
29.02.12 г.



Wednesday, February 29, 2012


UPDATED 2/29/12
Note: I have extensively edited this list, re-verified links, shortened URLs to make this list more readable. Its grown very rapidly over the past week and was getting unwieldy in its prior form.  In some cases certain middle eastern bankers and European private bankers have managed to have their names removed from smaller blogs and news sites so I have updated those cases to larger news organizations less likely to bow to pressure. At the time of this posting all URLs listed work, I do not guarantee they always will.  I have also added missing names (in bold) and those URLSs where more than one person was resigning I expanded the item to have one line each, since everyone who copies this to their blogs (wow did this spread far and wide!) views each instance as one banker resigning I thought I’d make this listing more reflect that viewpoint.  I do not know under what circumstances these individuals have left their positions, I make no judgement on that. I just find the timing of so many resignations extremely curious and a bit of temporal marker in history of very high significance. No one should assume I make any judgement about the character of these people. I frankly don’t know their reputations except for a few rather famous ones.  I don’t mind if you re-blog this listing, information wants to fly free, just do me a favor of including http://americankabuki.blogspot.com and this header when you do so.  Save yourself the wear and tear on your karma. Thanks Kauilapele for the heads up on the broken links.
  1. 9/01/11 (USA NY) Bank of New York Mellon Chief Robert P. KellyResigns in a Shake-UP http://cli.gs/x80u7sk
  2. 09/20/12 (SCOTLAND) SCOTTISH WIDOWS (RETIREMENT INVESTMENT SAVINGS FUND) There could be no Scottish representative on the board of Lloyds Banking Group, owner of Bank of Scotland, in future after it announced the departure of Lord Sandy Leitch, the chairman of Scottish Widows and group deputy chairman. http://cli.gs/le7qon2
  3. 9/25/11 (SWITZERLAND) UBS  CEO Oswald Gruebelquits over £1.5bn rogue trader crisis http://cli.gs/rn0tgj
  4. 9/28/11 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Bank Council: Fritz Studerresigns as per end-April 2012 http://cli.gs/9wpeq0q
  5. 10/29/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp Chairman Guo Shuqingresigns http://cli.gs/b14tv6l
  6. 10/29/11 (CHINA) Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Chairman Xiang Junboresigns http://cli.gs/b14tv6l
  7. 11/01/12 (INDIA)More directors of the Beed district bank resign http://cli.gs/67gb6d
  8. 11/02/12 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group chief executive, António Horta-Osório, is to take leave of absence on health grounds for six to eight weeks, the BBC has reported. (STILL OUT AS OF 2/24/12 - DEFACTO RESIGNATION) http://cli.gs/xg4snc1
  9. 11/21/11 (JAPAN) UBS’s Japan Investment Banking Chairman Matsuito Resign http://cli.gs/gdm988q
  10. 12/15/11 (UK) Senior private banker James Flemingresigns from Coutts [private bank] http://cli.gs/icg7w7
  11. 12/23/11 (USA VA) Bank feud: Chairman Mark Gilesquits VNB http://cli.gs/n9mabhs
  12. 12/23/11 (USA VA) Bank feud: Board Member Claire Gargalli quits VNB
  13. 12/23/11 (USA VA) Bank feud: Board Member Leslie Disharoonquits VNB http://cli.gs/n9mabhs
  14. 12/23/11 (USA VA) Bank feud: Board Member Neal Kassellquits VNB http://cli.gs/n9mabhs
  15. 1/01/12 (NIGERIA) United Bank for Africa Plc Victor Osadolor resigns http://cli.gs/1el9169
  16. 1/01/12 (ISRAEL) Israel’s Bank Leumi CEO Galia Maorsteps down after 16 years http://cli.gs/6unkmlf
  17. 1/03/12 (USA VA) Suffolk Bancorp president and CEO J. Gordon Huszaghsteps down http://cli.gs/wwcyl71
  18. 1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Neil Kirtonresigned from the Board http://cli.gs/guoevyf
  19. 1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Atholl Turrellleft the Board. http://cli.gs/x53cg1d
  20. 1/05/12 (UK) Saunderson House [Private Bank] CEO Nick Fletchersteps down http://cli.gs/m9vec4y
  21. 1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Chairman Philipp Hildebrandresigns http://cli.gs/s17bvj
  22. 1/19/12 (SPAIN) Spanish bank Santander’s Americas chief Francisco Luzonquits http://cli.gs/5greru
  23. 1/30/12 (UK) Butterfield Private Bank head Danny DixonSteps Down http://cli.gs/5b79fbd
  24. 1/20/12 (JAPAN) Normura’s head of wholesale banking Jasjit Bhattaiquits http://cli.gs/x3hhykp
  25. 1/21/12 (Greece)  Institute of International Finance negotiator Charles Dallaraquits http://cli.gs/iq071x
