
14.02.12 г.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/13/12

Monday, February 13, 2012

Adversity is the challenge many of you are facing today. An obstacle has been placed in your path and we see so many of you making the choice to remove it and continue on in your service, clearheaded and undeterred from the momentary confusion and work stoppage. There are those of you who have chosen to deviate from the course and move around this obstacle by forging a new path for yourself. We salute you as well as we have always assured you we honor and respect each and every choice you make. All paths will eventually lead to the light, there can be no other way, and these individuals too will find their way by way of the new trail they are clearing.
We wish at this time to discuss with you, our dedicated Lightworkers, what a great job you are all doing. We see you all giving your tremendous efforts to fulfill your assignments and we say bravo for your efforts to persevere in the face of never ending challenges and tests of your strength and resolve. We believed when you were selected for this mission that you would not let anything stand in your way of its successful completion, and we see this now clearly as a wise choice. Continue on undeterred by seemingly confusing matters around you, as your entire experience through 3D has been rather puzzling and confusing at times, has it not? You are all Masters at navigating this mazelike experience and you have today almost reached the end and will emerge out of it into the light. Nothing can stop you or slow you now, as you have built up a powerful head of steam and many obstacles have already been cleared from your tracks up ahead. Have confidence and faith you will reach the station of your destination.
Moving on to matters concerning your nemesis the dark Cabal, we, the Galactic Federation of Light, continue to dismantle their war machine day by day, hour by hour. It is a beautiful sight to behold. Piece by piece their once seemingly formidable cache of soldiers and weaponry has been systematically and assuredly disassembled, leaving but scattered and fragmented pieces in discord and confusion. Those that remain to continue to battle see defeat as an inescapable conclusion to their campaign and wait in fear at when their time will come to face justice, and it will. The leaders of these fighting forces are next after their lines of defense are swept up like so many pieces of broken glass. They too must know their turn is next and today feel less bravado and thirst for war and conquest than fear, worry and shame for their actions. They now worry so about being taken away from their families and friends, yet this is their karma, this is the path they chose to learn the same lessons we all must learn, but for some of us, in different ways. All will be treated fairly and humanely, this is our way, even if it is not theirs.
Their bosses too will be rounded up and incarcerated to face justice for the acts, and we will not stop until your world is purified of those who have plotted and schemed to enslave you, our brothers and sisters. This is the way it must be, as the path must be cleared for a peaceful reunion with us as there is so little time left before your big moment and there is still much to be accomplished together. How can we successfully work together with the Cabal continually conspiring against you and us? They must be removed, and we, along with our Earth allies, are seeing to this task at this time. With your continued patience we will succeed in this effort. We edge closer to this inevitable conclusion every moment of every day. We do not take breaks from our mission, and there are no days that are not filled with forward progress although we clearly realize that from your vantage point it may appear matters are not proceeding. This is due to your news media blackouts of the truth of what is transpiring, as well as a need for certain levels of secrecy from our side of the struggle. In the days ahead this veil of secrecy will be lifted and all will be shared with you as no subject will be off-limits. This is the new way of your new world. No secret or mystery large or small will be kept from you any longer. This is but one of the positive attributes of a Galactic society, as the free flow of information is paramount to its proper functioning.
Knowledge has been purposely kept from you for eons on orders from the dark ones to keep you under their control, but as their control slips away more each day, you also are experiencing far greater and more efficient means to the free flow of information between yourselves. Do you see how these two events correlate? Do you see how one is affecting the other? This is why the dark fear so greatly the free flow of information and your right of free speech, and this is why slowly over many long years they have chipped away at your rights, and they feared so greatly this day that has now come. Still to this day they desperately try to steal away your rights of free speech and communication, but they are hitting one stonewall after another as you, the people, are no longer willing to barter your rights and your freedoms for their false promises of their protection.
So many of you now see that you have never needed their protection as you have no enemies but them. They are the ones who have attacked you time and again and have placed the blame on your brothers and sisters who have also been relentlessly attacked by them, and at you the finger was pointed. So many of you now see this clearly and refuse to be a participant in this game any longer. This game will now be stopped as you command and we will assist you in this regard. This is one of the tasks we are better suited for than you, and this is one of the major reasons we are here at this time in service to you.
Keep on the lookout for news of the arrests of leaders of the criminal cabal. We have assured you these arrests will take place, and we will not fail to live up to our word. Our allies are in place to begin these mass arrests and all await the final signal to proceed. As we have said, these events will be covered by certain members of your media and you will find coverage of these events as they transpire. We will make sure of this. We see so many of you monitoring your news outlets and this pleases us greatly as we see so many of you keeping such perfect pace with each and every phase of our mission. We see so many of you informing another of the latest events, and we are so impressed with your teamwork in this, as well as so many other areas. It was not too long ago in your history when so many of you were not able to come together in common cause such as you are now, but we see how greatly you all have advanced individually, as well as a powerful collective force, and we see you gaining momentum and strength every day. We see you not stopping until your new world comes bursting through the surface for you all. We see this day, and we wish for you to visualize it as well, as this is your goal that is so clearly within your reach.
Do not stop and do not slow, as you have all the momentum today that you will ever need to bring your new world into your hands. You are almost there, we know so many of you can feel it, and we know you will not let this opportunity and all your many long years of hard work go for naught. We admire greatly your courage and your strength and your will to strive forward in the face of such unrelenting adversity, and we applaud your continued efforts and tell you great beings of immense power are being forged by your will to succeed in your epic struggle against the dark.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light. 
As channeled through Greg Giles

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