterment or upliftment at this time.
There are better ways to handle these proceedings and dispense justice, and we will leave it upon you to decide amongst yourselves how you will choose to proceed with these damaged souls. At the proper time, we will introduce to you advanced methods of rehabilitation for your consideration and discussion amongst yourselves. We feel these methods would weigh better in the long run for both you and the dark ones alike. Remember your lessons are not completed either, and these criminal proceedings are a large part of your education as well.
Please be advised these proceedings will begin very soon upon the arrests of these men and women, and they will move swiftly without any lengthy interruptions. The time will be upon you very quickly to decide how it is you wish to dispense justice and what you feel would be the best methods in the way of rehabilitation. We will assist you in this process by sharing with you our experience in these matters at a time when we can more personally communicate with you. For now, please consider what we are suggesting in the ways of the most beneficial rehabilitation programs, and again try to see these dark ones for what they are and what they have truly been to you; very beneficial tools for your development.
What awaits you is priceless and far greater than the price you have had to pay at the hands of these dark ones, and we only want you to see this and reflect upon this while you are considering what is appropriate punishment for these souls. Continue on knowing nothing or no one can stand in your way now, and that these dark ones are now powerless to interfere with your affairs any longer. They have served their purpose and they are no longer needed for your upliftment, and therefore are now being removed from your society. Know that nothing can interfere with this purification, and know that there is nothing but clear skies ahead for you all.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
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