  26. 1/21/12 (Greece)  Institute of International Finance negotiator Jean Lemierrequits http://cli.gs/iq071x
  27. 1/29/12 (NEW ZEALAND) New Zealand Reserve Bank Gov Alan Bollardto Step Down http://cli.gs/11fnco2
  28. 2/01/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA [Barclay's Bank] deputy CEO Louis von Zeunerresigns http://cli.gs/ilk3bw0
  29. 2/01/12 (UK) Lloyds Bankging Group head of wholesaleTruett Tatequits http://cli.gs/6brhb0
  30. 2/01/12 (UK) Llyods Banking Group Tim Tookeyleaving end of February http://cli.gs/vodr08j
  31. 2/02/12 (VENEZUELA) Banking Crisis Arne Chaconarrested for Banking Corruption http://cli.gs/6p4qud9
  32. 2/05/12 (USA – NY) Morgan’s investment banking chairman Joseph Perellaquit http://cli.gs/3ww27st
  33. 2/05/12 (USA – NY) Morgan Stanley investment banking Tarek Abdel-Meguidquit http://cli.gs/3ww27st
  34. 2/06/12 (INDIA) Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvediquits: http://cli.gs/0t4ba4
  35. 2/7/12 (USA) Bank Of America’s Mortgage Business Chief Barbara DesoerRetires http://cli.gs/y5spl4b
  36. 2/07/12 (INDIA) Kotak Mahindra Bank Falguni Nayar quits
  37. 2/07/12 (IRAN)Iran denies central bank resignation rumor (don’t believe until its denied?) http://cli.gs/70dbtnx
  38. 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Four Priests Charged In Vatican Banking Scandal (names not known)http://cli.gs/ttahvxk
  39. 2/9/12 (UKRAINE) National Bank of Ukraine deputy governor Volodymyr Krotiuk quits http://cli.gs/ahytwo9
  40. 2/10/12 (KOREA) Korea Exchange Bank chief Larry Klanesteps down http://cli.gs/vr0sjf
  41. 2/10/12 (INDIA) Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO A K Jagannathanresigns http://cli.gs/c93mgy8
  42. 2/13/12 (KUWAIT) Kuwait Central Bank CEO Sheikh Salem Abdulaziz Al Sabbahresigns http://cli.gs/wcw6ff
  43. 2/14/12 (NICARAQUA) Nicaraqua Central Bank President Antenor Rosalesresigns http://cli.gs/q5xaopa
  44. 2/14/12 (UK) Social finance pioneer Malcolm Haydayquits Charity Bank http://cli.gs/r69lqgu
  45. 2/15/12 (WORLD) World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns
    http://cli.gs/72fyiup Did the White House tell the World Bank president that he’s out? http://cli.gs/ilii9a1
  46. 2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Kreditna Banka Maribor CEO Andrej Plosresigns http://cli.gs/6olxu5w
  47. 2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Ljubljanska Banka d.d. CEO Bozo Jasovicresigns http://cli.gs/6olxu5w
  48. 2/15/12 (KENYA) Govenor of Kenyan Central Bank Njuguna Ndung’u
    to Resign http://cli.gs/bau9sue
  49. 2/16/12 (UK) The Financial Services Authority Margaret Coleis to step down http://cli.gs/4nkoven
  50. 2/16/12 (GHANA) Databank Group Executive Chair Ken Ofori-Attasteps down http://business.thinkghana.com/pages/finance/201202/57429.php
  51. 2/16/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Saudi Hollandi Banks Managing Director Geoffrey CalvertQuits http://cli.gs/an8tv23
  52. 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) ANZ Bank Australia CFO Peter Marriottresigns http://cli.gs/twoigu
  53. 2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland Sr Equities Trader Jason EdinburghArrested http://cli.gs/nnlsmn3
  54. 2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland director equities bus. Vincent Walshdirector Arrested http://cli.gs/nnlsmn3
  55. 2/16/12 (UK) Marex Spectron senior trader Michael ElsomArrested http://cli.gs/nnlsmn3
  56. 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Royal Bank of Scotland Austrailan CEO Stephen Williamsresigns http://cli.gs/0d5ess
  57. 2/17/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfeinout as by summer http://cli.gs/odkdp4r
  58. 2/17/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Council President Hansueli Raggenbassresigns http://cli.gs/sa7djft
  59. 2/18/12 (PAKISTAN) The Bank of Azad Jammu & Kashmir executive Zulfiqar Abbasi resigns http://cli.gs/ejjk61c
  60. 2/20/12 (RUSSIA) Head of Russian Bank Regulator Gennady MelikyanSteps Down http://cli.gs/92eda1a
  61. 2/20/12 (SWITZERLAND) Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns
  62. 2/20/12 (ISRAEL) Bank Leumi le-Israel Ltd: Zvi Itskovitchresigns http://cli.gs/hogcc
  63. 2/20/12 (USA) R. David LandSubmits Resignation from the Boards of Directors of Peoples Bancorporation, Inc. and Seneca National Bank http://cli.gs/k8jfru9
  64. 2/20/12 (USA WA) First Financial Northwest Director Spencer SchneiderQuits http://cli.gs/2bmr72
  65. 2/21/12 (ARGENTINA) Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) Gen Mgr Benigno Velez, resigns http://cli.gs/kik1ddd
  66. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Matlubresigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank http://cli.gs/a7vvmb2
  67. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Selima Ahmadresigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank http://cli.gs/a7vvmb2
  68. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Musabbir Ahmadresigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank http://cli.gs/a7vvmb2
  69. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) City General Insurance Co. Ltd director Geasuddin Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank http://cli.gs/a7vvmb2
  70. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Social Islami Bank Limited director Taslima Akterresigns conflict of interest with director seat on Eastland Insurance Company Limited http://cli.gs/a7vvmb2
  71. 2/21/12 (JAPAN) CITIBANK JAPAN: Bakhshi is taking over duties from Brian Mccappin, who the bank said in December would resign after the unit was banned for two weeks from trading tied to the London and Tokyo interbank offered rates. http://cli.gs/uf759ex
  72. 2/22/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund Group Chief Howard Wietschnerto Retire http://cli.gs/ikvo80v
  73. 2/23/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Richard Gushresigns from Standard Bank http://cli.gs/eq6pqbo
  74. 2/23/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland Group director John McFarlaneresigns. http://cli.gs/auxu10f
  75. 2/24/12 (INDIA) Breaking: ICICI Bank GC Pramod Raoresigns http://cli.gs/ege43r2
  76. 2/24/12 (HONG KONG) Citigroup Pvt Bank Global Real Estate Kwang Meng QuekResigns http://cli.gs/li9sab1
  77. 2/24/12 (NEW ZEALAND) FSF Executive Director Kirk Hoperesigns http://cli.gs/5u9i14e
  78. 2/24/12 (USA) Evercore Partners Head Eduardo Mestre steps down
  79. 2/25/12 (AUSTRALIA AND NZ) Goldman Sachs Chairman Stephen Fitzgeraldquits http://cli.gs/7totmju
  80. 2/27/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank Americas chief Seth Waughsteps down http://cli.gs/5clft6j
  81. 2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) Khaleeji Commercial Bank CEO Ebrahim Ebrahimquits http://cli.gs/wgyujp
  82. 2/27/12 (FRANCE) Societe Generale’s Investment Banking Chief Michel PéretiéSteps Down http://cli.gs/rk0scap
  83. 2/27/12 (MALAYSIA) Elaf Bank CEO Dr El Jaroudiresigns http://cli.gs/52f6qqn
  84. 2/27/12 (JAPAN) Nomura’s Head Of Wholesale Banking Jesse BhattalQuits http://cli.gs/h77yc60
  85. 2/27/12 (INDIA) Kotak Mahindra Bank Ms Falguni Nayar Quits
  86. 2/27/12 (GERMANY) Equiduct chairman Artur Fischerstepsdown http://cli.gs/rj2jp2b
  87. 2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) – Mumtalakat Holding [Sovereign Wealth Fund] CEO Al Zainresigns http://cli.gs/ci9s3fy
  88. 2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Melli CEO Mahmoud Reza Khaavari Resigns – Flees to Canada!http://cli.gs/iodk071
  89. 2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Saderat CEO Mohammad Jahromi resigns http://cli.gs/yi5c66
  90. 2/27/12 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group Glen Moreno steps down
  91. 2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Hang Seng Bank CEO Margaret Leung KoMay-yee quits http://cli.gs/wr3rgye
  92. 2/28/12 (CHINA) Bank of China International ECM global head Marshall Nicholsonquits http://cli.gs/exrndtm
  93. 2/28/12 (SINGAPORE) DBS security head Jim Pasqurellquits, cites health reasons http://cli.gs/kkbp2bl
  94. 2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America’s Asia-Pac. mrkts Brian Canniffequits http://cli.gs/yrklslj
  95. 2/28/12 (BELGIUM) KBC’s CEO Jan Vanhevelis to retire after a career spanning 41 years. http://cli.gs/35yjxi0
  96. 2/28/12 (CANADA) Ontario Securities Commission chairwoman Peggy-Anne Brownquits http://cli.gs/o6b5mo3
  97. 2/28/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank manager Colin John Carletonjailed nine years for $3m theft http://cli.gs/x2t1wsm
  98. 2/28/12 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka Com Bank CEO Amitha Gooneratneretires http://cli.gs/jriaum5
  99. 2/28/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) REDEFINE INCOME FUND director Gerald Leissnerresigns http://cli.gs/5d8qhmo
  100. 2/29/12 (AUSTRALIA) Perpetual portfolio manager Matt Williamssteps down http://cli.gs/atner3
  101. 2/29/12 (UK) Honister Capital CEO Richard Pearson steps down http://cli.gs/kmqsson

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